High end headphones without an amp
Nov 15, 2006 at 10:55 PM Post #16 of 41

Originally Posted by Davesrose
The 515s are not the same as the 595s.....the 650 does have a different driver then the 580/600s. I read that Sennheiser did redesign the diaphragm for the 650. I've cracked open my 595s and 580s to see the difference. Since the 595s are manufactured with a new process, their magnet sytem is a bit different, but the diaphragms are the same. So I think the drivers of the 595s and 580/600s are more similar then the drivers to the 650s.....my belief anyway
Also listening to the 595s and 580s, their tonality is similar (just with the 595s having an angled driver, they do appear brighter).

The HD515s do share a variation of drivers used in the HD555 and also a variation of the drivers used in the HD595s. The drivers are also not the same, as the ones in the HD580/600/650 or the 580 Jubilee. I know, I've owned nearly the entire Senn line, as have many others here.
Nov 15, 2006 at 11:16 PM Post #18 of 41
Well no point argueing just how different all the drivers are.....the 595s do sound a lot like the 580 drivers (just difference in angle of driver). While the magnet assembly is different, the diaphragms are also the same size/ construction of those. So IMHO, there isn't a huge difference between the drivers with these headphones (sonic differences are more about the enclosures). The 650s of course are seperate entirely.

I guess we can at least aggree that the 580s and 600s share the same driver


Originally Posted by skyline889
The HD515s do share a variation of drivers used in the HD555 and also a variation of the drivers used in the HD595s. The drivers are also not the same, as the ones in the HD580/600/650 or the 580 Jubilee. I know, I've owned nearly the entire Senn line, as have many others here.

Nov 15, 2006 at 11:21 PM Post #19 of 41

Originally Posted by elbow
I've been drooling a bit on the Sennheiser HD650/HD600, but I've read over an over again that those are a waste of money without a dedicated amp. Is this true even though I'm only going to use them with my Denon receiver?

This isn't true in general although I can't tell if your Denon has enough voltage. I'd worry more about the sound quality of the headphone out... if it's noisy and/or too bassy, you'll get better sound with high-impedance headphones such as those Senns.
Nov 15, 2006 at 11:25 PM Post #20 of 41
I think what you really mean is to use a "high-end" (whatever your definition is) headphone without a dedicated ie separate headphone amplifier.

Actually, you'll be surprised how good most "high-end" headphones sound straight out of whatever source you're using! I'm currently using my K701 straight out of the amped output of my Echo Indigo DJ to great effect! I've put down an order for the Headfive (if there are any left) just to see what they sound like out of an entry-level desktop amp. Previously, I was amping the K701 out of a Hornet (M). There was definitely an audible difference, mainly in the bass frequencies.
Nov 15, 2006 at 11:39 PM Post #21 of 41
Before I joined Head-Fi, I had my 8 year old 580s plugged right into my Harman Kardon reciever, and couldn't fathom them ever sounding any better. Truthfully, I think the Denon may be able to drive the HD600s, but based on your music preferences, I'm siding with the 595. I like my 595s for alternative and rock that has strong vocals. It still has the bass of the HD600, which is needed for accoustic (and why I think it might be better then Grado for that....though Grado is more favored for heavy rock).


Originally Posted by milkpowder
Actually, you'll be surprised how good most "high-end" headphones sound straight out of whatever source you're using! I'm currently using my K701 straight out of the amped output of my Echo Indigo DJ to great effect! I've put down an order for the Headfive (if there are any left) just to see what they sound like out of an entry-level desktop amp. Previously, I was amping the K701 out of a Hornet (M). There was definitely an audible difference, mainly in the bass frequencies.

Nov 16, 2006 at 12:07 AM Post #22 of 41
I wish I could comment on the higher priced wooden Grado/Alessandros' from experience, but my "just a notch down" MS2i do a pretty darned good job right out of a good source. And sound even better through my Onkyo 5.1 receiver.
Nov 16, 2006 at 12:12 AM Post #23 of 41
F107, I remember you were ordering a HD600....have you listened to it yet? Care to compare it to the MS2i?

This gets down to your preferences....I just like the Sennhieser sound signature because its warmness seems really good for alternative/ accoustic/ jazz


Originally Posted by F107plus5
I wish I could comment on the higher priced wooden Grado/Alessandros' from experience, but my "just a notch down" MS2i do a pretty darned good job right out of a good source.

Nov 16, 2006 at 12:13 AM Post #24 of 41

Originally Posted by Davesrose
Well no point argueing just how different all the drivers are.....the 595s do sound a lot like the 580 drivers (just difference in angle of driver). While the magnet assembly is different, the diaphragms are also the same size/ construction of those. So IMHO, there isn't a huge difference between the drivers with these headphones (sonic differences are more about the enclosures). The 650s of course are seperate entirely.

I guess we can at least aggree that the 580s and 600s share the same driver

Man, I dunno. 595 and 580 sort of share a house sound, but there are pretty pronounced differences sound-wise.
Nov 16, 2006 at 12:21 AM Post #25 of 41
shoot...sorry for double post

Originally Posted by Mercuttio
Man, I dunno. 595 and 580 sort of share a house sound, but there are pretty pronounced differences sound-wise.

Nov 16, 2006 at 12:21 AM Post #26 of 41
Yeah, there are pronounced differences.....but IMHO, that's more the difference in enclosure design then actual driver. if you look at the enclosures, the 595s drivers are angled towards the ear and aren't as recessed (hence they have the same house sound, but are much brighter and don't have as big of a soundstage). Take a look at the FR graphs.....very similar frequencies (ok the drivers are slightly different, but not that much). Their placement, however, is very different

Nov 16, 2006 at 1:39 AM Post #27 of 41

Originally Posted by Davesrose
F107, I remember you were ordering a HD600....have you listened to it yet? Care to compare it to the MS2i?

This gets down to your preferences....I just like the Sennhieser sound signature because its warmness seems really good for alternative/ accoustic/ jazz

Nope, haven't gotten them yet. I'll be getting them from another Head-Fier who is currently using them, and hasen't put them up for sale quite yet.

The main reason for getting them is because, as much as I really like my MS2i for rock right up through light classical, they really don't do the "big" classical pieces all that well, and, I could use a bit more bass extension to fill in the lower octaves presented in pipe organ music. So the HD600s are being purchased to complement the MS2i where the MS2i are defficient. By the same token, I don't really plan on using the HD600s for most of the heavier rock numbers where I suspect the MS2i will(should?)excell.

...I'm more than just a little open to being surprized and pleased by them if they do good in areas other than classical and organ music however! I fully expect to split my CD collection into two groups depending on which tunes sound best through which cans!

To say that I'm excited about getting them is in the realm of severe understatement! The history behind this particular set of phones is extreemly enthralling from a personal standpoint!

There's a lot more to it than just the "sound," although from what I know, and from what I think I know, the HD600s ARE the best phones for MY particular application and for MY particular needs!!

Just way too cool!
Nov 16, 2006 at 2:28 AM Post #28 of 41
Would a Headfive be powerful enough to drive a pair of 650s?
Nov 16, 2006 at 2:33 AM Post #29 of 41
I can run my 650's out of my Sony D-303 and it sounds surprisingly good retaining depth and articulation. This is not true for the other Sonys I have.
Nov 16, 2006 at 2:36 AM Post #30 of 41
Obviously it would. Well, maybe not if you're 95% deaf or if you're a violonist who's EQing the bass up like crazy in order to get a "car audio" sound.

EDIT: I was replying to "Would a Headfive be powerful enough to drive a pair of 650s?".

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