Headstage Arrow HE: Reviews, Impressions, Perceptions & Sensations
Jun 26, 2011 at 8:30 AM Post #2,071 of 4,123
Heart... There is another option for you and I do not mean to be a smart-butt at all here.  But, I hear refunds on non-delivered arrow amps are quick, so you could ask for a refund and have a TTVJ in a couple weeks.
I am waiting for my arrow no matter how long it takes.    Yet in contrast, I refuse to wait at restaurants no matter how hyped they are, I will hit a drive through before I will wait an hour for a table.  Everybody has their thing..
Jun 26, 2011 at 10:42 AM Post #2,072 of 4,123

Heart... There is another option for you and I do not mean to be a smart-butt at all here.  But, I hear refunds on non-delivered arrow amps are quick, so you could ask for a refund and have a TTVJ in a couple weeks.



I was thinking about that 2 or 3 weeks ago , but I can't  cancel my order . I think that I'm in love with arrow

and wish to have it as soon as possible
on the other side , Robert doesn't reply any email

Jun 26, 2011 at 10:57 AM Post #2,073 of 4,123

Yes it is.  Prototype units were sent out to some of us for evaluation prior to finalizations.  Changes to the character of the bass boost and adding the treble switch are not things to consider lightly and rush out the door.  As those of you who follow threads around here, questions about how much is 'too much' and what is 'just right' are not easy to answer.  What is the goal?  Adding fun to neutrality or fixing deficiencies?  Your point of reference and general intent are important considerations.
Even on default settings I find the 4G prototype to be an improvement over my 2.2G  Could just be the switch from 10 Z out or something else.  Don't have a 3G to compare to.  

hi Anaxilus
I hear that you receive a preproduction from Robert
can you have a review  between 4G and uha-4?
I am read  the Blasto_Brandino's  review (and other posts in that threat ) between 3G and uha-4.

Jun 26, 2011 at 8:39 PM Post #2,075 of 4,123
Here's the noise specs on the "Analog AD8397 Opamp in Output Stage":
Low noise
4.5 nV/√Hz voltage noise density @ 100 kHz
1.5 pA/√Hz current noise density @ 100 kHz
Jun 29, 2011 at 1:59 PM Post #2,076 of 4,123
Anyone heard when upgrades from 3G to 4G would be available?
Jun 29, 2011 at 9:47 PM Post #2,077 of 4,123

Anyone heard when upgrades from 3G to 4G would be available?

Upgrades don't happen till the product starts shipping.  So till then....
Jun 29, 2011 at 11:23 PM Post #2,079 of 4,123

You look so fancy with that 4g in your signature.  I wanna be fancy too..

Meh, it's fake.  Doesn't even have a case.  =P  Maybe I should mount it in an Altoids tin.
Jun 30, 2011 at 7:28 AM Post #2,080 of 4,123
More commentary on the 4G sample board, which I as well had for about a week, recently ...
To my ear, and *STRICTLY* when discussing the Shure SE535 IEM's ... I much prefer the bass boost settings of my 2G over the demo 4G amp that I had ...the 2G's bass settings are much more of what you'd call a "punchy" ... "tight" bass ... as well as being more extended and "deep" sounding. I even occasionally very much enjoy the 2G's " II " setting on certain early 80's recordings from bands such as Husker Du or XTC ... when the trend (at least among certain  post punk/"new wave" bands was towards very mid range centric studio work; the Arrow 2G's setting " II " works gloriously with these earlier recordings (but is impossible with just about anything recorded today, which we all know is not only blasted to peak levels but which also can be "over bassed" in the studio...
The 4G's bass (again *ONLY* with the SE535's and to this listener's ear) is not nearly as punchy as the 2G's; this is not at all a bad sounding thing, just not as adequate with the Shure's as is the previous 2G settings. With the vast majority of IEM's, I think the 4G would be the direction to head as I think most IEM's are designed with a bit more bass emphasis than the SE530's and therefore would most likely work best with the more subtle bass settings for the 4G variant of amps.
Given my druthers (which it just so happens I've been given), I would stick with the 2G's bass settings.
So just a little note for any Shure SE530 owners out there ... might want to try and demo both if you have an option ...
I won't comment on the treble settings except to say that it worked and that Robert clarified that this was an early rendition of the treble switch and that it would be adjusted in various ways after he received a bit more of our test comments ...
And I too would second the opinion that "good things come to those who wait in pain and abject agony" ... LOL ... it's definitely worth the wait. Absolutely kick ass bit of amplifier ...
Jun 30, 2011 at 3:48 PM Post #2,081 of 4,123
How does this new treble switch relate to the demise of the impedance switch, which coincidentally affects the treble?
Jun 30, 2011 at 4:00 PM Post #2,082 of 4,123

How does this new treble switch relate to the demise of the impedance switch, which coincidentally affects the treble?

