headphone which you can sleep with
Aug 26, 2003 at 7:20 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 39


New Head-Fier
Aug 26, 2003
I have an Ipod and like to listen to headphone and just fall asleep with it. I'm a side sleeper. The ipod headphone is not comfortable when I sleep on my side.

Which headphone is good in this situation ?

Aug 26, 2003 at 7:32 AM Post #2 of 39
not invented yet

i assume you not sleeping "alone", but with ur partner... if so there is a solution, buy headphones for your partner (or just the pads), unplugg them, and put music on speakers
Aug 26, 2003 at 7:40 AM Post #3 of 39
speaker works much better in this regard because headphone listening is very critical and thus when you are dozing off the sound coming out from the driver keeps interrupting you.
I hate this feeling.
That's why I will use my speakers for that. Might not be as great but hell who cares it's just to bring you to sleep.
Aug 26, 2003 at 7:45 AM Post #4 of 39
welcome to head-fi, looking for sleepy time headphones eh? (non standard canadian tinged greeting around here)

i find portapros work best for side sleeping. they lay pretty flat. i know what you mean about the ipod headphones for sleeping too. everytime i move with them they make a really annoying squeak against my pillow.
Aug 26, 2003 at 7:53 AM Post #5 of 39
I find that if you put a little wig on the HD600's...

Oh. You mean listen to while you're going to sleep.
I used to listen to the Beyerdynamic DT880's in bed. Nothing I can think of would be good sleeping on your side. Earplugs just hurt when you do that.
Aug 26, 2003 at 8:06 AM Post #6 of 39
Any headphones that are considered wraparound, like the sonys. Half asleep I doubt sound quality is a big concern.

I'd suggest a cheapo set of tiny computer speakers to plug into the iPod for while you go to sleep...
Aug 26, 2003 at 8:24 AM Post #7 of 39
Etymotic ER4S

This is a cut-out from headroom's site:

"the best “bed” headphone of all is the Etymotic ER4S. This incredible earplug headphone seals completely so your partner will hear absolutely nothing, and is so small that you can practically lie on your side and not feel it (you need a feather pillow to do this successfully)."


Its $269 though
Aug 26, 2003 at 8:25 AM Post #8 of 39

Originally posted by usc goose
welcome to head-fi, looking for sleepy time headphones eh? (non standard canadian tinged greeting around here)

i find portapros work best for side sleeping. they lay pretty flat. i know what you mean about the ipod headphones for sleeping too. everytime i move with them they make a really annoying squeak against my pillow.

Seconded. Portapros work the best out of everything I've tried. Not too bulky, very lightweight and comfy...

I'm sort of an "every-which-way" sleeper.
So if they work for me they'll probably work for you.
Aug 26, 2003 at 8:31 AM Post #9 of 39
i may be the exception rather than the rule, but i found mx500s with a really soft pillow to be not so bad. in fact, they're the only ones i can tolerate in my quest for sleepy phones. maybe i should check out the portas tho...
Aug 26, 2003 at 9:18 AM Post #12 of 39
i've slept with both ksc-35s and ER4Ss

the kscs become ultra-boomy on the side you're sleeping on (if you're a side sleeper)

the etys are great for sleeping if you don't have to worry about missing your alarm clock going off.
Aug 26, 2003 at 9:33 AM Post #13 of 39

Originally posted by AIM9x
the etys are great for sleeping if you don't have to worry about missing your alarm clock going off.

they dont put any pressure on the inside of the ear when sleeping sideways? screw my alarm, i would gladly pay for etys if i could sleep on my side without any seriously negative comfort or sonic issues. hell i already want them to begin with.

how comfortable are they against a pillow, exactly?

edit: just read tortie's post...answered my pillow question
Aug 26, 2003 at 9:48 AM Post #15 of 39
Not when i use them, but then again, etys act differently to everybody's ears. I have a pretty crappy hard pillow too... if i had a soft pillow, they'd be perfect if it wasn't for missing class in the mornings.

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