Headamp Blue Hawaii Special Edition
Feb 4, 2015 at 1:26 PM Post #6,811 of 9,976
So I'd like to thank Richard for making aware about SR Red fuses because I'd never heard of them before.

Wait until you try them in the BHSE!
Shame there's 4 to change though. And shame that they're almost the most expensive ones available. Replacing 4 is around the same cost as a new set of premium tubes. IMO the SQ improvement is broadly equal to (but more neutral than) a significant tube change. I've extrapolated that opinion from just the 2 output fuses - yet to try the inputs.
Not everyone likes the Reds - see the last couple of pages in the fuse rolling thread in Accessories forum - warts and all.
I've had 2 positive PMs from other headfiers - So if this is all in my imagination, then others are imagining the same thing.
And yes, I know all about the SR HOT controversy, but the fuse is the only SR product I've ever tried - I generally avoid companies that use words like "quantum" in their marketing blurb.
Feb 4, 2015 at 8:17 PM Post #6,812 of 9,976
Wait until you try them in the BHSE! ...I've had 2 positive PMs from other headfiers - So if this is all in my imagination, then others are imagining the same thing.
I generally avoid companies that use words like "quantum" in their marketing blurb.

Mass hallucinations aren't uncommon, especially in audio where our brains play tricks on us. 
FYI I read their web page, it's pure 100% BS. I've got graduate degrees in Physics so can go into detail as to how stupidly bad their marketing really is if interested. 
Feb 4, 2015 at 9:08 PM Post #6,813 of 9,976
Mass hallucinations aren't uncommon, especially in audio where our brains play tricks on us. 
FYI I read their web page, it's pure 100% BS. I've got graduate degrees in Physics so can go into detail as to how stupidly bad their marketing really is if interested. 

Sorry for continuing with the off-topic discussion. I do not have the BHSE yet, but I've swapped the fuse in my Apex Teton with SR 20 (the predecessor to the SR RED I presume) and heard zero difference. 
Feb 4, 2015 at 10:59 PM Post #6,814 of 9,976
  Sorry for continuing with the off-topic discussion. I do not have the BHSE yet, but I've swapped the fuse in my Apex Teton with SR 20 (the predecessor to the SR RED I presume) and heard zero difference. 

The great thing about the BHSE (and the other Gilmore designs) is that the circuits are based on solid engineering and real world experience. Sure, there's a lot of over design thrown in for good measure, such as the dual chassis which is probably totally unnecessary and the teflon Stax socket. But, why not? At least even those are based on the idea that in principle they could make some small difference, and if nothing else tell you that nothing is left out.  
That's what I love about Stax and the amps that drive them - they just try to get out of the way based on real engineering, without resorting to magic and fairy dust. 
Feb 5, 2015 at 7:36 AM Post #6,815 of 9,976
the Teflon stax socket is that way because Teflon is VERY easy to machine
and capable of handling the voltages required. And as a material, pretty cheap.
plus very low capacitance, something other plastics are not.
Stax will not sell their sockets, and the MPI socket is not a high quality product.
so the socket is custom.
Feb 5, 2015 at 7:56 AM Post #6,816 of 9,976
  the Teflon stax socket is that way because Teflon is VERY easy to machine
and capable of handling the voltages required. And as a material, pretty cheap.
plus very low capacitance, something other plastics are not.
Stax will not sell their sockets, and the MPI socket is not a high quality product.
so the socket is custom.

There you go again, basing your ideas on real engineering and practical concerns. 
You've got to change your message to get traction in audio. Here you go ... "we use a special grade of Teflon that was soaked for a month in Sake that was blessed by Shinto priests and dates to the Samurai Ashikaga shogunate era." 
Feb 5, 2015 at 11:45 AM Post #6,817 of 9,976
Mass hallucinations aren't uncommon, especially in audio where our brains play tricks on us. 
FYI I read their web page, it's pure 100% BS. I've got graduate degrees in Physics so can go into detail as to how stupidly bad their marketing really is if interested. 

