Home cooked headphones - Come one come all! Anyone welcome

Nov 30, 2023 at 5:47 AM Post #16 of 254
Yall like original designed headbands? Surprisingly comfy!

Dec 15, 2023 at 3:29 PM Post #17 of 254
Wanted to test a set of the Aliexpress 45mm 250Ohm Tesla Drivers I bought a while back so decided to knock up a quick design tonight.

Designed to be the same form factor as Grados as I have a spare Grado style headband and some Grado G cushions.

Printing a test version tonight so if all goes well should have them built by the end of the weekend.


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Dec 15, 2023 at 4:31 PM Post #18 of 254
Dec 15, 2023 at 6:11 PM Post #19 of 254
Here's what I'm working on the last few weeks:

A closed pair using Fostex T50RP drivers. Been tricky to tune but getting it to a pretty decent place.


And an open pair with the Peerless Tympany 50mm Driver. These sound surprising good after initial build. Finishing up a magnetic pad attachment system and then I'm going to reprint in higher quality and skin with chopped carbon fibre. Really looking forward to the final results.
Dec 16, 2023 at 12:03 PM Post #20 of 254
Sadly need to redesign my headphones in my last post as I trusted the Aliexpress listing for the dimensions of the size of headphone cup it would take. Listed as 64mm but in fact only 55mm. Trying to cram a 45mm driver into a 55mm case should be fun.
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Dec 16, 2023 at 1:19 PM Post #21 of 254
Sadly need to redesign my headphones in my last post as I trusted the Aliexpress listing for the dimensions of the size of headphone cup it would take. Listed as 64mm but in fact only 55mm. Trying to cram a 45mm driver into a 55mm case should be fun.
Ahh, classic aliexpress measurements.

I 3d print everything i proto now, since I cant trust a lot of the listings anymore since most are wrong or vary from the original.
Dec 16, 2023 at 1:58 PM Post #22 of 254
An hour or so in OnShape and have a test design done. Not pretty but enough to test the drivers with.
Dec 17, 2023 at 8:29 AM Post #23 of 254
Been listening to them for the the last hour and so far quite enjoying them for vocal tracks. Fairly mid forward though I think that's maily as the headband I'm using doesn't have the greatest clamping pressure so not getting the greatest seal with the Grado G Pads. Drivers are still burning in though so sound signature might change a bit over time.
Dec 18, 2023 at 2:15 PM Post #25 of 254
Built a pair of Aurorus Audio Borealis clones last year with the Peerless HPD-50N25PR00-32-ND and finally got around to treating them to a nicer AliExpress headband. Really confortable compared to my last one, just a bit sad that it arrived wth a few nicks in the leather of the headband. Paired with the velour Brainwavez pads they're by far my most listened to headphones. Got a few more sets of the HPD-50N25PR00-32-ND comng from Digikey as I want to do a prettier MK2version of the design.
Dec 18, 2023 at 4:41 PM Post #26 of 254
Built a pair of Aurorus Audio Borealis clones last year with the Peerless HPD-50N25PR00-32-ND and finally got around to treating them to a nicer AliExpress headband. Really confortable compared to my last one, just a bit sad that it arrived wth a few nicks in the leather of the headband. Paired with the velour Brainwavez pads they're by far my most listened to headphones. Got a few more sets of the HPD-50N25PR00-32-ND comng from Digikey as I want to do a prettier MK2version of the design.

That's kind of the base I'm working with too but I've make some changes with a custom rear cover and front baffle/pad mount. I am seriously impressed with the SQ. I've owned and listened to the standards of mid-fi to mid/high (HD650, HE560, LCD2.1 and 2.2, HD800S, Focal Clear) and these trade blows with any of them. If I can get them aesthetically to where I want them to be, I'm going to pretend they're my own little Utopias and call it my endgame.
Dec 28, 2023 at 9:07 AM Post #29 of 254
Bought one of the Aliexpress Grado Upgrade Kits with the aluminium cups to put some of the Peerless HPD-50N25PR00-32-ND in as it was advertised to take a 50mm driver. Sadly they're a bit too thick to fit as it seems the maximum thickness of the 50mm part of the driver is 6mm. Only ones I had that fit were the 540 ohm Beryliium drivers. which seemed a bit overkill. Had a few sets of the 40mm Peerless drivers so quickly modeled and printed a 40mm adaptor for the kit. If anyone wants the file, the model's here on OnShape. Tolerances are a bit loose but the kit comes with a thin tape designed to wrap around the driver for a snug fit. All in including the balanced 4.4mm to 3.5mm cable they cost me about £60 and sound way better than a set of Grado SR60.

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Dec 29, 2023 at 1:09 PM Post #30 of 254
Folding headband WIP. Going for an ultimate compact headphone.


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