* Help: Best Inexpensive Tube (or SS?) Amp for AKG K702 *
Jan 11, 2012 at 10:39 PM Post #16 of 114
Regarding the Graham Slee....
   The GS adds no harshness at all, conversely, I think it makes the treble as airy as can be. BUT...  if the recording is bright the GS does nothing to tone it down.
Jan 13, 2012 at 7:38 PM Post #18 of 114
OK, ok... pinkie twisted, I'm ready to take solid state seriously.  Logic has prevailed, and I will agree that finding an affordable amp to match up as perfectly as possible with the K702 makes good sense, especially at my price point.  And let's face it: I travel all the time, and a solid state amp is a lot easier to lug around than a funky angled thing with protrudences and explosive glass tubules attached. 

Tonight I'm a gonna look up the Grahm slee, Matrix M-Stage, Alo Continental MK I, TTVJ Slim and Violectrics.  
As to SS amps, I've always hated their cold, steeliness.  Sort of sterile sounding, to me, compared with tube sounds.  Even with rather expensive units I've tried.  So I'm looking for a warmer sounding unit, especially as the K702 is already lacking in some warmth.
But I believe a perfectly matched up unit could really bring the ultimate potential out of my K702, which is my favorite headphone (so far).  And especially when considering my budget is low, again.
I'll report my findings, and appreciate your suggestions.
Jan 13, 2012 at 9:39 PM Post #22 of 114
Ok, so I've been listening to this EF2A with the TungSol tubes for a lot hours with no static problems when hooked up to the USB hub, so that's a step in the right direction.
I listen to just about every different type of genre out there and switch between them from song to song quite often.  Other times I'm in the mood for one type and I'll stick with that.  What I'm noticing is that this combo unit pairs really well with certain genres, and really sucks with others.
Mahler, Schubert, Sibelius - heck, classical in general sounds phenomenal on this set-up.  Opera, not so much.  Dead Can Dance, This Mortal Coil - enveloping and haunting.  Line up something a little more 'trendy' from the 80's and it's a bunch of crap - the lows get muddy and gravely while the highs sound like the original speaker (yeah, mono!) in my '67 Mustang I was driving at that time.  And no, that wasn't a good sound.
When it shines, it really shines.  But it isn't consistent.  While the other two DAC/amps I own (Headroom TBH and a little Fiio E6) don't have the ability to really drive these cans, they at least deliver constant performance across all genres at lower listening levels (which is fine most of the time).  They're both SS.
Maybe my experience is the reason behind what others are saying about the K/Q70X's not pairing well with tubes, but it seems to me that if it works some of the time really, really well, then those other times when it doesn't probably has more to do with the fact that it's a low-budget setup than the fact that it has tubes in it.
All that said, as my initial enthusiasm and optimism for this little hybrid wanes, I'm going to enjoy it with the styles it matches well for another week or so, then ship it back to Amazon while still in my 30 days.  I'll put the credit towards Fiio's E17 whenever it finally hits Amazon shelves.  That should tide me over until I educate myself a little bit more here and elsewhere to the higher end/non-mobile setups.  Good luck with your decision and if you have any other questions, let me know!
Jan 14, 2012 at 12:57 AM Post #24 of 114
Good heavens, I won't be able to buy all of them.  But I'll scan the details, make some calls, and be asking for all o' your advice on the best one to grab.  I also wrote the guys at HeadRoom for advice.  Really, I just want the best portable amp for my cans.  If it's SS, well, I'll amazed frankly, but there you go.  Whatever works.  It'd be the first SS amp I actually liked.  
Well, besides my faithful BSG, but then again I use that for my ER4 and it just rocks those.  And is portable.  And is cheap!!!  Best SS amp I've ever heard.
(Besides the Grace, of course.  But at 30 times the price, cough cough...)
Jan 14, 2012 at 9:05 AM Post #25 of 114
Tigre, thanks for the review, good stuff.
Acix: ah, "combo," got it.
So I looked up all 5 of the suggested amps.  As far as just the descriptions go, the Violectric V90 looks by far the most promising to me.  (The V100 is out of my price range, unless I could find it used for a good price).  It seems to really maximize quality components for the buck, and to be really well designed for my headphones (K702).  
The TTVJ Slim has a rechargeable battery and I'm not much a fan of that, personally.  The ALO Audio MK II is also more of a true portable unit, and I'm assuming (?) that more traditional plug-in units are more akin to better quality sound.  The only portable units I heard besides my BSG were the NuForce Mobile and the HeadRoom Airhead, and I didn't like either at all.  The BSG is great for my ER4, especially for the price, but quite lacking with the K702 (of course).  It also has a replaceable battery (9v) which sure comes in handy on long plane/train trips.
As for the other three, the description of the Matrix M-Stage doesn't seem to make it what I'm looking for.  (In fact, the description on their website highly suggests they don't want to sell any!)  So I would think at least without hearing them, that either the Violectric V90 or the Graham Slee Novo would be the ticket, with myself leaning toward the V90 as to the suggestion on this thread that it's a warmer sounding unit for my K702, and, as the Graham Slee site describes the Novo as having high treble - not a great match with the K702 I would think.  Anyway, they both seem to be of serious high quality, and are more home units, (yet small and simple enough to take with me, along with providing switchable power supplies - a must for me).
I would compare these to the HeadRoom Micro, I guess, and will email Mike over there to see what his feelings are as I don't understand any of the tech stuff listed.
Unfortunately, neither of these amps are available used right now, and therefore the new price of each ($500 basically with shipping) tips them up toward a decent tube setup like a Woo WA3.  (Which, again, given our conversations here I'm not even sure would work well with my K702 - but I'd certainly try that out first if I was going to spend that kind of dough for a new SS amp).  
Is there anyone out there that can give an impression of their findings with either the V90 or Novo and a K701 or K702?  For that matter, with a K702 and a Woo WA3?  (Or tell me I'd be an idiot to match the WA3 with the K702...)
Barring that, suggestions for a high quality SS amp that would match well with those cans for around $300 new or used?  My dream would be first to sell my Starving Student (any takers?), and then buy a higher quality SS amp for a used price.  (Cosmetic damages OK if price is right).
Really appreciate the help, keep those suggestions coming.  I'm basically ready to take the plunge when I find the right amp  

P.S.  Now would be a good time to mention again that my only source, also, is just an iPod Nano with an LOD.  And that's not likely to improve before I win the Lotto, as all of my thousands of tunes are simply MP3.
Jan 14, 2012 at 9:28 AM Post #26 of 114
Quick note, both the HiFi Man EF2A and the Matrix M-Stage are at a good value on Amazon, so I'm asking for any views on matching those with the K702, and any thoughts on overall quality of sound in general, seeing as I did not like either the NuForce Mobile or the HeadRoom Airhead.
Much appreciated!
Jan 14, 2012 at 9:41 AM Post #27 of 114
Chicolom is a user here who just got an M-stage for his 701's and he gives it a pretty good review.  I don't have the link (forget which thread it was in, probably the Q701 appreciation thread, which would apply to the K702's as well).  Anyway, do a search.  Based on my experience with the EF2A, I'd lean that way. 
Jan 14, 2012 at 10:21 AM Post #30 of 114
Tigre, I'm a dork.  I don't get it.  If he's comparing DACs, what is he using for an amp?  Are these three amps with upgraded DAC units, or...?  
(Sheesh... I hope I don't get banned for my stupidity).  


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