HifiMan HE6 V2 Adorama
Nov 24, 2021 at 8:01 PM Post #301 of 2,701
Indeed. I got these with sundara at the same time. Sundara was put on sale the next day and I didnt look back.
I had the Sundara's for a long time. They always struck me as nice headphones. Nothing sounded bad on them. But nothing sounded great either. Probably the safest buy in their price range.

The HE6se V2's are in a league above, with a great amp.
Nov 24, 2021 at 8:34 PM Post #303 of 2,701
I will be shopping for a balanced DAC for Monoprice 887 as these hp's are on the way. Interested in what others are using. Been looking at SMSL and Topping units. Any suggestions?
I run a SMSL SU-8 into my Monoprice 887. Nice combination. Hard for me to think of what a more expensive DAC would even bring to the equation.
Nov 24, 2021 at 8:55 PM Post #304 of 2,701
Wells Audio Milo sounded really good with these. Overkill but noteworthy.
Nov 24, 2021 at 9:10 PM Post #305 of 2,701
I will be shopping for a balanced DAC for Monoprice 887 as these hp's are on the way. Interested in what others are using. Been looking at SMSL and Topping units. Any suggestions?
Schiit Modius has been treating me well
Nov 24, 2021 at 10:42 PM Post #307 of 2,701
Has anyone gotten one that's either not as good as the v1 or not as good as the reviews here?
Nov 25, 2021 at 2:01 AM Post #309 of 2,701
Has anyone gotten one that's either not as good as the v1 or not as good as the reviews here?
Youre scaring me bagwell, have you changed amps? Checked DAC voltage? I hope you can return still if not satisfied. Thanks for the DAC reccomendations all. I've been looking at the topping D30pro as well theres not much out there on that unit as far as subjective reviews. Gonna check asr before I make up my mind also I guess there will be some sales tmrw etc. What a headphone. Any D30pro users?
Nov 25, 2021 at 5:23 AM Post #310 of 2,701
Youre scaring me bagwell, have you changed amps? Checked DAC voltage? I hope you can return still if not satisfied. Thanks for the DAC reccomendations all. I've been looking at the topping D30pro as well theres not much out there on that unit as far as subjective reviews. Gonna check asr before I make up my mind also I guess there will be some sales tmrw etc. What a headphone. Any D30pro users?
Topping is garbage. I would stay far away from Topping if I were you.
Nov 25, 2021 at 5:31 AM Post #311 of 2,701
Youre scaring me bagwell, have you changed amps? Checked DAC voltage? I hope you can return still if not satisfied. Thanks for the DAC reccomendations all. I've been looking at the topping D30pro as well theres not much out there on that unit as far as subjective reviews. Gonna check asr before I make up my mind also I guess there will be some sales tmrw etc. What a headphone. Any D30pro users?
No, sorry about that. Given my current budget it's down to the XS and the v2. I'm not happy with HFM's history of stealth releases, and given the rapturous reviews with no FR plots, waterfall plots, and no sales in Europe or NA - well I don't know what to think about the XS.

I have the v1 and during most of my eval my VAC was very low so reports of early smooth FR units vs later rocky FR units made sense. Later after VAC correction, mods, EQ, and streaming - it's about 7 weeks into the v1 as my sole can which is unprecedented over the past 5 years - and it sounds great minus the soundstage.
Nov 26, 2021 at 7:13 AM Post #312 of 2,701
Topping is garbage. I would stay far away from Topping if I were you.
Yeah I tend to agree. My experience was limited to the A90, but wow did that thing sound like garbage to me. I bought it to run the Arya V2's I had at the time, and they sucked all the life out of my music, sounded brittle, thin and extremely harsh. I don't care how well the thing measures, it was wholly unmusical to my ears. I think the Liquid Platinum for the crazy low used prices you see around the classifieds is a much better plan
Nov 27, 2021 at 1:42 PM Post #314 of 2,701
Spent the morning casually pad rolling my HE6se's. Will post findings soon
Nov 27, 2021 at 4:52 PM Post #315 of 2,701
(actual post -- after submitting accidentally earlier)

Spent the morning casually pad rolling my HE6se's. I think I've made a few discoveries worth sharing. My previous favorite pad for these was the Dekoni Fenestrated, but after some more experimentation I've concluded that those Dekonis actually make my STAX 007 sound better than the stock pads, and since she's my holy grail headphone for now, she just gets whatever she wants without consideration for any other can in the rotation. She's my BAE, if you will.

