How to judge people
Sep 3, 2007 at 3:50 PM Post #16 of 53
Books maybe, but I don't see how music is in any way affiliated with a person's character in a meaningful way seeing how some of my closest friends, whom I'd describe as being rather similar to me in many ways, listen to stuff with which you can chase me off a cliff.

As for books, the people need to come from a similar cultural context as I do for me judge them, and even then it's difficult.

If I had to base my judgement on anything, it'd be a good lunch or dinner.
Sep 3, 2007 at 3:51 PM Post #17 of 53
I like this question. Despite my better judgment I often go through life under the impression that if I have books, movies or music in common with a person that I will get along with him or her. It has actually been the case quite a few times, and I find that I often get frustrated when I can't share at least one of these things with a friend. But unfortunately it isn't actually a predictor of who I will like. I befriend people, not what's on their bookshelves, no matter how much a part of me wants to gravitate towards those with similar interests.

I dated a girl for two years who watched Charmed and read Nicholas Sparks (her taste in movies leaned towards standard classic films, Hitchcock being where our preferences converged). Decent taste in music. Overall I would say a 40% match in terms of what we liked.

The other week I met a girl who read Kafka, Calvino and Cortazar, and had great taste in music and movies. I wanted so much to like her, but she was annoying.
Sep 3, 2007 at 3:52 PM Post #18 of 53

Originally Posted by LFF /img/forum/go_quote.gif
While I agree with Romanee - if I had to - I would go with music. It's more universal than movies or books.

Books: I read trash.
Music: Pop fan
Movies: Lots of PBS

How about personal sense of responsibility as evidenced by their actions.
Sep 3, 2007 at 3:53 PM Post #19 of 53

Originally Posted by The Pieman /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Bloody hell, if you judge a person on whether they read a balanced selection of books or what music they listen to, you probably haven't been actually communicating with them. There is an expression, "Never judge a book by its cover.". There is a lot of truth in that.


Originally Posted by Romanee /img/forum/go_quote.gif
My choice: Don't judge. Try to understand and appreciate.

I agree with both of you, but in the interest of fun and conversation...

At first I immediately thought music, but when I gave it some more thought, I voted for books. Time is precious, and since books inherently take more time to appreciate, what people choose to read is more important to me then what they listen to, at least, when making these initial judgments. I won't write someone off even if they have a whole shelf of Ann Coultier books
, but I admit I would come close to doing so.
Sep 3, 2007 at 3:58 PM Post #20 of 53
None of the 3, my mother and I go by looks whenever we go shopping (some of the people around here... eh). Other than that I go by personality.
Sep 3, 2007 at 4:00 PM Post #21 of 53
My wife collects books and hasn't read most of them. She's very smart, and her intentions on reading the books are good- she just never finds the time. As such, they pile up for all to see. If she read some of them- she'd probably give most of them away and keep the ones that were significant. She also has kept every single CD from her high school days and some of those are downright embarrasing! She has matured into a woman with sophisticated musical tastes, but if anyone judged her on her music collection- they'd probably think she had lame ***** taste. They'd be wrong, of course. She has excellent taste in men.

Me on the other hand- If it sucks- it goes bye bye. I won't keep a bad book, movie, record- nothing.

We should also consider that reading a book is a bit of an endeavor, whereas popping on some music (or a movie) is easy. If a person is reading a bad book every day for a few weeks- that says somthing. A person who puts on a bad CD while cooking dinner- says little.

Judging may be a harsh word here. I try hard not to judge anyone no matter what. Perhaps a better way top phrase the question would have been: Which says more about a person?
Sep 3, 2007 at 4:02 PM Post #22 of 53
It's all superficial judging.

Yes, a person with good tastes in movies, music and books can be appealing but does thid mean that they will be a good friend?

I know some college professors who have good tastes but I would never want to hang out with them due to thier egotistical behaviour.
Sep 3, 2007 at 4:02 PM Post #23 of 53
Non of the above. I judge a person by their character, integrity and they way they treat others- especially people above and below them financially / socially.

With what you offer to judge some one by- you might as well judge them by the cloths they wear since it’s as meaningless as the things they own.

Sep 3, 2007 at 4:09 PM Post #24 of 53
I judge people by the clothes they wear and the car they drive. Its not politically correct but it works.
Sep 3, 2007 at 4:11 PM Post #25 of 53
Also, I believe that Ann Coutlier fans are legitimate people too. If someone has a collection of her books, this does not mean that they are radical crazy people. I have read almost every Michael Moore book but it's for entertainement reasons and he is funny in an enjoyable sense and I am not really liberal and I am not a Democrat.

The same this applies for Ann Coultier books as well. Her books are considered to be entertaining and funny as well. I know lot's of republicans and I discovered that they are actually good normal people.
Sep 3, 2007 at 4:20 PM Post #26 of 53
Well, my bestfriends don't have the same taste as I do but I won't trade them for anyone else. I have a friend though who got the same taste in books, music & movies, he is fun to be with and to discuss about some interesting matters (Politics, religion, etc)
Sep 3, 2007 at 4:39 PM Post #27 of 53
With all the media diversity, the division is becoming less. You can get books on audio and wait until a good book comes out in movie. Most movies have pretty good soundtracks. Lots of bands are coming out with biography books. You can get your news on the internet.

I measure people by the content of their discussion. I don't hold people based on education, material wealth or accomplishments. I am learning that life lessons form a person's character. I would much rather listen to a person that has had hardship and persevered than someone who has not. I have been in pursuit of material wealth for most of my life. I am now learning that posessions can be fleeting and the wealth of a person is in their actions and how they care for their fellow man. You are told these things young in life but don't take them to heart until you live it.

This said, I think music can tell you the mood of a person's soul.
Sep 3, 2007 at 4:54 PM Post #28 of 53
I said movies , but I think that should include DVD's of TV Shows as well.

The reason's for voting so are thus:

A) I don't know anybody who has a "book collection" , most people these days have more movies and music than books.
Also if anyone was to judge me by my books ,then I'm sure they would run away because they are mostly about criminology, forensic science and serial killers.

B) If it's between Music and Movies, then I think a person invests more of themselves in movies than music. For example my music collection is huge and covers a vast range of tastes from classical to hip hop, but my dvd collection is more specialized, containing only the movies/tv shows I really like.

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