High-End Earbuds (VE, Blox, SHOZY etc) and Earbud Gear Discussion & Impressions Thread
Jan 30, 2015 at 1:40 PM Post #486 of 1,031
Blue ever Blues are on massdrop for 20 plus shipping add 5 for Mic at final dropdrop price.

Jan 30, 2015 at 2:06 PM Post #487 of 1,031
Blue ever Blues are on massdrop for 20 plus shipping add 5 for Mic at final dropdrop price.


Nice, I really liked mine.  I liked them until my nephew liked them even more and now they are his.  
Been meaning to get another pair with a Mic....  Hmmm.....
Jan 30, 2015 at 6:52 PM Post #488 of 1,031
Any love for the lower end HiSound earbuds here?
I just pulled out my 6 year old PAA-1s (non pro, not even sure if it's still the same PAA-1 made now) and am enjoying them much more than my PK1s. Pretty good, considering these came as a stock earbud. Not sure how other $20-40 sound nowadays, but these have to still be competitive. Its bass response is just unreal for a super cheapo earbud, and its airyness is just something I've spent years trying to find in an IEM with no luck.
Feb 1, 2015 at 4:06 PM Post #493 of 1,031

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