Home or Away for the Holidays?
Dec 18, 2001 at 3:15 PM Post #16 of 21
Driving for the holidays: going to the beach to see my grandparents. Should also be able to pick up the parts to a tube amp while I'm there.

Now for the more important question. How many of you have gotten your shopping done?
Dec 18, 2001 at 3:29 PM Post #17 of 21
I haven't been home for the holidays in five years. I'm always living some damn place where it makes travelling there too expensive or too inconvienent. Bangkok to Pennslyvania (my mother's house), last time it was a 21 hour flight. Let's talk deep vein thrombosis...

Of course I stopped smoking a year ago so it may make flying more bearable. The last time I flew from overseas, customs pulled me aside because I looked suspicious. I know I looked suspicious, because I was jumping out of my skin having gone another 5 hours without a cigarette!
Dec 18, 2001 at 10:48 PM Post #18 of 21
Well this Arkansas Redneck is headin' up to Illinois to my wife's Grandparents' farm (corn). 12 hour drive with 3 kids under the age of 6 - Oh Boy! Actually, I expect to become aquainted with my v6's as we are going up Saturday and comming back Wednesday.

I'm glad we are going, though, because it will be a small get together, neither of our folks will be there (love em, but my family have BIG events and her dad and uncles don't get along), we will get to see Aunt Ina (104 this year and sharp as ever), and I will be able to sit and do nothing but listen and read for the first time in two months.

Look out Illinois, 'cause here we come!

Merry Christmas!
Dec 20, 2001 at 2:36 PM Post #19 of 21
Chalk me up with chadbang -- 27 hour flight from Vladivostok to NYC. I am home for 20 days to see my parents and sister. Then back to Russia for another several months. Of course I have to leave when I have just met an incredibly gorgeous and intelligent girlfriend. Oh well, absence makes the heart grow fonder. Meanwhile, I will finally be able to get my hands on my ER 4s, Supreme, Sony d777 and blue jaspis cables for my 580s, all of which have been waiting for me at home......
Dec 20, 2001 at 9:18 PM Post #20 of 21

Originally posted by Audio Redneck
I'm glad we are going, though, because it will be a small get together, neither of our folks will be there (love em, but my family have BIG events and her dad and uncles don't get along), we will get to see Aunt Ina (104 this year and sharp as ever), and I will be able to sit and do nothing but listen and read for the first time in two months.

Sounds like we better call in Jerry Sprigter or Montel Williams to resolve this family issue. Aunt Ina rules, please post her secrets to staying sharp at 104!
Dec 20, 2001 at 11:04 PM Post #21 of 21
Lets keep Jerry and Montel out of this!

I love my wifes family, but her Grandparents have 5 son-in-laws and most of them are type-A personalities. I like all of them including the ones whose politics and religion are 180 degrees from mine. I just get tired of all of the complaining about having to put up with so-in-so for a few hours (I don't want to know what they say about me when I am not around). Oh no, I'm BECOMING ONE OF THEM! AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Meanwhile, back in Arkansas.....

My family gets along with everybody (in-law's, ex-spouses, roommates, live-ins) and our motto is "The More The Merrier!" and it usually is a packed house, aukward moments aside.

So if any of you find yourself in Hot Springs, AR next Thanksgiving or Christmas, your invited to Grandma's. We'll bring the patio furniture in (if it isn't already) and make a seat for you (RSVP a couple hours before WalMart closes incase we need another can of cranberry sause or green beans- we'll be OK on Ham and Turkey)

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