Headphones in combination with a Cowon J3...... but which ones ????
Mar 17, 2012 at 11:41 AM Post #16 of 33

I will do it that way first buy a good pair of IEM's between 150usd-200usd and after that, I will take a look at a good pair of headphones.

If you want phones, buy phones. IEMs are generally no cheaper for the same quality and they break easily. In fact, the J3 works somewhat better with an output device of +32ohms - it has a flatter frequency response when it is driving more impedance. (The difference isn't huge, though - I wouldn't be put off lower impedance devices.)
If you want advice from people who know what they're talking about, go to the J3 forum at anythingbutipod - a lot of the responses you'll get here will be from people who have never used a J3 but consider themselves universal experts.
Re. HF5's: I'd say no. They're overpriced in Europe, the Ety MC5 is normally liked more and costs less, and they lack all bass and attack. I have a pair - and I've had 20euro JVC's work much better.  (Yes, I have HF5s and a J3.) Remember that a lot of advice from Americans on value for money will be worthless because prices are different in Europe. Also a lot of people here are heavily swayed by groupthink and believe that something has to cost a lot of money to sound good.
For IEMS in Europe I'd suggest trying JVC FXC80s - the price here is excellent. Or look at this thread for something really cheap which may well have a good sound:
For headphones to wear at home, do you need high isolation (ie sound proofing) or not?
Mar 17, 2012 at 12:30 PM Post #17 of 33
Some of us are a part of the anythingbutipod community and own a J3. Thus, you are a little quick on judging what kinds of answers he's getting in this thread.
Mar 18, 2012 at 12:03 PM Post #19 of 33
I'm at this forum + iaudio forum, I just want to have some info before buying headphones.
problem is always you can't try them to compare them.
The headphones to be used at home don't need to be super isolated.
For me it's really important to have a good quality sound, warm, no excess bass, but with a clear sound.
i will walk my way through the forum to find best choice for me but indeed in europe pricing is slightly different
May 10, 2012 at 8:25 AM Post #21 of 33
finally !!!!
as listening to everybody on the forum I didn't spend my miles on the headphones, I have spend the miles on getting an IPOD touch 32gb instead :) maybe in the future I will by a cowon extra as I really like the specs of that.
Thinking over to buy a FIIO e11 and some headphones to start enjoying the music, as the standard IEM of apple sound a bit ##;::#!!!{"!!! if everybody understands what I'm telling :)
so I will have to surf the site to find out the best practice headphones ..... budget ??? between 100usd and 200usd
sennheiser or shure....
May 10, 2012 at 10:39 PM Post #23 of 33
as listening to everybody on the forum I didn't spend my miles on the headphones, I have spend the miles on getting an IPOD touch 32gb instead :) maybe in the future I will by a cowon extra as I really like the specs of that.

With the iPod, hope you don't mind iTunes taking over your computer and music collection, renaming folders and files willy-nilly.  I hate it.
Cowon J3 with MediaMonkey (free) software is a great match for syncing to the J3.  But whatever floats your boat!
May 10, 2012 at 10:55 PM Post #24 of 33
finally !!!!
as listening to everybody on the forum I didn't spend my miles on the headphones, I have spend the miles on getting an IPOD touch 32gb instead :) maybe in the future I will by a cowon extra as I really like the specs of that.
Thinking over to buy a FIIO e11 and some headphones to start enjoying the music, as the standard IEM of apple sound a bit ##;::#!!!{"!!! if everybody understands what I'm telling :)
so I will have to surf the site to find out the best practice headphones ..... budget ??? between 100usd and 200usd
sennheiser or shure....

Consider the VSonic GR07s - they are very comfortable and have a neutral sound signature. Read some reviews of them - I love mine. They cost about 160usd.
May 11, 2012 at 2:48 AM Post #25 of 33
I already found out, but hey got it almost for free..... so let's try it out, and I can use it for my mails and internet also, agenda
at the end, I will definetly end up with a cowon 200% sure....
May 11, 2012 at 3:04 AM Post #26 of 33
seeing the choices OP had are not really that expensive.. what genres do you usually listen to? IMO J3 is great with almost any iems, and you can even utilize the EQ/BBE settings to your liking if you're into EQ.
May 11, 2012 at 5:05 AM Post #27 of 33
I just ordered some VSonic GR06s from eBay and am thinking about J3 over A Series Sony as J3 supports FLAC and gapless playback.
Would this be a good combo for electronic music or would the Sony sound better?
May 11, 2012 at 6:46 AM Post #28 of 33
I have an IPOD touch at the moment, cowon j3 will be for later on.
I listen to various music, rock, pop, 80's, grunge.....
so looking for a rather neutral IEM of over ears model
Possibly combined with e.g. a FIIO 11 amp
May 11, 2012 at 6:55 AM Post #29 of 33
Consider the VSonic GR07s - they are very comfortable and have a neutral sound signature. Read some reviews of them - I love mine. They cost about 160usd.

To: OP

Definitely check out GRO7, they're completely idealized here, not a day goes past you don't hear about them. Look into reviews and type Vsonic GRO7 into the search bar...watch it go mental with results. If it wasn't for my Yamaha EPH-100 I would own GRO7. You could look at the Yamaha's too but they might have a tad too much bass for your neutral interests.   
May 11, 2012 at 9:06 AM Post #30 of 33
I'm currently finding excellent synergy between my J3 and the ath-cks77
you can read more here:
These can be had for about $100 in the states.
Another excellent choice, that gives slightly more detail but is not as "fun" is the  ath-ckm99
more info here:
The GRO7, as mentioned above, is also excellent but a bit more expensive.
I've had excellent luck with all three, actually.
The great thing about the J3 is that you have so much control over the settings, if you choose to do so, that any quality earphone will sound great coming out of it.

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