Help me chose closed over the ear headphones in between 100-200$
Apr 20, 2015 at 7:53 AM Post #16 of 84
what he is saying is that youtube uses low quality source files, so nicer headphones will pick up noose and distortion that cheaper headphones aren't detailed enough to pick up.

It's like judging a TV but using vhs, a nice tv would magnify all the flaws of the low quality recording and will not seem like an upgrade. A nice 4k tv will look the same as a standard def tv if you don't use any 4k content.

the coloration that cel4145 is talkin abt w poor source files wld be akin to watching a film that has the colors saturation distorted. A good TV will show you the colors are messed up, but a TV that presents the colors distorted a different way may lead to a result that looks more pleasing.

your ability to judge headphone or tv quality is limited by the quality of what you are playing on it.

Well of course. I comparisons were similar with FLAC files and other sources I mentioned not only youtube.
The DT 770's picked up less, where as the HSR 1000 picked up by're saying the DT 770's are cheap headphones which they are not.
What else can I say? I understood his comment, but it made no sense since of course youtube wasn't my only source.
Apr 20, 2015 at 9:08 AM Post #17 of 84
Well of course. I comparisons were similar with FLAC files and other sources I mentioned not only youtube.
The DT 770's picked up less, where as the HSR 1000 picked up by're saying the DT 770's are cheap headphones which they are not.
What else can I say? I understood his comment, but it made no sense since of course youtube wasn't my only source.

But Takstar Pro 80 are better than hsr 1000. That's what you said?
Apr 20, 2015 at 11:17 AM Post #18 of 84
what he is saying is that youtube uses low quality source files, so nicer headphones will pick up noose and distortion that cheaper headphones aren't detailed enough to pick up.

It's like judging a TV but using vhs, a nice tv would magnify all the flaws of the low quality recording and will not seem like an upgrade. A nice 4k tv will look the same as a standard def tv if you don't use any 4k content.

the coloration that cel4145 is talkin abt w poor source files wld be akin to watching a film that has the colors saturation distorted. A good TV will show you the colors are messed up, but a TV that presents the colors distorted a different way may lead to a result that looks more pleasing.

your ability to judge headphone or tv quality is limited by the quality of what you are playing on it.


And, it's like trying to judge the quality of a TV picture by watching a TV on another TV. Unless you use a TV with a perfect picture that has been well-calibrated to watch the other TVs and compare them, the picture you are viewing will always be changed by the TV that you are viewing it on.

Also, soundstage and imaging, which are an important part of the aesthetic experience of headphone listening, will likely never be captured by the recording and then reproduced the same through whatever you are listening to them with. Transient response will never be accurately reproduced unless the speakers or headphones you are listening with have better transient response.

So, using YouTube to listen to headphones is most likely to give you a such an inaccurate representation of what the headphones sound that you would be making a decision based on a lot of inaccurate information about how the headphones sound. This could easily skew you to dislike a headphone that you might have liked had you listened to them in person.
Apr 20, 2015 at 1:43 PM Post #19 of 84
Well of course. I comparisons were similar with FLAC files and other sources I mentioned not only youtube.

It's still a bad idea to recommend someone use YouTube to listen to headphones regardless of how you did your evaluations. I've just started a thread on this topic in the Sound Science forum in case you are interested in hearing people explain why this is a problem:
Apr 20, 2015 at 5:24 PM Post #20 of 84
  But Takstar Pro 80 are better than hsr 1000. That's what you said?

No...those are the same headphone.
If you can't go on youtube and take anyone at their word, then don't. I did, and I'm glad it worked out. Do what you want, spend what you want. I don't care man.
You think I have an agenda or something, I don't.
I took people at their word and bought the DT 770's and years later I found something better...end of story.
Apr 20, 2015 at 5:40 PM Post #21 of 84
No...those are the same headphone.

If you can't go on youtube and take anyone at their word, then don't. I did, and I'm glad it worked out. Do what you want, spend what you want. I don't care man.

You think I have an agenda or something, I don't.

I took people at their word and bought the DT 770's and years later I found something better...end of story.

Relax. What is your problem? Reading and listening to recommendations? We all do that here. No one would suggest otherwise.

It's recommending that people listen to headphones (or speakers) from an audio recording that is a problem. Don't shoot the messenger because you just found out it's not a good idea. :cool:
Apr 20, 2015 at 5:55 PM Post #22 of 84
   I first stumbled upon m50's. But i turnen them down because I don't want  some headphones to reveal every imprefection, since I'm not mixing/djing/monitoring etc.

