Headphones for ~ 600-700$
Oct 21, 2012 at 11:37 AM Post #16 of 27
On a good amp, like the Schitt lyr, I found these two hp's pretty similar with a slight nod going to the he500 on overall sound quality, but only slight. At 1/3 the weight and half the price, I'd take the hd650 all day. 
Oct 21, 2012 at 1:10 PM Post #17 of 27
On a good amp, like the Schitt lyr, I found these two hp's pretty similar with a slight nod going to the he500 on overall sound quality, but only slight. At 1/3 the weight and half the price, I'd take the hd650 all day. 

I don't like the Lyr pairing with the HE-500. Though most people say it has wonderful synergy, I wasn't a huge fan.
The difference is extremely evident on a more revealing amplifier, such as the V200
HD650 is a more laid back headphone.  The difference is easily seen in the fact that the HD650 cannot keep up with fast paced music.  It tends to lose control on complex passages as its transients are not fast.  Don't get me wrong, the HD650 is a wonderful pair of headphones, but it's definitely designed for higher quality recordings of Jazz, classical, and slower vocal oriented music selection in order to perform at its best.
The one big thing that I notice every time when transitioning from the HE-500 back to the HD650 is that HD650 sounds muffled in comparison to the HE-500.  I'd say for the most part, MattTCG's comment is pretty spot on about the comparison between the two.  The sound quality is slightly better on the HE-500, but I'm inclined to add my two cents to the comment about the similarity.  
Personally, I don't think any headphone is similar to the HD650 in sound signature, but the HE-500 will be the closest of the high-end headphones that fit in that category.  
Oct 21, 2012 at 1:14 PM Post #18 of 27
Avoid the Senn 600 series.  Get a Grado RS-1i.

Why exactly? 
To OP:
You have a variety of choices. 1. HE-500 2. HD650 3. HE-400 4. HD600
Avoid Grado. Period.
Oct 22, 2012 at 2:34 PM Post #21 of 27
http://www.head-fi.org/t/585177/review-hifiman-he500-a-diamond-in-the-rough guys what u think about this review, agree with this reviewer ? 
So badly :frowning2:, but at my country Hifiman he-500 at ,,hifi'' shops not available to listen. I want try to buy from ebay but, i worry because, it not best sound for my ears for this price. for which music this headphones best ? and last question this headphones are darky, brighty, neutral or bassy ? :)
Oct 22, 2012 at 2:41 PM Post #22 of 27
http://www.head-fi.org/t/585177/review-hifiman-he500-a-diamond-in-the-rough guys what u think about this review, agree with this reviewer ? 
So badly :frowning2:, but at my country Hifiman he-500 at ,,hifi'' shops not available to listen. I want try to buy from ebay but, i worry because, it not best sound for my ears for this price. for which music this headphones best ? and last question this headphones are darky, brighty, neutral or bassy ? :)

They're dark, sweet vocals and mids, with a deep quality bass.  The classic 'hi-fi' sound that most people describe.  They're a little less colored than the HD650, but I wouldn't call them a neutral pair of cans.  Get it, you won't regret it.
Oct 22, 2012 at 3:27 PM Post #24 of 27
I wasn't a fan of the HE-400 or HE-500, too laid back and warm, even more so than the HD650s for me, bass extension is very good however, instruments don't sound as true to life as they do on the PS500s, they're also quite slow for some of my music, I haven't heard the T1s but the T90s I really enjoyed, beyerdynamic always seem to get a good mix of lows and highs that isn't too laid back or aggressive, the D7000 I also felt had a good balance. 
Oct 29, 2012 at 5:36 AM Post #27 of 27
Sweet and lovely mids, nice treble and bass, warm, smooth, good clarity without being harsh

Yep  +1
Depending on the amp they could be a tab bit hot up top for some.  But not me 


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