HIFIMAN Arya - Arya Stealth - Arya Organic :: Impressions Thread
Aug 30, 2019 at 9:19 AM Post #1,174 of 12,150
Hey, mine do the same. :D That's kinda funny at this price tag, but as I (and others) said before, sound and comfort are superb. This squeaking does not happen when HPs are placed on head, fortunately.
Aug 30, 2019 at 9:20 AM Post #1,175 of 12,150
Glad I'm not alone with this issue. Sound is more important obviously. And speaking about sound, I hear iFI Micro Black Label (with burn in 48 hours) have enough power to drive Arya but not as good in sound quality as my Chord Hugo 1 to my ears. But Hugo does not have enough power on the another hand. Music is more thin and with less bass. So I'm looking for alternative portable and powerful amp. Appreciate your suggestions guys :dt880smile:
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Aug 31, 2019 at 3:48 AM Post #1,178 of 12,150
I like well built things, big fan of watches, Japanese craftsmanship etc. That being said, the Arya provides a level of sound quality which can't be found unless you're willing to pay at least $500 more. As much I love the aesthetics of something like the LCD4, the value for money, comfort and sound quality of the Arya makes it an easy choice for me. And this is coming from somebody who likes his shiny toys...
Aug 31, 2019 at 6:39 AM Post #1,179 of 12,150
I like well built things, big fan of watches, Japanese craftsmanship etc. That being said, the Arya provides a level of sound quality which can't be found unless you're willing to pay at least $500 more. As much I love the aesthetics of something like the LCD4, the value for money, comfort and sound quality of the Arya makes it an easy choice for me. And this is coming from somebody who likes his shiny toys...

As far as value for the money, I don't think Audeze has anything to compete with the Arya at the moment. Unless they made their new LCD-24 below $2,000 which is unlikely.

I'm curious has anybody here compared the LCD-4 directly with the Arya? Wonder how they perform against TOTL Audeze.
Aug 31, 2019 at 6:44 AM Post #1,180 of 12,150
Glad I'm not alone with this issue. Sound is more important obviously. And speaking about sound, I hear iFI Micro Black Label (with burn in 48 hours) have enough power to drive Arya but not as good in sound quality as my Chord Hugo 1 to my ears. But Hugo does not have enough power on the another hand. Music is more thin and with less bass. So I'm looking for alternative portable and powerful amp. Appreciate your suggestions guys :dt880smile:
Is the kann cube dap worth considering for you?
Sep 2, 2019 at 2:54 AM Post #1,182 of 12,150
As far as value for the money, I don't think Audeze has anything to compete with the Arya at the moment. Unless they made their new LCD-24 below $2,000 which is unlikely.

I'm curious has anybody here compared the LCD-4 directly with the Arya? Wonder how they perform against TOTL Audeze.

This guy compares the LCD4 with the 1000v2, which is basically the Arya.
Sep 3, 2019 at 1:30 AM Post #1,183 of 12,150
Anyone tried the ifi Pro iDSD with the Arya?
I'm wondering if the Pro iDSD's amp will have enough power o drive the Arya properly...

Gain @ 0 db i can go max volume, 5 o´clock
Gain @ 9 db i can go 3 o´clock until it really hurts
Gain @ 18 db 12 o´clock is my max volume

This is 6.3mm, wich is not nearly as powerfull as the balanced output. Didnt got a adapter for the balanced output yet, since i´m normaly using the iDSD with the iCAN at home. Today, i took them (iDSD and Arya, without iCAN etc) with me to work. My guess is, with balanced output no gain is needed. Using it with gain @ 9 db at about 11 o´clock for normal listening, pretty good volume already.
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Sep 6, 2019 at 8:55 AM Post #1,184 of 12,150
Hey everyone!

I've gone through most of this thread (as well as the HEX thread) and am still not sure if I should target the Arya or the HEX v2.

I'd like something that sounds like a superiorly polished HE4XX, with better bass punch / extension and none of the treble edge of the HE560 which I otherwise quite liked.

Seems like HEX is the smoother of the two but lacks some treble extension and consecutively, definition (and dynamics? though the opinion on this varies), while the Arya is better rounded but might have too much low treble presence (I am very sensitive to the 4-5K sibilance range) but better definition and dynamics....

I am looking for something that has a fairly reference sound, with good dynamics but no emphasis in the 4 - 5K range. Soundstage and separation are very important too.

Any conclusive words on this would be immensely appreciated :)
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Sep 6, 2019 at 8:59 AM Post #1,185 of 12,150

This guy compares the LCD4 with the 1000v2, which is basically the Arya.

Is that an opinion you have read or headphones you own?

I have owned the he1000v2 (before upgrading to the he1000se) and have demoed the arya and i disagree

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