Headroom Refund problems?
Aug 3, 2005 at 11:21 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 18


New Head-Fier
Jun 3, 2005
Has anyone ever had a problem getting a refund from Headroom? It's been greater than 30 days, and I have had NO information as to the state of a pair of headphones I returned to them over a month ago. I have sent a couple of emails, but there have been no replies. At the very least, it would be comforting to know if the cans have been received.

I haven't called them yet, because I haven't had time to during their regular hours (with work and whatnot...) but looks like I'll have to complain via the phone soon. That and I was giving them the benefit of the doubt with regards to waiting up to 30 days with a refund.

All I know is that I definately returned the headphones within my 30 days and that it's been about 6 weeks since then and no mention of them even getting the cans back. It was a pair of Sennheiser HD497, which is a low budget item I know...but $60 is still fairly substantial, ya know?

It's a shame. I am using one of their micro amps and it is a great product. But after this whole deal, I'm no so sure I wanna be buying from headroom anymore. Hopefully the things were lost in the mail or something...at least that way I can file a claim.

This is a fairly long "complaint" I know, but I'm not trying to bash the company, just trying to see if anyone else has had similar experiences, so I can get a feel for the situation. I don't want to come across as being too disgruntled when I call them, ya know? Mods feel free to place this wherever it's supposed to be in.
Aug 3, 2005 at 11:37 AM Post #2 of 18
it seems you definatly should have heard from them by now.
Aug 3, 2005 at 11:44 AM Post #3 of 18
I wouldnt worry too much about it, they're very busy people and probably have lots of stuff to take care of. Having dealt with them before I can honestly say they seemed very friendly, honest people to me.
Aug 3, 2005 at 11:58 AM Post #4 of 18
I've returned items to headroom in the past and they happen to be a little slow on the returns. I just called to get the ball rolling. This is probably one of the only things I would change about headroom. They have excellent service but when you want to return something, expect to wait.

You'll get your money though.
Aug 3, 2005 at 12:48 PM Post #7 of 18
Are you using an internet email address like Yahoo, GMail, or Hotmail?

If so, your email could have been filtered as spam.

Try PM'ing Jamey, Tyll Hertsens, or many of the other Headroom folks that are members here.

Aug 3, 2005 at 1:57 PM Post #8 of 18
I was using my hotmail account, but I don't think it would be filtered, since I have spoken with Mario at Headroom before via email and he answered all my questions, though like you guys said, they are busy people and it takes a few days or so.

But I'll give them a call, since I have more free time now to do so, HA. At least, judging from the responses here, I'm not the only one who has had to deal with a really slow return process, lol.
Aug 3, 2005 at 2:55 PM Post #9 of 18
Gimme a Break you’ve got no complaint:

“I haven't called them yet, because I haven't had time to during their regular hours (with work and whatnot...) but looks like I'll have to complain via the phone soon.”

Since you haven’t bothered to call them yet it would seem pre-mature to be complaining here. You haven’t even made a basic attempt to find out what’s going on. Emails are not guaranteed to arrive.

The least you should do is call them and talk to someone and try to resolve the problem instead of complaining here First.

Aug 3, 2005 at 3:17 PM Post #10 of 18
It took a bout 1 month to get a refund. You should call them. They will let you know the status. Don't worry, they aren't trying to keep your money. They are probably busy with their updates and just haven't gotten to it.
Aug 3, 2005 at 4:07 PM Post #11 of 18
I agree with what brailledriver said. It's not unreasonable to expect that someone will pick up the phone and call prior to posting a thread like this one. All sorts of things could be going on at this point...

However, if you are going to make a post like this, I believe that you are duty bound to report back when (note that I didn't say if) this matter is resolved.
Aug 3, 2005 at 4:44 PM Post #12 of 18
Of course I will update the situation whenever it gets resolved. Who knows, they may have sent me my money back already, lol.

As for not having a reason to complain...sorry man, but 5-6 weeks should've been plenty of time either way. And these days, email contact is as ubiquitous as a phone call. I can understand if an email was not received, but I really find that unlikely, unless they have some sort of strange filter that allows some messages to go through (like my emails to customer service on some re: various amps and headphones) and not others (i.e. this current situation). Alright, fine, it's my fault that I was in school all day and then work at night these last few months...and I practice and gig on weekends. So maybe it's unreasonable to expect email to be the best solution for communication, no?

Again, I'm giving the company the benefit of the doubt, as my experiences thus far have been more than positive.

The main purpose of this thread was to see if anyone else has had problems with slow returns/refunds with Headroom. And from the few responses and what I've read around here, that seems to be the case. And of course, it does reassure me that my money is not lost in the ether, know what I mean?
Aug 3, 2005 at 5:58 PM Post #13 of 18
I think you should definitely give them a call. It's very hard to keep track of dozens and maybe even hundreds of emails a day. Believe me, it's something I have to do at work everyday. It's totally possible that your message was somehow overlooked too.

If it's a credit card payment refund, you also can try contacting your CC company also. They're supposed to have received a refund request from your seller. After the request is made, I believe they have a few weeks to issue refund. At least that was my experience with Capital One.

Call them! (Headroom) -g
Aug 3, 2005 at 6:23 PM Post #14 of 18
I know where you coming from in this thread but you really should have tried to call first before airing your grievances to the public. If I had money owed to me by someone and they didn't respond to two emails, the very first thing i would do is call them up. And don't say time is an issue. First of all, no one is *that* busy, and secondly you seem to have found the time to post here about it. Please do not take this post personally, I do not intend it that way.
Aug 4, 2005 at 12:34 AM Post #15 of 18
Well, yeah, I actually was that busy. But not anymore, which is why I found time to post here. I mean, I haven't been on head-fi in almost two months. But it's all good.

As for airing grievances on a public forum, I didn't think I would cause such a ruckus by asking if anyone else had slow refund experiences. It's not like I'm telling people they need to stop doing business with these cats, far from it. I'm not taking anything personally of course for you guys that think I'm out of line or something. For those that shared their experiences, thanks. And as far as the sifting through hundreds of emails daily, then OK, I'll take that into consideration next time before "complaining", aight?

I'm incapacitated with a foot injury for now, so I can call them tomorrow, ha.

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