Headset broke, thinking of getting actual headphones + mic: DT 770 250Ohm + Fiio e10k
Aug 25, 2015 at 11:29 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 6


New Head-Fier
Jul 14, 2011
As the title says my Sennheiser headset broke and I'm a little fed-up with their quality (had issues over the years) so I'm thinking of jumping on Amazon and getting a decent headphones + amp + microphone for my PC. I'll be playing games and listening to all types of music.

So far I'm thinking of getting the Beyerdynamics DT 770 250 (heard the 250s are more balanced than the 80s which are bass heavy) with a Fiio e10k amp; haven't yet decided on a good desktop microphone that doesn't break bank. I'm looking for any suggestions or warnings if I'm making a wrong choice here. I've never used an amp before so I'm not sure if I'm jumping into a world of trouble. I would absolutely prefer a comfortable set of phones that surround the ear and preferably have velvet-like cushioning.

Note I just have an Asus Sabertooth P67 motherboard with onboard audio, no dedicated soundcard.
Thanks for all your suggestions!
Aug 25, 2015 at 12:02 PM Post #2 of 6
I haven't used the DT 770 250 so I wouldn't be able to help you there, but I may be able to gave some pointers or suggestions.
Sennheiser usually has warranty on their products, if you are within the warranty period, Sennheiser will replace your headset.​
If you still don't want the headset, you can then sell it as "Mint Condition​".​
As well, if you don't have a dedicated soundcard, you may want to invest in a DAC/Amp​ instead of just an amp.​
you will then be avoiding your Onboard Audio entirely.
this will improve your audio depending on the quality of the DAC/Amp, Headphones, and Onboard Audio.
I do hear from people that Beyerdynamic​ ​headphones are comfortable  (That's a plus).
If you want to listen to music as well as games, your choice of independent headphones is a good one, headsets are geared for gaming and not renown for high end music listening.
The mic is purely up to you but if you plan on recording or streaming, you will want to put extra effort into that.
Hope you find your perfect headphones!
Aug 25, 2015 at 12:43 PM Post #3 of 6
For desktop microphones people like the blue snowball and Audio Technica mics.
The E10K is a good enough place to start, although you might be better off getting the monoprice amp and a better DAC later?  Others here know more about the monoprice amp though I believe it's a FiiO E09K?
You won't have to worry about breaking a Beyerdynamic headphone.  They're better built than almost all of the competition.
Aug 25, 2015 at 12:44 PM Post #4 of 6
Ah yes, i meant an Amp Dac. Would the Fiio e10k qualify as such? Also, is that the best option for the price range to drive a 250Ohm set? I'veheard there are better ones like the Schiit/Modi stack but that would be pushing my budget as I'm hoping to keep my costs around $400 (CAD) with a modmic.
I looked at the fiio E09k amp but that is another $300 which is out of my budget for now.
Aug 25, 2015 at 12:45 PM Post #5 of 6
The E10K is indeed a DAC and amp all-in-one unit.  The only competitive Schiit is the Fulla.  I don't know which is better.

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