It is not a relabel of the switch.  On default the 4G is a bit brighter and clearer than the 2G IMO.  The impedance switch adds more veil while the treble switch does boost the treble and adds brightness and clarity.  Simply put, the treble switch is the exact opposite of the impedance switch concerning sound signature.  Prior Arrows can NOT add brightness to your phones.  The 4G CAN add brightness to your phones.

x2 on the Bass.  I told Robert exactly the same thing.  I prefer the 2G BB for its tight, deep and punchy character.  If more people want that softer 'tubey' sound then that's a decision he has to make.  But count me in as an older bass boost fan.
Jun 30, 2011 at 4:27 PM Post #2,083 of 4,123

How does this new treble switch relate to the demise of the impedance switch, which coincidentally affects the treble?

For me personally, I interpreted the so called treble "affectation" that folks claim to hear with the impedance switch as simply my mind fixing on the volume drop in the overall sound more so than actually hearing that the high freq's, specifically, were truly much affected by the impedance switch.
That was confusing I know but I'm working and so no time to edit/think ... :wink:
More to the point ... the treble switch on the demo board ... as I heard it ... truly affected/isolated the high frequencies for the change as opposed to hitting the whole freq range with a volume change (IE > just a gain increase) ... I did think the prelim settings a bit "hot" and according to Robert, others demoing the unit echo'd this so I'm expecting a more refined, slightly more subtle high freq affect with the production units.
Also ... to echo Anaxilus' comment ... I too found the overall, default sound sig of the 4G demo board to be a bit "brighter" than my 2G's default setting and pretty much spot on in regards to treble/high freq rendering (my reason for staying with 2G, really as I find it more fun to play with the impedance settings when using my full sized cans than I do a treble setting). This was especially true with the Shure SE530's which are well known for having a fairly homogenized take on high frequency performance.
But that said, I'm sticking with the 2G as, quite literally, I've never heard the SE530's sound so good in the bass realm as I have with this amp... 
Jul 3, 2011 at 3:39 AM Post #2,084 of 4,123
I'm currently using the E11's to drive my Denon D2000, which by the way is my first portable amp. I have no complains about the E11's what so ever, but after reading this Thread, I've become intrigued by the amount of raving reviews the Arrow is getting, and can't help but to think, that I'm missing out on something. I currently have the D7000 cups with the Zynsonix "Vray Prime" cabling on my D2000. I love the bass, but I feel that drum rolls aren't as controlled as I would like, when playing at a higher volume. My question is, will there be a noticeable difference between the E11 and the Arrow? 
Jul 3, 2011 at 10:31 AM Post #2,085 of 4,123

I'm currently using the E11's to drive my Denon D2000, which by the way is my first portable amp. I have no complains about the E11's what so ever, but after reading this Thread, I've become intrigued by the amount of raving reviews the Arrow is getting, and can't help but to think, that I'm missing out on something. I currently have the D7000 cups with the Zynsonix "Vray Prime" cabling on my D2000. I love the bass, but I feel that drum rolls aren't as controlled as I would like, when playing at a higher volume. My question is, will there be a noticeable difference between the E11 and the Arrow? 

I'm not that qualified to comment as I've never heard the E11 ... but I think it's safe to say that it would be like comparing a Nissan GTR with a Nissan Altima (I used Nissan as an example cause I'm a fan of Nissan's, no other reason). The Arrow being the GTR and the Fiio amp being the Altima. Both accomplishing what they were designed to do, most likely each doing it fairly decently but miles apart when comparing the grace and finesse with which each accomplishes said purpose.
Pretty deep analogy, eh?  LOL.
Anyway ... my point, of course, is that one (Fiio) is aimed at more "mass appeal" whereas the other, (arrow) is more so considered a "boutique" or "high end" design. 
But that's just me making obvious assumptions (since I've not heard the E11).
Perhaps somebody here has heard both and can comment?

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