Headfive vs. Gilmore Lite for AKG K501
Oct 26, 2006 at 9:21 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 12


100+ Head-Fier
Jun 10, 2005
Hey All,

I know I have the other thread going about an amp suggestion, but I feel compelled to start a new on regarding specifically these two.

I'm sorta stuck between which one to get, and I've seen so many different opinions in favor of one or the other, and I don't have the money to audition both, and I'm stuck in Amherst, MA in college and I can't drive so I can't get to any meets.

That being said - pros and cons:



- crossfeed
- cheaper
- limited edition


- loop out
- supposedly very neutral, detailed, and transparent
- optional future DPS upgrade



- no loop out
- supposedly colors the sound
- needs a power cable


- more expensive
- no crossfeed


What I'm wondering is whether or not the Gilmore would not complement the K501s well since, arguably, the K501s are lean, and whether or not the Headfive would do a better job balancing out the sound a bit, and adding crossfeed to balance out what I've noticed as a very wide but not deep soundstage.

I've read so many differing opinions that I really don't know what to think. It could go either way, and while I want a lot of detail, I'm also wondering if some of that should be traded to make sure that the sound doesn't become anemic.

I also have an Entech Number Cruncher 203.2 as a DAC and people have said that the highs are a bit harsh with it, which I can see.

I've never used crossfeed so I don't know how big a differenc it will make for me, but most people have generally positive comments about it, except for some diehard audiophiles who believe it taints the fidelity. And loopout isn't a biggy though it would be very ncie to have.

I don't know how to choose between the two. If the Gilmore is that much better I wouldn't mind spending the extra $50, but if I'll get more out of the Headfive then I would rather splurge on that.

Other amp options don't really appeal to me for whatever reason. I kind of don't want to get into tubes right now, and I don't really want to try out some of the DIY options. I also don't want to save up even more money.

I listen to mostly classical and jazz, but I do get around to all genres all the time. I love the K501s and the sound I currently have with them. I also love detail, imaging, and soundstage more so than other things, but I wouldn't mind sacrificing a bit of that for a very sweet midrange (I think). And it seems that both amps can give me one or the other but not both, so I don't know what to think.

Help would be GREATLY appreciated!


Oct 26, 2006 at 9:25 PM Post #2 of 12
The Gilmore Lite drives the K501s really, really beautifully. The combination doesn't come across as too lean, or anything like that. It just sounds right.

There is nothing wrong with the HeadFive either, and it won't surprise me at all if some people prefer it. But I've replaced mine with a GLite and will probably sell it, because to my ears the GLite (and particularly the GLite/K501 combination) just sounds cleaner and more real.
Oct 26, 2006 at 9:38 PM Post #3 of 12
Hey episiarch,

Did the crossfeed on the Headfive do anything for you? That's one area that I'm sort of confuzzled about.

Oct 26, 2006 at 9:54 PM Post #4 of 12
I'm one of those people who thinks crossfeed is kind of nice when I have it, but I don't miss it when I don't have it. But crossfeed matters a lot to some people. You sort of need to figure out on your own whether you're one of them.

Oh, to add one more minor point to your pros and cons: HeadFive's power LED is really *bright*!
I had to cover it with a couple layers of little Avery stickers* before it stopped being dazzling/distracting on my desk.

*[size=xx-small]#05050 half-inch removable light blue[/size]
Oct 26, 2006 at 11:25 PM Post #5 of 12
i agree about crossfeed. it's not a big deal for me...i tried the headfive specifically b/c it had crossfeed but it didn't do much for me...maybe it was my music as well...also tried x-feed on the supermini IV and didn't much care for it.
Oct 27, 2006 at 5:43 AM Post #6 of 12

it seems, from the specs at least, that the Gilmore is more powerful and has more gain so that might be better for the K501...

and yeah - i guess i could always fiddle with a software crossfeed
Oct 27, 2006 at 5:59 AM Post #7 of 12
I've got both of those amps (well, a Dynalo) and the K-501. I think you have the pros and cons summed up pretty well, and episarch was right on, as well. But I've got a few things to add.

First, the gain on the HeadFive is perfectly adequate if you're using a source with decent output. The iPod made the HeadFive sound anemic, but a regular CD player (desktop, not portable) makes it sing. With the CD player, the volume level is just as satisfying as the Dynalo.

Yes, the HeadFive is warmer sounding than the Dynalo, but neither is bad. I go back and forth on which I prefer. It's more like deciding between two dishes you love at a good restaurant. Different flavors, both good.

I wasn't much into crossfeed at first, but it grew on me. The soundfield is a little fuzzier, but the coherence is great. The other side of this is that you can always buy Dr. Meier's Cross I or DIY a version of it for yourself. A standalone is nice because you can use it with different amps.
Oct 27, 2006 at 11:54 AM Post #8 of 12
Im not knowlagable about either of those amps, but I would say to get the more powerfull one if its nice. The more power the more the bass comes alive with the 501s. IMO.
Oct 28, 2006 at 7:15 AM Post #9 of 12
argh...i just read about the Heed CanAmp - and the fact that they're only $40 more than the Gilmore makes my mouth water...
Oct 28, 2006 at 10:02 AM Post #10 of 12
I use the Gilmore Lite with my K501s just for jazz and I think its great for that style of music.I think the Gilmore drives all of my headphones(except for my now sold and gone 325is,way to bright).Its a great all around amp.I've never heard an amp with crossfeed so I dont' no what I am missing.
Oct 30, 2006 at 2:05 PM Post #12 of 12

Originally Posted by bismack
May I ask if Gilmore Lite can offer K501 a wide soundstage or not? I am also a k501 owner.

I've read elsewhere the comparison between the two in terms of soundstage, there being less than the Headfive. However I can tell you, for all of its perceived weak points, the Headfive / 501s soundstage is absolutely HUGE!

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