You might want to reconsider that perspective a bit.

I also reckon you'd need to reconsider that perspective. The M50(x) aren't exactly the most resolving or the most accurate reproduction headphones out there, especially for the price. Yes there is a lot of hype behind them and a lot of recommendations, but the doesn't make them as good as people say. As mentioned above, the Takstar Pro 80 (Gemini HSR1000 and the Kingston HyperX Cloud are the same OEM headphone) is actually a better choice, and you'll be paying less than half of the same price you'd pay for the M50x. They are not only more resolving and more accurate, they're also a more rewarding headphone to listen to which scales very well with better gear. Also built like a tank.
On the other hand, saying that you don't want a resolving headphone leads me to believe that you want a more veiled sound. The Momentums or something similar might be the way to go for you.
Apr 20, 2015 at 6:49 PM Post #23 of 84
Yea the M50x are recommended ALOT. Aside from a few people, even the guy at Z reviews liked cheaper cans better.
I just want to make myself 100% clear on listening to the Z review headphones reviews.
I never said base everything off of that. I get discouraged when everyone focuses on 1 thing I suggest when you / anyone can clearly make up their own conclusions based on other media.
It's like you forgot I mentioned going back and forth with my DT 770's on the same exact material.(FLAC MP3, Games) That part is never mentioned for some reason. I did NOT base my decision based on Z reviews only. I only took advice from him about comfort and sound but I looked to head-fi as well. When a guy with $500+ headphones...whatever Mad Dogs says that the Takstar 2050 were a close second to those...then says the pro 80's are basically the closed version....that pretty much sold me on it. But... his review of the DT 770's weren't that accurate to me because I have them and the HSR sound way better to me. Unless headphones lose their high frequencies over time...mine were never that bright. Good clarity, but not much forward vocals...almost recessed in soundstage. (Compared to the HSR1000)  I actually cannot believe how good the HSR's sound. It makes no sense. They should not sound better than DT 770's.
Vocals do indeed come alive in the Pro 80's/HSR1000 more so than in almost any headphone I've heard. The 598's sounded pretty good as well but they had no bass at the store I was listening to them on. I wouldn't mind owning a pair just for fun though because I think they might be a tad more comfy than the stock pads on the tak pro 80s... although soon they will be HM5 pads. Then I'll truly be able to judge the comfort level. I still can wear these things for hours though....easily all night after like a 10-15 min break.
Apr 20, 2015 at 7:09 PM Post #24 of 84
It's like you forgot I mentioned going back and forth with my DT 770's on the same exact material.(FLAC MP3, Games) 

I assume you are talking to me? It's like you forgot. See post #13 where I acknowledged that.

You told the OP,

YGo on Z reviews on youtube and you can listen to them. They sound better than most "audiophile" headphones.

It was explained to you why that is a bad idea after you asked why. If you disagree and want to debate the merits of listening to recordings of headphones, I shared a thread I just started in the sound science forum that would be good for that. Please, let's discuss it. Otherwise, if you don't disagree now that it has been explained to you some, can you stop taking it personally because people pointed out something you didn't know?
Apr 21, 2015 at 12:06 AM Post #25 of 84
Assuming the guy making the recordings are legit I don't see why you can't AT LEAST take them into consideration.
If you record and watch 5 different set of headphones using a set of speakers that you know pick up enough sound in order for you to give you an idea on how much the headphones pick shouldn't completely mislead you.
Someone that you don't trust could easily mislead you and alter the recordings... of course.
Also....I understand 100% what you are saying. The sound you hear isn't exact....of course it's not. But...give or take a few and there you get a rough idea.
The worst headphones are not going to sound good..... If they have no upper range, youtube is not going to give them a magical upper range, right?
What you may not get is proper soundstage, vocal direction....but I think you'll get the frequency range somewhat correct.
We don't disagree really... I might think the test is somewhat helpful and you may not is all.
Apr 21, 2015 at 12:31 AM Post #26 of 84
Assuming the guy making the recordings are legit I don't see why you can't AT LEAST take them into consideration. . . .

I'm not going to hash this out with you here. I'll simply repeat what I've said. It's a bad idea to be recommending that people go listen to those videos to evaluate headphones. I've already invited you twice to discuss it in the sound science forum: The conversation has already moved into more depth than you have offered here. Why don't you join in?
Apr 21, 2015 at 12:54 AM Post #27 of 84
I'm not going to hash this out with you here. I'll simply repeat what I've said. It's a bad idea to be recommending that people go listen to those videos to evaluate headphones. I've already invited you twice to discuss it in the sound science forum: The conversation has already moved into more depth than you have offered here. Why don't you join in?

