Headphone Amp's - Why ?
Jan 10, 2002 at 4:43 PM Post #46 of 51
Good idea DustyChalk....

Sorry to offend anyone guys but he made it personal, and hey, if you dont like it turn the page

Anyway, nobody "knows" each other on here, so whats the point ?
Jan 10, 2002 at 4:51 PM Post #47 of 51
Come on, guys, this is silly. Look, this is one of the best forums out there, and that is in a large part due to how informative all the threads are, and how the people here treat one another. Well, at least publically. So in the interests of keeping the crap ratio down (or at least away from the actual information), how about going to Private Messages if you want to continue the insults any further?
Jan 10, 2002 at 6:41 PM Post #48 of 51

Originally posted by Xander
It could be a marketing ploy, it could also be added extra gain to ensure that you DONT run out of volume knob. I wonder if the Max does this? And I wonder if HeadRoom designed it that way as a "marketing ploy". Perhaps we should ask them? I doubt it.

Xander, the Max doesn't
Actually, the Max has an adjustable gain switch, with three positions. At the low setting, a wide turn of the volume knob doesn't increase the volume *that* much. At the high setting, a relatively narrow turn increases the volume quite a bit. You get the options so that you can use the Max with phones that vary in impedance and sensitivity.

That being said, I think the Max has *lots* of reserve power, and can go *really* loud, so I don't think HeadRoom would have any reason or desire to front-load the pot
Jan 10, 2002 at 6:42 PM Post #49 of 51
There's really nothing left to say that is appropriate to the topic, so I'll keep this short. Afterall, when addressing a question that approximates "Why do I need a stronger light bulb when I can see perfectly well with this 15-watter," the level of debate is rather limited.

Paraphrasing Goethe, every generation seems to think that the world began only slightly before their birth and that all that went before was simply in preparation for their arrival.

I was a bit like that when I landed my first job as a junior systems engineer with IBM following my graduation in CS in 1968. I realize many (perhaps even most) of you weren't born yet, but audio was big even then.

I have to admit that there was a certain "Flintstone" quality to things. For example, when we discussed our "cans" we were usually comparing the esoteric qualities of Campbell soup to Del Monte peaches. The peach-can crowd always claimed theirs sounded sweeter while on our side knew that it all depended on the soup.

Then there were all the same arguments over interconnects like three pound test versus five pound test fishing line.

And then . . . . Well, you get the picture.


P.S. That's not my tail you see between my legs, Perfectionist.
Jan 10, 2002 at 6:51 PM Post #50 of 51
[puts Moderator hat on]

OK, this thread has gotten just a *bit* out of hand.

Spad and Perfectionist, I would ask that BOTH of you discuss the issues without resorting to insults and/or cheap shots.

On a more general note: Perfectionist, you asked what the point is since no one really "knows" anyone here. First, I would point out that this assertion isn't really true -- many of the members here *do* know each other. Some knew each other in "real life" before joining Head-Fi, and others have become good friends via Head-Fi. Many Head-Fi members have attended shows and get-togethers where they got to meet and hang out with other members. Others have talked over the phone, via email, etc. So this isn't just some anonymous board where it doesn't matter what you say or do.

Second, I would point out that we have tried to make Head-Fi a true community -- a group of people who share a common interest, and who enjoy discussing that interest. There are lots of debates -- some heated -- and we encourage that. But when it becomes petty insults and cheap shots, that's where the line is drawn. This isn't some cheezy Internet message board where flame wars are the way of the land. In fact, if you look through the archives, you'll find very few such incidents. Please keep that in mind as you participate.
Jan 11, 2002 at 12:06 AM Post #51 of 51
Well said MacDEF. This stuff really isnt needed here.

After I posted and went to go to bed, I realized that the MAX had a gain switch. Oh well. Anyway, it got the point across. Using various equipments and turntables though, there have been times where I had to twist the knob almost all the way to reach normal listening volume verses using a CDP or other high output device. Times I'm very glad that the company decided to "front load" the volume knob to make it seem like the amp had more power.

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