Home-Made IEMs
Jul 30, 2016 at 3:53 AM Post #5,101 of 16,107
  Hey Guys.  Can I get some help purchasing capacitors?  Up till now, I have been making CIEM's using single drivers or turnkey solutions like GK, GQ, and Accupass.  I want to start experimenting with multiple driver combinations and crossovers.  I have a good assortment of resistors but caps are driving me nuts!  I've been looking on Mouser, but there are so many diff. values I'm going cross-eyed.  I think the main question I have is:  What voltage/temp rating do I need?   Is there a kit or bundle that has a few of everything I need?  I'd like to stick to ebay because I have some paypal money to burn...  
Would this get me started?

I bought a similar kit on aliexpress those were the values I got
The value list:
0805 6.3V 10UF P type1206 25V 1UF A type
0805 6.3V 22UF P type1206 16V 22UF A type
1206 16V 10UF A type1206 10V 22UF A type
1206 16V 2.2UF A type1206 10V 10UF A type
1206 16V 4.7UF A type1206 10V 4.7UF A type
1206 25V 10UF A type1206 6.3V 47UF A type
I think it's the same seller on ebay
Jul 30, 2016 at 10:19 PM Post #5,103 of 16,107
  Are these listings for the CI-22955 and the ED-29689 on Aliexpress legit?

completely legit.
Soundlink is one of the biggest distributors of hearing aid supply in china. They are official suppliers for Knowles products and other stuff.
I talked to Grace in the chat not so long a go before buying things from them, she is very helpful you shouldn't be worry at all.
Jul 31, 2016 at 12:03 PM Post #5,106 of 16,107
Im sorry for the doublepost but i just had to show off my finsihed pair of ciem.


The seal and comfort are great the GK produces much more bass than i initially thought. I dont know if i like the red dampe in front of the tfwk though. The sound and resolution is really really great! I only now noticed that some of the songs i listen to are vynil recordings.
Im so happy that it worked out, i was not sure if the printer would be accurate enough but in the end all the frustration and hour i put in paid off.
Thank you guys and girls alot! Without you this project would not have been possible.
Aug 1, 2016 at 4:17 AM Post #5,113 of 16,107
I'm still having difficulties trying to get a damper inside a 1,5 mm ID sound tube. I got a tip to buy this special tool to do it. I got something similar but i'm still far away.
I really want to do this, so this will be my main task to solve soon. I've halted the hobby over our summer times.
Aug 1, 2016 at 4:19 AM Post #5,114 of 16,107
Does anyone know where to get that switch used on the Aether and Vision Ears VE6? I'd like to try switching between different tunings but I can't seem to find it on mouser.

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