I think he was talking about the review, not the "Sound Demo video"

Apr 21, 2015 at 2:01 AM Post #28 of 84
I was lumping it ALL together but he chose to quote my section of the sound demo....but not the rest. That's how it usually goes though.
Z review said he loved the 2050....ok...then he said the pro 80 was essentially the closed version. That sealed the deal for me.
I didn't choose to listen to the sound demo's to make up my mind at all. But.... after I got the cans home, I did listen to other cans using them and they are so good, I heard tons of differences using my hsr vs dt 770's.
No argument is going to change my mind because of how I am listening to his sound demos is my specific way of testing my 2 headphones. They sound the same whether it's his recordings or my own music files. They have the same characteristics for other materials... so that's why I don't know what he's talking about.... there is no argument for me.
I did not say listen to the pro 80's on youtube...that will change your mind..... of course not. I have no idea what he's using as a reference.
But... if you have something at home that is very good, say a THX system like myself and you know the sound character of it. That will lead you to a better understanding of whether or not you even like the sound demos or not. If you had some crappy $50 speakers....maybe everything sounds like crap, I don't know.
Apr 21, 2015 at 2:51 AM Post #29 of 84
So, this is just my opinion, but I think you should buy the best $150 headphones you can find by a brand that makes tends to sound the way you like. The M50s are well renowned, but if you don't like their sound, you probably won't like them. 
If I had to spend $100 I would probably get the Sennheiser 380 Pros off Amazon cause:
I generally like the way Sennheisers sound
I don't tend to like open back headphones cause of noise leakage from the environment. 
If I had $150, I would probably get the M50s cause the reviews for them are quite unanimous. I'd have to go listen to them at the store before pulling the trigger tho. 
If I had $200, I dunno. I might take a chance on the Focal Spirit Ones. 
The only thing I know for sure is that if I only had $45, I would get the Koss KSC-35s. Every time. :p 
Apr 21, 2015 at 2:56 AM Post #30 of 84

  Yea the M50x are recommended ALOT. Aside from a few people, even the guy at Z reviews liked cheaper cans better.
I just want to make myself 100% clear on listening to the Z review headphones reviews.
I never said base everything off of that. I get discouraged when everyone focuses on 1 thing I suggest when you / anyone can clearly make up their own conclusions based on other media.
It's like you forgot I mentioned going back and forth with my DT 770's on the same exact material.(FLAC MP3, Games) That part is never mentioned for some reason. I did NOT base my decision based on Z reviews only. I only took advice from him about comfort and sound but I looked to head-fi as well. When a guy with $500+ headphones...whatever Mad Dogs says that the Takstar 2050 were a close second to those...then says the pro 80's are basically the closed version....that pretty much sold me on it. But... his review of the DT 770's weren't that accurate to me because I have them and the HSR sound way better to me. Unless headphones lose their high frequencies over time...mine were never that bright. Good clarity, but not much forward vocals...almost recessed in soundstage. (Compared to the HSR1000)  I actually cannot believe how good the HSR's sound. It makes no sense. They should not sound better than DT 770's.
Vocals do indeed come alive in the Pro 80's/HSR1000 more so than in almost any headphone I've heard. The 598's sounded pretty good as well but they had no bass at the store I was listening to them on. I wouldn't mind owning a pair just for fun though because I think they might be a tad more comfy than the stock pads on the tak pro 80s... although soon they will be HM5 pads. Then I'll truly be able to judge the comfort level. I still can wear these things for hours though....easily all night after like a 10-15 min break.

You're misunderstanding. He is only trying to state that your recommendation of listening to youtube videos is actually a mistake to make. An audio auditioning of online videos to compare two headphones IN A VIDEO is a mistake in itself. Now, if you own two headphones and try to compare the sound in a youtube video or your flac, mp3, games, then that's a different story. 
You should not have suggested youtube as the sound quality is terrible to compare with A set of speakers or ONE headphone, especially the headphones you don't own in the video. You could have avoided a misunderstanding if you only recommended to hear zeospantera's review of the headphones alone.
Easiest recommendation, go and audition them by buying the takstar pro 80 AND the m50xs on amazon. Of course, he has to save a little more money, but then he can return the headphones that disappoint him.
No one is bashing on the takstar pro 80, I mean heck, even this thread (which you should have recommended along with zeospantera's video)
to help him read the comments of many reviewers (for the skeptics anyway).
All of what I stated above would have stopped the confusion.  

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