How tall are you? poll
Oct 10, 2005 at 8:06 PM Post #93 of 146

Blame/credit it on whatever you want (hormones in the food, evolution, global warming, headphones, etc.), but I think this increase in average height extends beyond Head-Fi.

steroids in our food supply.Males taller on the average and females maturing sooner.You think they can pump up our beef and veggies and NOT have it effect the next step in the food chain ?

in my case it is genetic with the Norwegian side of my family mostly coming in at 6'7 or better and me always called "little rick" but with the youngin's.......all food supply related
Oct 10, 2005 at 8:13 PM Post #95 of 146
I posted already, (5'7") but seeing all of the 6' + people I feel really out of place...
Oct 10, 2005 at 8:24 PM Post #97 of 146

Originally Posted by PFKMan23
I posted already, (5'7") but seeing all of the 6' + people I feel really out of place...

5'9" here... I was thinking that should be closer to the average, not 6'+. Re: the food chain and such, I guess that could be it... we have a pretty young crowd here (at least for audio). If it's food related, then statistically speaking average height should be decreasing as age increases. I wonder if anyone's ever done studies on this.
Oct 10, 2005 at 8:32 PM Post #98 of 146
you short people better watch your're next on our dinner tables
Oct 10, 2005 at 8:36 PM Post #99 of 146

Originally Posted by fewtch
If it's food related, then statistically speaking average height should be decreasing as age increases. I wonder if anyone's ever done studies on this.

You mean that the average measured height should be increasing from say 20, 50 or 100 years ago? In that case, there are plenty of studies available. The average is routinely calculated for young men in the European countries with compulsory military service (and probably elsewhere as well) when they take their physicals, because it's just about the only place where sufficient statistical data is available. This is the source of rauer's 6'1" average for the Dutch. IIRC the Danes and Swedes are right behind at 6'0"

At 6'5" I am well above average here, but there's barely a day where I don't see someone taller than me on the street.

Oct 10, 2005 at 8:57 PM Post #100 of 146

If it's food related, then statistically speaking average height should be decreasing as age increases. I wonder if anyone's ever done studies on this.

No.Our food has been bio engineered for a higher yeild and faster growth rate so more can be fed for less and that means if it is in the food chain the next "link" is also effected.We are that next link
Unless you purchase special organically grown food from a know source there is no escaping what we eat and that is a chemical stew combined with food
Oct 10, 2005 at 9:05 PM Post #102 of 146
I've read some studies regarding the height of different generations. At least in Europe the last few generations have become taller and taller. Nutrition is certainly a key factor i the change - but not the only one. IIRC, the researchers were still unsure of the other factors. However, the tendency of each generation growing taller than the previous one seemed to be stalling slowly or stopping.
Oct 10, 2005 at 9:27 PM Post #104 of 146
However, the tendency of each generation growing taller than the previous one seemed to be stalling slowly or stopping.

personal observation (though probably the science to back it up somewhere) is at least here in the U.S. the trend to taller/faster jumped a few generations when the food supply here went to fast food beef on steriods and bio engineered vegetables.
When my oldest boy (now 21) graduated from middle school i could not beleive the amount of students that could look me directly in the eye and how many "little girls" were also not only as tall but fully developed young ladies.This is not at all how it was when i was the same age and a single generation does not have such extreme changes unless something else also has changed and that is food supply related only unless you count the decrease in other areas such as air and water quality.
Look to countries with a large population combined with a historically small food supply and you will see a genetic "size" that as the food supply increases the size will also but no WAY it happens in a single generation to a degree that the children tower over the parents.

Just observation but methinks there is the info to back it up if i really wanted to not that it matters so i will not
Oct 10, 2005 at 9:32 PM Post #105 of 146

In metric 1.89m or in real money 6' 2.5" and a substantial 242lbs

hell yes that is substantial

I should add I bounce between 168-170lbs (usually) and 195lbs (winter sloth
) with my MAX curb weight ever at 210lbs but that took the U.S. Military pounding food down my throat over time and not a natural thing.Too damn jittery to stand still long enough to put on the poundage

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