help for a n00b
May 1, 2006 at 8:38 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 23


New Head-Fier
May 1, 2006

before i begin, let me just state that im a pretty able geek and i can understand most things technical. however i dont have extensive experience in the sound/speakers/headphones arena. i would say im a moderate audiophile; i can appriciate and generally distinguish between crappy quality sound a good quality sound. but all the technical terms (frequency response, mid range, dynamic range, etc) im not completely familiar with yet.

having said that, im looking to buy a new pair of good-quality headphones. for a long time i had a pair of entry-level sony MDR-V100's which more or less served their purpose. i know a pair of $15 headphones isnt exactly top-notch, and the mediocre sound quality and comfort of them was apparent. i find that im using my headphones a lot nowadays (particularly on my computer for hours at a time) mostly for general use and listening to music. therefore, i figured it would be worth it to treat myself and invest in a pair of better quality, uber-comfortable headphones.

my basic requirements are this: good quality construction, good sound quality (bass in particular), comfortable enough to wear for long periods of time, ideally they should look nice although this is not a top priority, and lastly they need to be under $100.

historically ive had good luck with sony products. i know better than to just blindly buy sony based on the name; im willing to go for another brand if i know something else is better worth the money that fits my needs. but starting with what i know, i looked up sony's offering in this category. so far the one thats caught my attention the most is the MDR-V700. ive read reviews about them and so im familiar with some of their potential weaknesses and strengths. i also examined them up close out of the box at a local electronics store. however i have not tried them on, nor have i been able to listen to how they sound. i do like how they look however, and the rest of their features seem fine to me. the lowest price im seeing online is around $95.

now i havent done extensive homework into other equivalent headphones, but another one i was looking at that seems to be comparable to the sony's is the Sennheiser HD-280. they look comfortable and sturdy, but i have never tried these out in person either.

my question is, based on my requirements, which of these two is a better choice? and if, in this same price range there is a better offering, then what would be other equivalent headphones to consider? i apologize if my questions have already been asked umpteen times before.. i tried searching this forum a bit but i coudlnt find exactly what i was looking for. but anyhow, thanks in advance for any help you can offer me!

May 1, 2006 at 9:12 AM Post #2 of 23
I believe you can get HD555 for just under $100. They satisfy all your requirements and are easily one of the most popular headphones on this forum. They are often seen on the FS forum because people who buy the HD555 usually upgrade to HD600/650 in a flash!
May 1, 2006 at 9:27 AM Post #3 of 23
You can do a lot better for $100.

The usual recommendations would be the Grado SR-60 ($65) and the Alessandro MS-1 ($99).

However, be sure not to overlook used headphones. There are some excellent deals out there. Two that I particularly like are the AKG-501 and the Sennheiser HD-580. Both go around $100 or less used these days, and both will get you closer to the high end.

Well, if you're really into bass, you probably wouldn't be happy with the K-501. It's there, but it's lean. You'd probably be happier with the Grado or Sennheiser.
May 1, 2006 at 9:46 AM Post #4 of 23
As reasonable budget cans, you might try out the Senn HD485 as well. It's cheaper and lightyears better than its hyped cousin HD555 IMHO.

Soundwise -Bass- the AKG K240S would be ideal cans for you, but they cost slightly more than 100$. You might take a look into the buy & sell forums.

Stay away from Sony cans beneath the expensive SA*000 level.
May 1, 2006 at 10:31 AM Post #7 of 23
What kind of music do u prefer? It's a big influence on what you'd like.

If you want "punch" in guitars, try the Grado SR60. If you want the bass to go a bit deeper (as in extends lower in frequency), then (in my opinion) the Senn HD25 definitely has the stronger response at the lower end. For example, techno music with some "unnatural" bass sounds made by keyboards etc. You can also see this from the graphs on headroom (although they should definitely not be used as the sole reason for choosing any headphone, they're only good for determining rough sound signature).

