holy kugel batman, ety-4s no bass
Jul 31, 2003 at 2:09 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 22


500+ Head-Fier
Dec 22, 2001
well, i may have permanently fallen off the ety wagon. hadn't used them in a while, but recent traffic made me dig them out. now, the hd-600s hd died and were replaced by the sr-325 (a schiziod upgrade, i abide).

so, being a dinosaur, i just had to have the sacd dual layer Police "every breath...". so, here i am waiting for law & order, and "message in a bottle" comes around on the guitar.

now, there is that diving bass line. can't miss it, right. it's not diving on the etys. hmmmmmmm. this disc is supposed to be sooooooo sweet.
switch in the sr-325. sizzle, fur shur. but the bass line DIVES. ahhhhhhh.

[watching fred thompson bloat on mute is so cool]
"wrapped around your finger" has come around. now that's bass.

so, let's have a show of hands (in case my ears have gone, well someplace): those with the etys, any other quality phone, and that disc; what do you find?
Jul 31, 2003 at 2:38 AM Post #2 of 22
Heh, I don't have that disc but I would agree that the Etys have high quality not quantity bass...
Jul 31, 2003 at 2:41 AM Post #3 of 22
...meanwhile, I'm not going to even bother trying out my AKG 501s with that track, that would just be pointless. ^_^
Jul 31, 2003 at 2:53 AM Post #4 of 22

Originally posted by strohmie
...meanwhile, I'm not going to even bother trying out my AKG 501s with that track, that would just be pointless. ^_^

meanwhlie, try k501 with Emmeline.
The combo kicked ass in bass dept. My jaw dropped when I've heard it.

ya just never know with 'fones/amp combo.
Jul 31, 2003 at 4:03 AM Post #6 of 22

Originally posted by kuma
you lose quite a bit of bass when earbuds are not properly sealed.

even then, you'll never get the Grado bass out of Etys.

Agreed. The bass on the ER-4S is there; it's just that "robert" is so used to the somewhat hyped-up midbass response that's typical of even mid-fi headphones.
Jul 31, 2003 at 9:14 AM Post #7 of 22
it also depends on what you're using as a source and amp. as soon as started using my Sony D-350 with a great mega bass, the etys became right under the HD600 in terms of shear powerful bass. so, it's there, you just have to find it with the combination of the right things...seal, source, amp and try getting an actual bass control of some kind. with the ety's, there's no limit on how much bass it can handle. i can keep turning up the bass on an EQ i have, and they still won't distort at all. so not only do i have **** loads of bass with my ety's, but i have the quality type of bass too. and remember, i'm comparing this bass with the bass of my HD600 and Sony V6 bass...a couple of the bass rulers. also remember that headphones don't really produce that visceral bass in the first place...the visceral bass in headphones only take place, if at all, inside the bones of the ear, and is still minimal at that!
Jul 31, 2003 at 11:55 AM Post #8 of 22

Originally posted by Eagle_Driver
Agreed. The bass on the ER-4S is there; it's just that "robert" is so used to the somewhat hyped-up midbass response that's typical of even mid-fi headphones.

i can't let this besmirchment of my escutchen go unchallenged. this issue is NOT plumy bass. this issue is DEPTH of tone. the ety just doesn't go as low. period.

as to seating, there is dual motor window fan about 2 feet from my head, which i can't hear with the etys in. they just don't go down. it's monotonic midbass, bump bump bump.
Jul 31, 2003 at 12:40 PM Post #9 of 22
I have to think this might be an issue of viseral bass vs. heard bass. When I listen to my etys, the bass goes deep, really deep. It is also very tight and accurate. The thing is, you don't really feel it that much. Or not like with other headphones at least. There is a viseral bass feeling in the ear canal and through my head that I experience when listening. But it does not compare to head shaking experience of a full size headphone such as the . . . v-crap. Believe me, ety bass is there in all its accuracy, tightness, and dare I say power. IMO of course.
Jul 31, 2003 at 2:30 PM Post #12 of 22
The mentioned Police songs on the CD/SACD are not overly bassy recordings. But I'm sure with the SR 325 you get a lot of bass anyway, and the contrast to the more honest Etys couldn't be greater.

If you renounce to choose the SR-325 as your benchmark, you would be much more open for the quality of the Ety sound including its very present, accurate and extended bass. You could use a test CD to detect which bass reaches deeper: ER-4S or SR-325. There's no contest.

It's not necessarily the seal, but maybe your preference for an accentuated (mid)bass, or maybe your source (or amp) lacks bass. It has to be one of these reasons or all of them, because I get plenty of bass out of my ER4X-S. But yes, the HD 600 seems to have even more, too. That's the result of the Ety's ultra-precision without any bass resonance.

Jul 31, 2003 at 3:46 PM Post #14 of 22
After these comments I'm still wondering if that "deep non-viseral" bass partially originates from the deep holes in your pockets (by purchasing the Ety's of course). I'm not saying you're all blindly biased but just very subjective.
Jul 31, 2003 at 4:02 PM Post #15 of 22

Originally posted by MaxHeifetz
After these comments I'm still wondering if that "deep non-viseral" bass partially originates from the deep holes in your pockets (by purchasing the Ety's of course). I'm not saying you're all blindly biased but just very subjective.

Nope, not at all. I've purchased other high priced headphones and I would've sold the Etys if they sounded better but the Etys' sound, especially bass, to my ears was much better than them (including SR325s) so I sold the others. And if you look at Ety owners' profiles here you'll see most of them own full sized headphones so you cannot really accuse of them being biased.

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