Hearyourself.com custom IEM discussion thread
May 18, 2009 at 4:46 AM Post #1,263 of 1,734
Has anyone gotten the AE1's? I want a pair of customs but I am so turned off by the fact your ears change so quickly. I am 17 and I believe my ears might change even quicker so I am thinking the AE1's would be the best for me as I am also going to get the impressions done at an audiologists.

Any opinions on the AE1's compared to the AE2's, is it worth the $130 upgrade?
May 18, 2009 at 4:56 AM Post #1,264 of 1,734

Originally Posted by huntman21014 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Has anyone gotten the AE1's? I want a pair of customs but I am so turned off by the fact your ears change so quickly. I am 17 and I believe my ears might change even quicker so I am thinking the AE1's would be the best for me as I am also going to get the impressions done at an audiologists.

Any opinions on the AE1's compared to the AE2's, is it worth the $130 upgrade?

I had C1000 (essentially same thing), and I would definitely go for either AE2 or AE3. I just wasn't satisfied with single driver.
May 18, 2009 at 5:51 AM Post #1,265 of 1,734

Originally Posted by hifidk /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I had C1000 (essentially same thing), and I would definitely go for either AE2 or AE3. I just wasn't satisfied with single driver.

Thank you, I was kinda figuring that since that one driver is supplying all the sound, oh well, looks like I am gonna step it up to the AE2's, is there anyway to upgrade these or is it pretty much once they don't fit they are useless
May 18, 2009 at 6:21 AM Post #1,266 of 1,734

Originally Posted by huntman21014 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Thank you, I was kinda figuring that since that one driver is supplying all the sound, oh well, looks like I am gonna step it up to the AE2's, is there anyway to upgrade these or is it pretty much once they don't fit they are useless

Yes, you can upgrade. I would assume that you could pay for re-fit later on also.
May 18, 2009 at 3:00 PM Post #1,269 of 1,734

Originally Posted by [benz] /img/forum/go_quote.gif
how much did you pay for your upgrade? Was it price of C3 - C1000, or full price of C3?

I don't know if I can share the price. But I paid a bit over C3 - C1000. Which seemed a bit expensive but still reasonable I thought.
May 19, 2009 at 10:23 AM Post #1,270 of 1,734
No worries, hifidk, I got the point. thanks!

Anyway, my AE1 arrived today.
My initial impression, it sounds really bright, bass is pathetic for an IEM, with a decent staging.

What accessories do you guys get? I got only a small pouch.
Will post the picture as soon as my camera back!

May 19, 2009 at 11:25 AM Post #1,271 of 1,734

Originally Posted by [benz] /img/forum/go_quote.gif
No worries, hifidk, I got the point. thanks!

Anyway, my AE1 arrived today.
My initial impression, it sounds really bright, bass is pathetic for an IEM, with a decent staging.

What accessories do you guys get? I got only a small pouch.
Will post the picture as soon as my camera back!


That is what I was afraid of, thanks for your review, at least AE2's it is
May 19, 2009 at 6:34 PM Post #1,273 of 1,734
I've just read through 85 pages of this thread... my eyes are dead.. but my ears are excited... rofl..

i reckon i might pick these up, so its been said and confirmed that the logo can only be in 1 colour? i saw the "calling all custom IEMs thread" and saw quite a few designs with more than 1 colour. just checking if theres any updates for alien ears?
May 20, 2009 at 8:38 AM Post #1,275 of 1,734

My AE1. Translucent moke grey with Bart Simpson skull head.
Actually I was asking for metallic silver for the artwork, but it turned out to be white. Not a big deal, but I'm a bit upset.

It's been 20+ hours, bass is getting a bit better and not as bright as my first impression.


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