Hifiman Edition X
Apr 15, 2016 at 8:12 PM Post #1,921 of 4,030
Wow! I got these today and I'm very impressed (and my AMP hasn't even gotten here yet!) Definitely happy with my decision to sell my HD800. Very detailed and musical, I'll def write a mini review when my amp gets here
Apr 17, 2016 at 6:20 PM Post #1,923 of 4,030
I got mine for $1500 which is alright. Now, however, I could get one for less than $1200 from China. I got my HE-1000 for $2100 brand new.

Nice.  Maybe I should see if it is possible to order from China. But not sure how that will affect warranty. 
Over here (Europe) the HEX is 33% more expensive than what I paid for the HD 800 S and twice the price of what I paid for the original HD 800. The HE-1000 goes for about twice the cost of the HD 800 S, yet the HD 800 S is the better headphone based on various setups that I tried at only half the price.
Apr 18, 2016 at 5:40 AM Post #1,924 of 4,030
These cans remind me of the first time I got nice headphones, I'm starting to hear things in songs I've never heard before (with the HD800 and Tesla T1)
anyone experience anything similar?
Apr 18, 2016 at 6:41 AM Post #1,925 of 4,030
These cans remind me of the first time I got nice headphones, I'm starting to hear things in songs I've never heard before (with the HD800 and Tesla T1)

anyone experience anything similar?
T1 and HD800 is the most detailed besides electrostats i guess?... Maybe you are just hearing music in a whole different flavour and so other parts of music shines better?
Apr 18, 2016 at 6:56 AM Post #1,926 of 4,030
  Wow! I got these today and I'm very impressed (and my AMP hasn't even gotten here yet!) Definitely happy with my decision to sell my HD800. Very detailed and musical, I'll def write a mini review when my amp gets here

why did you like them better than the hd800?
Apr 18, 2016 at 6:58 AM Post #1,927 of 4,030
Nice.  Maybe I should see if it is possible to order from China. But not sure how that will affect warranty. 
Over here (Europe) the HEX is 33% more expensive than what I paid for the HD 800 S and twice the price of what I paid for the original HD 800. The HE-1000 goes for about twice the cost of the HD 800 S, yet the HD 800 S is the better headphone based on various setups that I tried at only half the price.

hey im planning to buy either the HEX or HD 800 S, can you give some light on how the HD 800S are better than the HEX? I would really appreciate it
Apr 18, 2016 at 9:30 AM Post #1,929 of 4,030

Nice.  Maybe I should see if it is possible to order from China. But not sure how that will affect warranty. 

Over here (Europe) the HEX is 33% more expensive than what I paid for the HD 800 S and twice the price of what I paid for the original HD 800. The HE-1000 goes for about twice the cost of the HD 800 S, yet the HD 800 S is the better headphone based on various setups that I tried at only half the price.

hey im planning to buy either the HEX or HD 800 S, can you give some light on how the HD 800S are better than the HEX? I would really appreciate it

The HEX are nice and pillowy soft. Very smooth and soothing.

I hated them.

The HD 800 S are like you are THERE, surrounded by the musicians in real time, at the studio or the concert.

IMHO and all that...
Apr 18, 2016 at 10:43 AM Post #1,931 of 4,030
The HEX are nice and pillowy soft. Very smooth and soothing.

I hated them.

The HD 800 S are like you are THERE, surrounded by the musicians in real time, at the studio or the concert.

IMHO and all that...

I think which of the headphones you like best depends alot on the quality of the music you're listening to, and also your audio chain. If I mainly listened to brickwalled music I'd probably go with HEX (not that I'd ever buy it though), otherwise I'd choose HD800S.
Apr 18, 2016 at 11:03 AM Post #1,932 of 4,030
I think which of the headphones you like best depends alot on the quality of the music you're listening to, and also your audio chain. If I mainly listened to brickwalled music I'd probably go with HEX (not that I'd ever buy it though), otherwise I'd choose HD800S.

so if I was to use one as a daily driver. Not just music, but also games/movies/podcasts. The HD800S would be the more versatile pick?
Apr 18, 2016 at 11:48 AM Post #1,933 of 4,030
  Does anyone here have any experience with the LCD-X and can give me a comparison between them and the Edition X? Would greatly appreciate your impressions!

I've always wondered if HiFiMan choose Edition X to equate it with the LCD-X.  I have auditioned the Edition X in my home for 10 days.  I have only a fews hours experience with the LCD-X and have not done a head-to-head comparison.  That said, I think they are really quite different in overall impression. Everybody hears something different, here's my uncritical view.  What I heard was two superb headphones, which you choose will depend on what you like in a headphone and of course the kind of music you listen to. The most important difference is the LCD-X sounded laid back, smooth and warmer to me but very detailed and precise.  Could serve as a monitor.  The HEX n the other hand was more intimate and upfront, wider stage, and pinpoint imaging.  Makes you feel like you're in the music. It is very enjoyable to listen to for long periods of time.  If you gave me a HEX I would cherish it, but I would not pay $1800 for it.  Build quality the LCD-X wins hands down.  Comfort is a toss-up for me but the LCD-X is much heavier.  I like the solid feel and the weight didn't bother me over several hours.  The HEX is supremely comfortable and can be worn, by me at least, all day.  Looks:  LCD-X wins in my subjective judgement.  Both can be used in a balanced mode (like do I care?  no)  but I listened SE with factory and they sounded great.
Details:  bass better on the LCD-X by a clear margin (deeper, more, very controlled and accurate).  Mid-range: close to neutral on both with the LCD-X being a little warmer.  Treble:  HEX wins.  Extends higher and slightly brighter but with no negatives--it's just all there.  Both take moderate equalization; I would not push the HEX too hard with an equalizer because it gets muddled when pushed too hard. This may be related to HiFiMan's somewhat odd recommendation not to use high power amps (which I don't quite get since if you set the same volume output it makes no difference in safety for the headphone how much more power one amp has than another--turn them up to max and it obviously does make a difference).
So take your pick.  It's pretty much preference.  I don't want to criticize the HEX but i did have some issues that kept me personally from buying it.  Many will love it and Audeze sound fans will love the LCD-X which is the most neutral and analytical of the LCD line (leaving out the LCD-4 to which I have listened on an awful system streaming mp3s--can you imagine a high end dealer using a Macintosh Amp with a hum and Spotify low res to showcase an LCD-4?  Unreal).
Hopefully someone with more experience will add to my subjective opinion.
Apr 18, 2016 at 12:03 PM Post #1,934 of 4,030
Thanks so much for your impression. I was very interested in both, but ended up getting the LCD-X and wasn't sure if I had made the right choice because I couldn't audition the HEX. If I had to choose between better treble or bass, I'm gonna go with bass!
Apr 18, 2016 at 6:59 PM Post #1,935 of 4,030
Would this be too powerful for the HE-X? I love the look of old stereo amplifiers, they just look so beefy... 

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