headphone buyers database - opinions/help wanted
Dec 6, 2004 at 10:44 PM Post #106 of 131
1Up you make several very good points in there, and it's taken me longer than usual to reply as i've been giving it more thought.

The original idea was to get reviews by a small number of people who are highly qualified to review headphones by the fact that they're tried a lot of high end headphones. Thanks to your comments and the experience i've gained in the last few days, that might not be the best way to go.

I do think that the scores are very important, and that they should only be entered by people who can objectively rate headphones compared to the best. I also think that reviews from most people are worthwhile having, so long as I keep fanboys out.

I think perhaps i'll institute a system whereby members are expert members or standard members. "Expert" members will be people who've used a lot of high end gear, members will be people who want to review headphones but haven't heard many. Everyone will be able to rate headphones, but only expert members will have their reviews included in the calculated values. How does this sound to everyone?

I might also add an "overall" score, to work in tandem with the calculated/weighted average.

Thanks for the feedback 1UP and everyone else who's helped me the last few days
Dec 6, 2004 at 11:13 PM Post #107 of 131
I noticed a bug: when updating the profile, the join date changes.

This looks like the start of a really great knowledgebase for headphones! Gotta love it!

I think letting us users with less headphone experience have a write is good, this way the top10 and such remain "pro-level", but everybody can share their experience.
Dec 7, 2004 at 12:05 PM Post #110 of 131
Thanks to input and comments by many people, I have changed the idea behind the site significantly. Now instead of just letting people who've used high end headphones submit review, anyone who demonstrates that they've tried out at least a few pairs of semi-decent cans is welcome to write a review.

There is now a weighting system in place, so the opinions of people who have the most experience are weighted higher than the opinions of people who have less experience. I think this is a good compromise. As usual please let me know if you spot any bugs, major or minor.

So there's no excuse now, go register, write your reviews, and help educate fellow head-fi'ers and the unwashed masses on the joys of high end headphones!

I'm tired, coding until 2am then going to work and coding from 8am-5pm isn't a good idea. Development might slow down for a few days while I recover
Dec 7, 2004 at 4:53 PM Post #112 of 131
Very nice page with alot of information. Maybe there could be links to extensive reviews from headfi.org

I noticed that the AT A500 are listed as having Aluminium enclosure, but to my knowledge it's plastic.
Dec 7, 2004 at 8:11 PM Post #113 of 131

Originally Posted by 1UP
This is very cool, Commando. Well done and thanks again.

BTW, when you've had some sleep/food, here is another suggestion/RFC for ya!

Amalgamate the mega amps thread into your db! Shouldn't take long, eh?

I thought about doing reviews for all sorts of related gear, but I decided against it because it's too much work. I don't think amps make much of a difference, none have for me, so it'd be wasted time to me.


Originally Posted by HiroshimaJoe
Very nice page with alot of information. Maybe there could be links to extensive reviews from headfi.org

I noticed that the AT A500 are listed as having Aluminium enclosure, but to my knowledge it's plastic.

Cheers HJ. The problem with linking to head-fi is the information's all over the place, not in one central place, so its not really possible. That's one of the main reasons I made the site.

I just guessed at the A500 cup type, I know my A900s feelk like aluminium. If anyone can confirm the material type i'll fix it up in the database.
Dec 7, 2004 at 10:11 PM Post #114 of 131

Originally Posted by commando
I just guessed at the A500 cup type, I know my A900s feelk like aluminium. If anyone can confirm the material type i'll fix it up in the database.

The A500 cup type is plastic, as far as I know.
Dec 9, 2004 at 9:01 PM Post #116 of 131
C'mon guys, go write some reviews! I spent a lot of time and effort making this site to help head-fi'ers out, but it needs lots of reviews before in becomes really useful. You don't need to write an essay on each headphone, just score the headphone in its different areas (bass, treble, value, portability, etc), and write a note saying what you most like or dislike about the headphones. Of course you can write a longer review if you want to

I'm particularly interested in reviews of competing products by people who have both. For example Shure E2/E3 vs Ety 6i's, and MD33 vs EX71. All reviews are appreciated.

As a bonus there's a top 10 feature, which will tell us the most popular cans in each category (closed cans, canal phones, etc). There are occasional threads like that around here, but this way's much easier
Dec 9, 2004 at 9:34 PM Post #117 of 131
I will probably write some tonight.

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