HEDD Announces HEDDphone With AMT Technology
May 18, 2023 at 2:44 PM Post #4,021 of 4,513
Currently QED Reference Optical Quartz cable -> Soekris 1421 -> Gustard P26 (Orange Dual Discrete Op-amps) -> La Figaro 339 OTL amp (Cetron 7236, 5693 'Red Hot' tubes) -> HEDDPHone (Stock cable). Linear Crystal OFC interconnects.

I have been in the headphone game since 2008, and never before did the thought 'end game' cross my mind - until now!
Stumbled onto this combination when rolling the red hot 5693 tubes in my amp, and realising it sounds awesome! Drums are full bodied, natural but not overblown or muddy, cymbals are detailed and extended but always smooth. Guitars are aggressive and detailed. The overall sound is very dynamic and the stage is HUGE!
Upgrading the DAC and stock cable would take this to the next level but I am super surprised with the synergy of this setup.
May 18, 2023 at 3:05 PM Post #4,022 of 4,513
Currently QED Reference Optical Quartz cable -> Soekris 1421 -> Gustard P26 (Orange Dual Discrete Op-amps) -> La Figaro 339 OTL amp (Cetron 7236, 5693 'Red Hot' tubes) -> HEDDPHone (Stock cable). Linear Crystal OFC interconnects.

I have been in the headphone game since 2008, and never before did the thought 'end game' cross my mind - until now!
Stumbled onto this combination when rolling the red hot 5693 tubes in my amp, and realising it sounds awesome! Drums are full bodied, natural but not overblown or muddy, cymbals are detailed and extended but always smooth. Guitars are aggressive and detailed. The overall sound is very dynamic and the stage is HUGE!
Upgrading the DAC and stock cable would take this to the next level but I am super surprised with the synergy of this setup.
I’m considering getting the la figaro 339 amp.
Where can I purchase it?
May 18, 2023 at 3:15 PM Post #4,023 of 4,513
I’m considering getting the la figaro 339 amp.
Where can I purchase it?
Sadly I don't think it's currently in production anymore - there's an order link on shenzhenaudio for the 339i which has preamp functionality but its 'sold out'
May 25, 2023 at 2:40 PM Post #4,026 of 4,513
Absolutely one of the best sounding headphones I ever heard at any price.

Any idea when they will come out with one which is more comfortable. I think a new flagship is due.....
I agree. I can't stop listening. I heard every headphone at Munich High End this year and the HEDDs are more engaging than any other (to me).
May 25, 2023 at 2:46 PM Post #4,027 of 4,513
I agree. I can't stop listening. I heard every headphone at Munich High End this year and the HEDDs are more engaging than any other (to me).
Did HEDD Audio have a booth?
May 25, 2023 at 4:57 PM Post #4,029 of 4,513
Yup. Had their 20 speakers and the HEDDphone (powered by a Zahl...wow).

Oh that does sound like it would be awesome. Makes sense two German companies would join up for a demo like that.

Kinda surprised HEDD didn't announce anything new at the show.
May 26, 2023 at 10:29 AM Post #4,032 of 4,513
Just looked up the Zahl amps - they don't even quote a price, you have to email to enquire. Wonder how much they are, look like they'd be amazing.
According to lots of trusted ears it's the best headphone amp in the world right now, unfortunately with an 8k price tag and a 2 year wait list...
Jun 2, 2023 at 6:44 AM Post #4,033 of 4,513
According to lots of trusted ears it's the best headphone amp in the world right now, unfortunately with an 8k price tag and a 2 year wait list...
I listened to the Zahl a ton trying to understand all the hype and came away thinking it's clear and pure and technical but it just didn't feel near anywhere near 8000€ worth of improvement over the straight DAVE output. Which is in 'theory' supposed to be underpowered for the HEDDphone. But in reality to me the combination sounds so incredible I can't imagine needing anything better (even though price isn't an issue for me).
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Jun 27, 2023 at 4:28 PM Post #4,035 of 4,513
Reading through this thread (some great ideas in here, glad to have this resource) and I must have gotten very lucky finding my pair. I got a perfectly functioning second hand pair for $995 + tax. According to sone posts here it looks like I may need to consider a different balanced xlr than the hedd one I'm using.

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