Help....Sony Mdr vs Creative Aurvana Live vs HD 448/428
Dec 28, 2011 at 10:09 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 3


New Head-Fier
Dec 28, 2011
Hey guys I'm new here I was searching the forums and found some info comparing the CAL's to the HD's but I couldn't find one comparing them to the MDRS.....I'm definitely not an audiophile but I'm looking to get some decent cans below the 100 mark. Right now I'm really into electronic music (i.e Trance, House, Dubstep, Glitch,) stuff like that.....but I also listen to some hip hop, some jazz, a little piano, and some folk/alternative stuff.....but mostly electronic. These are also for using when walking to class(I'm in college) going to the gym, and running at the park with.....So size is kind of an issue. I was thinking possibly the Shure 440s but they seem a little bulky for my interests.
I was reading on here and it seems a lot of people say the Sennheiser HDs are lacking bass......Im not a bass head I suppose but I definitely wanna feel the bass it really kills the electronic music when you don't get that punch. So I'm kinda leaning against the HDs but figured I'd ask about them. Right now I'm really leaning towards the CALs but wanted to see how they compare the MDR V6s and 7506s
So CALs vs HDs vs Sony MDRs. Thanks in advance for any answers.
Dec 29, 2011 at 12:48 AM Post #3 of 3
I have a pair of Sony V6, and mostly listen to Trance and Vocal Trance and some Rock.....  I recently got a pair of the V6s and I fell in love, I also tried out a pair of CAL's that a friend of mine has, and for me the V6 won by a wide margin.... Not only the build is better (CAL felt really plasticky), but i prefer the Sony's sound signature, the sound has much more energy and the bass has a lot more impact..... While some say the V6s are too bright, they dont bother me...  I can feel the energy of the music, while the CAL sounded too balanced for my taste, and was too flat.....  As for the Senns, i cant speak for the HD448, but i tried out the HD428 at the local best buy and they did not impress me, they were really flat sounding and too bass light for my taste, but I must say they were really comfortable though... I also recently got a pair of the Koss DJ100, and these surprised me as well.... Somewhat more balance than the V6s, but with the same bass impact, and much more clarity.... These could become my new favorite

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