100+ Head-Fier
So, where are all the HiFiMan Arya reviews??? So far, there appears to only be one - the one on Major HiFi - and it doesn't include any frequency response graphs, etc.
Here is the only review I found that includes some frequency response graphs. The graphs match up exactly with what I've experienced with my Aryas - neutral and accurate from the very lowest lows to well beyond the highest highs that I can hear - I'm 57, and everything above about 11 KHz is lost on me. There is a slight, gentle dip in the presence range, around 2 KHz. This keeps vocals and some acoustic instruments from being as forward as on some HiFiMan headphones. Frankly, I like it. I had the Anandas, and returned them for the Aryas because the mids were so forward that some recordings, such as classic rock and pop, sounded thin to the point of discomfort.
I haven't found anything that doesn't sound good on the Aryas, and I listen to almost everything - except today's computer generated garbage, which I don't consider to be music in the first place. The bass goes down well beyond the range of human hearing, but it is not accentuated, and harmonics are not created to make the bass more full, as with many dynamic and closed headphones. It's accurate, tight, and flat, and will give you chills at times - but it's nothing more, and not something most bass-heads will like.
Here are some more measurements taken by a Reddit poster. The author notes that the peak at 4.5 KHz is false, as it appears on virtually everything he tests on his rig.
Go down the rabbit hole, and you'll probably run into me. People who know me say I live there.
Sorry to revive an old thread, but I also just bought a set of Aryas and I'm looking for an amp to pair with them. Any particular suggestions from your research? I'm looking for a warmer tubier sound to match with the Arya which is said to be a bit lean, but most tube amps apparently don't play ideally with planars, which leads me to hybrids. Trying to decide if something like a Lyr 3 would drive it well or if it's worth it to get up into the $1000+ range with something like a Pathos Aurium...
Yeah I’ve read a lot of conflicting opinions on this. Of course on a technical level they can be powered by something budget, but as to what level of amp is required to bring out the best in them, I’m still not sure.
In any case I went ahead and ordered the Lyr 3, will report back with impressions!