The Senn HD25 were really comfortable when I tried on a friends. I don't know about prices in the US though. Try them out if you can.
May 1, 2006 at 6:35 PM Post #8 of 23

thank you everyone for your input, this is certainly very helpful since you all seem to know your stuff pretty well
so based on the poll and lack of support for the sony's, i guess its safe to rule those out

its seems like Sennheiser is a better bet based on what im looking for, so i'll look more into these. two models that were mentioned here are the HD-485 and the HD-555. while i do want to go in for something thats nice and i'll put down up to $100 for it, i can certainly appriciate the lower cost of the HD-485 (about $80, based on a quick glance at amazon). based on the reviews im reading for it, it seems like it would do a good job of fulfilling my needs. however if i can get the HD-555 for around $100, is the difference between the two worth the extra $20 or so?

as for the music i listen to, its mostly electronica (trance/dance etc.) but also some rock, new age, and foreign stuff. a few reviews for the HD-485 said that they do well for electronic music. also, probably 80% of the time i will be using these at the computer. i may not take them out and about much, probably just on occasional long car trips or something. do Sennheisers have a good rep with construction quality?

but thanks again for your help everyone, i will keep doing my homework on this

May 1, 2006 at 6:45 PM Post #10 of 23
The HD280 is a very nice can. Not aggressive like the grados at all. Not bass thumpers, comfy but needs alot of burnin before they sound good.
May 1, 2006 at 6:55 PM Post #11 of 23

Originally Posted by meraj
also, probably 80% of the time i will be using these at the computer. i may not take them out and about much, probably just on occasional long car trips or something.

Then go for the boss !!! Be relax and search the forum for best <$100 phone. You'll find it very soon.
May 1, 2006 at 7:00 PM Post #12 of 23
Will you be buying an amp? If not, make sure the cans you pick don't need one. Definitely steer clear of the MDR-V700. Nowhere near worth their asking price. I might suggest that you look into either koss stuff, IE portapro, ksc75, ksc35, or the Senn px-100. These are all great cans and will save you some cash. I got my portapros for 40 bucks at You can find the senns for $50. The other koss cans are a lot less expensive, but if you're not wanting a huge set of cans on your head, you may want to check them out. Those cans all perform very well without an amp too. They are nice and portable as well. The koss are all a little retro looking, the senns are more of a modern design, if that matters at all. If you want a nicer can, I would look at the Goldring DR150. It is very nice and is just above $100. Good luck!
May 1, 2006 at 7:07 PM Post #13 of 23


Originally Posted by rodbac
Seven replies and noone has mentioned either the Sony V6 NOT V600s or the A-T A500s??

For shame, Head-Fi...

how do these compare to the ones mentioned already? do these have what im looking for in my budget?


Originally Posted by The_Duke_Of_Eli
The HD280 is a very nice can. Not aggressive like the grados at all. Not bass thumpers, comfy but needs alot of burnin before they sound good.

looking at them, they certainly appear to be very comfortable with all that padding. theyre also around $100... how do they compare to the HD-555?


Originally Posted by manchau
Then go for the boss !!! Be relax and search the forum for best <$100 phone. You'll find it very soon.

the boss?


Originally Posted by Sladeophile
Will you be buying an amp? If not, make sure the cans you pick don't need one.

no, i dont plan on buying an amp. how will i know if a particular set of headphones would need one or not?

May 1, 2006 at 7:10 PM Post #14 of 23

Originally Posted by meraj

no, i dont plan on buying an amp. how will i know if a particular set of headphones would need one or not?


Ask people here, do searches of previous threads and posts. Almost all cans have been discussed in this forum about amping and such. Read my above post, I think those cans would be your best bet for anything unamped, disregarding the DR150s, they need to be amped...
May 1, 2006 at 7:14 PM Post #15 of 23

how do these compare to the ones mentioned already? do these have what im looking for in my budget?

The A500s are supposed to be very, very good for their price and supposedly compare very well to their big brothers, the A900s. I've only heard the A900s, but I can tell you if they're even half what the A900s are, they're well worth their $99 price.

The V6s are pretty good, too. They have a lot of bass and are a bit bright, reminding me of the DT770s in that regard but with less soundstage.

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