So, I tried the following on the HE6se:
Dekoni Fenestrated
Dekoni Velour (for AKG, taped on)
Kennerton Lambskin (some internal perforations)
STAX 007 Leather (newly liberated)

And I also messed around with some tuning foam from my DCA Aeon 2's (all three versions from the tuning kit that comes with the cans), the tuning foam from the inside of my AKG Q701 and some other bits of foam I had lying around.

My objective was to make the upper-mids and lower-treble a little more palatable, and less aggressive. I really love these headphones for the great punch and the tactility/texture, as well as the imaging capabilities, but man does the top-end of these cans get fatiguing (quickly) with certain types of music and particularly with complex, dense tracks that have been heavily compressed. I think resonances in these frequencies are a major issue for me. The attack of some percussive sounds (like the initial crack of a snare for example) gets to be too much for me after a bit. I was hoping I could come up with a combination of materials that would tame this region while retaining all of the best qualities of the HE6se and not neuter them completely.

I always find the HE6se to be a bit too lean for my tastes, and always use EQ (Lokius) with these, giving them a downward-sloping treatment. Perhaps I'll follow up with a picture of what a typical EQ setting on the Lokius looks like for me.

So what I thought would work well, and what actually wound up being a good solution were 2 totally different things, surprisingly. I thought softer materials like velour would absorb higher frequencies nicely and give the desired attenuation, while less-absorbent and more-reflective materials (smooth leather for example) would make the issues worse. So I tried the Dekoni velours with and without damping materials on the inside, and found that they were a terrible combination. It was considerably worse than stock. Extremely harsh, actually. The Kennerton pads with white DCA tuning felt were much better, but I found that the tuning felts were stealing a bit of resolution and imaging from the sonic presentation, and this wasn't acceptable. This was basically true with anything I stuffed in between my ear and the driver. Nearly all tuning materials made the highs less harsh and improved tonality, but at too costly an expense to the resolution. Some combinations reduced instrument separation, staging and layering so much that the HE6se's character was almost completely lost, making them smeared and narrow.

Stock pads are actually quite good, as many of you know. My issue with them is more about the lack of "premiumness" they lend to the headphone. I want these things to look and feel like the MSRP of 1800, and not the paltry 500 bucks they actually sell for :) But the sound of stock pads is really quite good, despite the cheapo feel. Still I thought there might be a better option.

In the end I somewhat flippantly decided to try the STAX pads. My notions about the velour had been completely off-base, so perhaps I'd be wowed by the all-leather pads? Well much to my surprise this turned out to be the best of all by a very large margin. And I think I know why. I had only been considering the materials of the pads, and not the interior volume that the pad creates. I think this is the key to the benefits of the 007 pads. They're "D" shaped and also pretty soft and compressible, creating a fantastic seal for me, and allowing the drivers to sit closer to my ears than any of the other options I tried. I assume this is kind of like the 2021 revision improvements to the LCD pads with Audeze when they switched from thicker memory foam pads to the much softer open-cell foam they now use. I think a more compressible material that reduces volume around the ear can, in some instances, make for a much more agreeable tuning with less of a chamber in which sound waves can reflect. This is 100% the case for me with the HE6se and these 007 pads. I'm not sure which other brands are making this style of pad (well Audeze does, but the attachment "system" with them is just double-sided tape and I believe they are larger in diameter too) but I'm curious to find some other options. I haven't even tried any damping materials inside of the cavity, but might give some of them a try. I also find the quantity of bass to be a bit more, and I don't think I'll need quite so much EQ going forward. This combo is a clear winner to my ears.

You might give this a try yourselves. I'd be very curious to hear others' experiences with shallower "D" shaped pads...

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