How do the PortaPro's look on your head?
Apr 22, 2006 at 12:00 PM Post #16 of 29
So, where are the pictures of people wearing the PortaPro(2)?
Apr 22, 2006 at 12:13 PM Post #17 of 29
Until I got the KSC-75, I used to wear the PortaPro in public. I changed because the headband would flatten my hair, which meant that I had to rule out -every- headphones with a headband in public.
Apr 22, 2006 at 2:35 PM Post #20 of 29

Originally Posted by JeffS
Not being concerned about the looks, how are they for comfort?

I've thought about the porta-pros in the past, and now need
new (inexpensive (relative to head-fi)) phones for use at my computer
and at the gym.

Reading the description about resting on your ears, and side of your head to
create a secure feel, makes me wonder if these are going to be an uncomfortable vice grip.

any thoughts?

It doesn't feel like a vice-grip as much as, say, the Sportapros do, and that might have to do with the fact the Portapros use a more flexible metal headband versus the Sportapros' plastic headband. It's also why I don't like the Sportapro in "sport mode" where the band goes around the back of your head. The Portapros also have the comfortZone adjustment which can alleviate any discomfort you might have.

That said, for out and about, I prefer the Sportapro because if something happened to them, they're not as expensive to replace and they don't look like a toy on your head like the Portapros do. Don't get me wrong, I love the retro-look of them, but having them on me doesn't win style points with the fly girlies.
Apr 24, 2006 at 9:12 PM Post #21 of 29
Heh, I love the retro/cheap ass walkman look of the PortaPros. They make me truly feel like a child of the 80's. I'll take a pic later tonight and post it. It's not like one headphone over another will attract girls, though when I want to be discrete I'll still wear my MX400's.
Apr 24, 2006 at 9:19 PM Post #22 of 29

Originally Posted by kramer5150
the more moronic you look the better it sounds... hate to break it to you but thats just how it is.

If this theory holds true, Edwood must feel that these are the best headphones he's ever heard!
Apr 27, 2006 at 4:13 PM Post #24 of 29
Hi, so I had a pair of porta pros- I do think they look a little dorky, but I liked the sound (although I am not a big basshead and they really are bassy) so the look was a trade-off I was willing to make. The problem I had is the metal headband was made of two metal strips that allowed them to be folded and my hair would get stuck inbetween these strips and it really annoyed me. I have rather short hair which probably made it easier to get stuck.
Maybe others have had this problem?

Oh and by the way, this was my first post after being a lurker for a long long time. Wheeeeeee!
Apr 27, 2006 at 5:38 PM Post #25 of 29

Originally Posted by mamluk
Hi, so I had a pair of porta pros- I do think they look a little dorky, but I liked the sound (although I am not a big basshead and they really are bassy) so the look was a trade-off I was willing to make. The problem I had is the metal headband was made of two metal strips that allowed them to be folded and my hair would get stuck inbetween these strips and it really annoyed me. I have rather short hair which probably made it easier to get stuck.
Maybe others have had this problem?

Oh and by the way, this was my first post after being a lurker for a long long time. Wheeeeeee!

Congratulations! :)
Apr 27, 2006 at 5:50 PM Post #27 of 29

Originally Posted by swt61
If this theory holds true, Edwood must feel that these are the best headphones he's ever heard!

They are.
Apr 27, 2006 at 5:52 PM Post #28 of 29

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