Home or Away for the Holidays?
Dec 17, 2001 at 5:59 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 21


500+ Head-Fier
Jun 20, 2001
My immediately family is all here in the Detroit metro area, so we always just stick around here for the holidays. Just curious as to how many of you are staying home or going away to visit for the holidays. This thread/poll is actually part of a greater research project I'm performing on holiday/family-event migration patterns.
Dec 17, 2001 at 6:04 PM Post #2 of 21
I got lots of tests/exams right after the holidays...I'll be at home studying (which means I can listen music all day long as well, it's not so bad
Dec 17, 2001 at 6:55 PM Post #3 of 21
My immediate family is in one area as well, so since I'm still in college, I'm the only one that has any driving to do.
Dec 17, 2001 at 10:49 PM Post #5 of 21
Me and my girlfriend are driving an hour south to her parents for a day or two.

I'll be taking my new Corda in hopes of finding some AKG-501s or HD-600s under the tree.
Dec 17, 2001 at 10:51 PM Post #6 of 21
Going up to the midlands in the uk, staying in a hotel over christmas for four days

Bad thing?

No Hifi


But should be going to see Lord of the Rings, also taking me Game boy advance so will still be able to get my gaming fix.

Its going to be cooold though!
Dec 17, 2001 at 11:17 PM Post #8 of 21
Staying home, my parents and sister coming over. Very small, very quiet. Thanksgiving is when everyone and their mother came over here (had 25 people...we set up tables in my 3 car garage).
Dec 17, 2001 at 11:49 PM Post #9 of 21

Originally posted by davidcotton
Its going to be cooold though!


Dec 18, 2001 at 12:50 AM Post #10 of 21
My wife Catherine and I are heading out with the kids in the RV to go to Chicago to visit my cousin-in-law and his family for a week or two. There's always a lot of fun when we all get together.
Dec 18, 2001 at 1:14 AM Post #11 of 21
Staying home. The kids are coming home to Mama and Papa. I hate travelling anywhere.
BTW, JMT, regarding your comment about setting up tables in the garage........................I didn't know you were Italian.
Dec 18, 2001 at 6:32 AM Post #12 of 21
Actually, I'll be working Christmas day, and then I'll fly home the next day and be home for New Years. Broadcasting is a 24X7 business, but the nice thing is, we get paid TRIPLE TIME for working holidays.

Dec 18, 2001 at 6:46 AM Post #13 of 21

Originally posted by JMT
Staying home, my parents and sister coming over. Very small, very quiet. Thanksgiving is when everyone and their mother came over here (had 25 people...we set up tables in my 3 car garage).

You should have used them as sweatshop labor to whip-up some amps for your admiring fans! Here's dessert and behind your plate is a soldering iron. Please turn it on now.

Now I think you're gonna have to raise prices for sure!
Dec 18, 2001 at 12:54 PM Post #14 of 21
Soo many places to go for x-mas! There needs to be more voting options... I'm staying home (sister came down to visit), going to relatives houses, friends houses... Both?

Well, friends house technically doesnt count.. I practically live there. Hell, I even have my own BEDROOM there.

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