Headphones for Orchestral/Classical music, 400 $CA or less (Currently looking at the Sennheiser HD600 and AKG K702)

Apr 20, 2014 at 8:33 PM Post #2 of 3
After going the rounds of virtually all mid-priced (HD650, K702, D2000 etc) and a couple of higher priced (LCD-2, HE-500) phones, I finally setted on the Beyer DT880 Pro for orchestral/classical. It's beautifully balanced, extremely neutral, very comfortable and bargain priced (currently $195 on Amazon). Only possible snag is a fairly innocuous peak around 6.5 khz, which may or may not bother you (dissipates as the phone burns in). If it does, you either need EQ, if you're listening from a computer, or, as I do, use them out of an integrated amp with tone controls (-2db).  The 880 generally competes with phones in the $500 area, and in terms of classical can compete with phones even twice that price. (One exuberant reviewer even prefered them to the HD800).
What are you waiting for? 

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