Hippo Biscuit Music Player Review
Nov 4, 2012 at 5:42 AM Post #16 of 45
this thread got me interested in this biscuit since I bought the MH1 IEMs,
I'm looking for something tough (got 2 sansa clip and clip+, both of them broke in about 4 months)
Is it really solid, can you like make it fall from 3 floors and listen to it like it was new ?

Nov 5, 2012 at 12:26 PM Post #17 of 45
Has anyone compared this to the Rocoo-BA? 
Dec 23, 2012 at 11:19 AM Post #18 of 45
I am listening to one
Using only Philips she3580 headphones
sounds glorious....
I know now how rocco sounds like but I am quite sure what I am hearing is wayy better that what can be produced by iPhone4s
Dec 23, 2012 at 11:25 AM Post #20 of 45
Not sure about the 3 floors thing.... but my best guess it is tougher that the sansa.
No complicated circuit for display and the it is constructed of aluminium. Even buttons are of hard plastics.
Jan 10, 2013 at 8:14 PM Post #21 of 45
Just got mine, charging it now.  REALLY like the form factor.  will update as I use it.
My thoughts on the screen is, for me, the way I will be using it I dont need a screen.  I plan to randomly fill for listening at work.  I dont like a song, skip it, I get tired of what's on it, reload it.  keeps me from getting bored with the same old stuff and I listen to some tracks I would probably not other wise.  I also, will make specific cards for Classical which has always been troublesome, with the tracks getting messd up and out of order, I rename them so they will play correctly anyway.
Aug 3, 2014 at 7:57 PM Post #24 of 45
I bought this Hippo Biscuit about a year ago and never manage to play anything with it.
I asked Jaben but they didn't reply to me so I left it aside.
I'd like to use it for running so I gave it another try but still silent...
I use a micro SD card with WAV files at 16 bits 44.1 kHz
I tried to reset...
I tried to use the green button as a play and pause...
I hold the green button longer until the light was gone and then press it again to make it back to green...
... nothing worked
any ideas what I should do ?
Aug 4, 2014 at 4:14 AM Post #25 of 45
  I bought this Hippo Biscuit about a year ago and never manage to play anything with it.
I asked Jaben but they didn't reply to me so I left it aside.
I'd like to use it for running so I gave it another try but still silent...
I use a micro SD card with WAV files at 16 bits 44.1 kHz
I tried to reset...
I tried to use the green button as a play and pause...
I hold the green button longer until the light was gone and then press it again to make it back to green...
... nothing worked
any ideas what I should do ?

You should have went directly back to Jaben and request for a replacement or refund. Since it's more than a year ago, i'm sure the warranty has expired.
You could probably use it as a nice paper weight... or open everything up and try to see if you could fix it..
Apr 17, 2015 at 8:20 AM Post #26 of 45
I'm interested in this player as I am also a fan of the Alien Shozy. I just want to know, I am seeing a Hippo Biscuit +, is it a 2nd gen of the original Hippo Biscuit? What's the difference?
Apr 17, 2015 at 2:14 PM Post #27 of 45
I'm interested in this player as I am also a fan of the Alien Shozy. I just want to know, I am seeing a Hippo Biscuit +, is it a 2nd gen of the original Hippo Biscuit? What's the difference?

Hi on this thread now lol. I didnt know there was a Biscuit + but I what I do know is that the second biscuit I received a few months ago sounds better than the previous Biscuit I bought about 2 years ago. Both still working, but I just wanted a second one in case anything happened to the first.
Apr 17, 2015 at 5:30 PM Post #28 of 45
Hi on this thread now lol. I didnt know there was a Biscuit + but I what I do know is that the second biscuit I received a few months ago sounds better than the previous Biscuit I bought about 2 years ago. Both still working, but I just wanted a second one in case anything happened to the first.

Haha yeh, i thought i'd try and reach out to other Biscuit users and also try not to derail the Shozy thread too much.

A quick bit of googling last night and I came across this site which seems to struggle to calculate shipping to Australia;
And then on page 2 of google searching I stumbled upon this page;
The Australia site would prolly be better for me, faster shipping and price wise (with the exchange rate) it'll prolly not be any more expensive than the Biscuit from USA.
And if you say that the later purchase of the Biscuit sounded better than yer original... perhaps it was a + model... :/
Apr 20, 2015 at 2:58 AM Post #29 of 45
Haha yeh, i thought i'd try and reach out to other Biscuit users and also try not to derail the Shozy thread too much.

A quick bit of googling last night and I came across this site which seems to struggle to calculate shipping to Australia;
And then on page 2 of google searching I stumbled upon this page;
The Australia site would prolly be better for me, faster shipping and price wise (with the exchange rate) it'll prolly not be any more expensive than the Biscuit from USA.
And if you say that the later purchase of the Biscuit sounded better than yer original... perhaps it was a + model... :/

You should try it. I think you'd be pleasantly surprised. Even if it is just my hearing thinking the two sound very close to each other, I'm pretty sure they are at or almost on the same level at least at the volume I listen at (except the hiss lol) But even if there isn't a big difference to you, the biscuit is still fairly cheap and built like a tank so... it'd still be a good buy :)  If you were in the States, I'd send you one to audition for a bit


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