How bad REALLY are the looks of KSC-75's?
Feb 13, 2005 at 3:37 PM Post #16 of 43
Might be going a bit OT here (and I apologise for that - but I didn't want to make a whole new thread for this), but having added the KSC75 to the shopping chart, I am offered to buy a EQ50 (at the same price as the KSC75) and a SSR1 (costing twice the KSC75).

Could someone explain what those items are and whether they are of any use if I just want to listen to a Flash MP3 player?


Edit: Nevermind, did some search and it looks like neither are worth it..
Feb 13, 2005 at 6:50 PM Post #18 of 43
They are VERY hard to find in my local stores... CC, BB, target, walmart, tower records, sam goody.... I went to 12 different stores and no one had them. They ALL had plugs and other koss junk though. Media Play did have KSC50s but they wanted $40 for them.

My brother got mine at J/R music world for $24 shipped.

The drivers ARE different between the 35 and 75. The 75 driver has a metallic coating. Do a search there are other threads on this topic.
Feb 13, 2005 at 6:55 PM Post #19 of 43
they are ugly. i thought they looked ok. i ordered them. i put them on. i thought 'Damn these make me look like a fricken alien'. i listened to them. they sounded extremely good for $15. i am happy looking like an alien. buy them.
Feb 13, 2005 at 6:58 PM Post #20 of 43
Where did you get them for $15?
Feb 13, 2005 at 8:54 PM Post #22 of 43
I don't like their looks. The metal joint and the ball on it that you can see in the picture are very shiny, and really stand out when you see them in person. At least, that's how I feel about the way they look on me. The overall effect is sort of art-deco retro-futuristic; to me they look like a prop you might see on the Robin Williams robot character in "Bicentennial Man."

I like the look of the KSC-35 much better, and it seems to fit me better too. And I think the KSC-35 feels lighter (I haven't actually weighed them).
Feb 13, 2005 at 10:52 PM Post #23 of 43

Originally Posted by Fish Tank X
The aluminium clip. It allows you to adjust pressure, and will be lots more sturdy than that plastic piece of junk. (Had my KSC-35 clip break endless times)

My experience is opposite. I've never had a KSC-35 clip break (though I have had one coil go out-of-round and often had to resolder the wires to the leads) but I DID have two KSC-50 clips - a metal wire inside the rubber break. (Both times I suspect were caused by extra pressure, as I used them with the "croakie mod" that added bulk and an extra force vector to them.) That was actually quite fortuitous, as I learned that under the nasty silver housing lay a KSC-35 enclosure, to which KSC-35 clips could be affixed....

My KSC-75's are too new to be broken, yet. I'm hard on my portable electronics so I do expect to isolate their weak-point shortly. Right now my money's on the part that connects the clip to the enclosure, because at least every other time I pull them out of my bag at least one of the two clips is separated from the earpiece. They do just snap right back together, and someone who's less callous with inexpensive portable electronics may never have a problem with them.

As for appearance, IMO the KSC-35's are by far the most attractive, the KSC-75's are in a distant second, and the space invader KSC-50's bring up the rear.
Feb 16, 2005 at 9:02 PM Post #24 of 43
I just got my KSC-75 (approximately 10 minutes ago) and they are quite comfortable (more so than the KSC-50's I had), but I agree that they are ugly as sin. I got them from which is a GREAT deal (around 21 after shipping and tax).

My only issue with wearing them is them, which is inherent in all things that hang on your earlobes, is that if the cord gets snagged in my pocket or by other things around me I get this **Shocking** tug on my earlobes. It doesn't really hurt but it freaks me out...guess I'm just not used to stuff hanging on my lobes.

Whatever...they sound good and you'll get the appreciation you deserve when you wear them (from head-fier's, of course)
Feb 16, 2005 at 9:08 PM Post #25 of 43
75 vs 35

sound: both sound great. i LOVE them both. dont care enough to nitpick between details

comfort: both comfy. 75 is a notch up for adjustability (bend)

fit: 75 stays on more snugly

looks: even. ksc-75 does not look as good in person (silver & curved, not white & flat), but i still think they look fine. i am never embarassed to wear them in public, nor was i with the ksc-35. theyre no portapros or sportapros (talk about ugly)

ksc-50s, on the other hand, sound terrible, are heavy, do not fit, and are unsightly, too!
Feb 16, 2005 at 9:24 PM Post #26 of 43
the look of "good and bad" is all within your heart, if you got the self confidance and don't give a crap about what every body else think ,then they look good on you all order to make them look good on you ,you must first believe they look good.....

may the force be with you.
Feb 16, 2005 at 9:27 PM Post #27 of 43

Originally Posted by DJ_ZUKO
the look of "good and bad" is all within your heart, if you got the self confidance and don't give a crap about what every body else think ,then they look good on you all order to make them look good on you ,you must first believe they look good.....

may the force be with you.

Do not believe his lies.

Some headphones are good look and others just don't. These just don't. But that shouldn't limit your enjoyment of them. Their sound or value outweight their ugliness. If you like them a lot, think about dying/modifying them...I am considering using vinyl dye to dye them black or white or something...
Feb 16, 2005 at 9:30 PM Post #28 of 43
I think all clip on headphones look silly... then again look what I use.

I've been seeing a lot of people wearing portapros recently and they are starting to look less like crap... almost cool really. Must have something to do with more exposure to them.
Feb 16, 2005 at 9:39 PM Post #29 of 43

Originally Posted by philodox
I think all clip on headphones look silly... then again look what I use.

I've been seeing a lot of people wearing portapros recently and they are starting to look lees like crap... almost cool really. Must have something to do with more exposure to them.

that's true , if some hip-hop star wearin som KSC 75 on TV,then everybody think they are kool, it's all depands on who's wearin it .i see som freakin fashion model wearin som $5 t-shirt and man !!!they look good.
Feb 16, 2005 at 10:34 PM Post #30 of 43
Has anyone successfully changed the color of headphones like the ksc75? I took mine apart today to see if I'd be able to paint the backs or something, but since theyre open it looks more difficult. I don't want to end up painting the back of the driver. I think if they were black, they would be much better looking.

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