Wow, more angry posts Earspeakers. I would suggest listening and then making your mind up. I have heard hifi fuses in my setup and it does make a difference. I have no idea how, but the proof is in the listening. I leave the physics or marketing to one side, only my ears do the talking....
Feb 5, 2015 at 12:07 PM Post #6,818 of 9,976
Hey I still have a few embarrassingly expensive cables in my speaker rig, and love tubes, vinyl, and very expensive cartridges. But I'm super fatigued by all the hi-fi BS out there -- it just grows in scope, cost, and nonsense every year. Quantum purifiers, $500+ each footers, $10-20K+ racks that (according to manufacturer) require 100s of hours of "burn in", power cords, $1K+ a-foot cables, acoustic "treatments"/resonators that are way too small to make any discernible difference, etc. Ugh. This stuff is damaging to the hobby because it:
1. Contributes to the burn-out of current enthusiasts
2. Repels the entry of new/potential enthusiasts who see this crap as crazy (rightfully so), and
3. Rewards companies specializing primarily in slick sales tactics and packaging vs. quality engineering. 
So yeah, needless to say I'm incredibly grateful for my Stax 009 and KGSShv setup -- no expensive cables, power cords, isolation, or conditioners required here for audio perfection. And it sounds sublime even with most halfway decent 44k/16 recordings.
Feb 5, 2015 at 2:00 PM Post #6,819 of 9,976
  Hey I still have a few embarrassingly expensive cables in my speaker rig, and love tubes, vinyl, and very expensive cartridges. But I'm super fatigued by all the hi-fi BS out there -- it just grows in scope, cost, and nonsense every year. Quantum purifiers, $500+ each footers, $10-20K+ racks that (according to manufacturer) require 100s of hours of "burn in", power cords, $1K+ a-foot cables, acoustic "treatments"/resonators that are way too small to make any discernible difference, etc. Ugh. This stuff is damaging to the hobby because it:
1. Contributes to the burn-out of current enthusiasts
2. Repels the entry of new/potential enthusiasts who see this crap as crazy (rightfully so), and
3. Rewards companies specializing primarily in slick sales tactics and packaging vs. quality engineering. 
So yeah, needless to say I'm incredibly grateful for my Stax 009 and KGSShv setup -- no expensive cables, power cords, isolation, or conditioners required here for audio perfection. And it sounds sublime even with most halfway decent 44k/16 recordings.

I second that mulveling. BTW where did you buy the KGSShv or did you build your own? It is not in your profile. I love the KGSShv, it gives me everything I could want paired with the 009s.
Feb 5, 2015 at 2:12 PM Post #6,820 of 9,976
Although I do agree with your general sentiment, everyone can decide for what to waste their disposable income, be it components that really make an audible difference (positive improvement) or some fancy snake oil stuff ... that with a monetary placebo effect (the more expensive the better...).
Any area, not just hifi has offerings that go completely overboard. Taking care of good connections at reasonable prices, positioning the speakers in the best room position that is still acceptable to the spouse
, avoiding ground loops, checking AC polarity, matching amp and speaker efficiency etc all contributes to good sound. If anyone is bored with life and has money to burn, so be it.
If they get a burn out, they have other problems in life than just hifi
Any newbie needs to learn to listen and develop a personal preference of sound to be happy with and then stop endless comparisons. At some level it's a just a matter of personal preference and not about objectively better, just different. All this is of course strongly depended on the favorite music style...
If a company is successful in selling marketing BS and customers are too lazy to sent the products back for refund, if they don't deliver on promises, then it's just a normal business. As long as you find someone to pay for your goods, you're in business
. Not that I like that or want to make an excuse for it but this is simply how it works.
Glad you found something that sounds good to you.

Feb 5, 2015 at 3:25 PM Post #6,821 of 9,976
Well I have to admit that some things I've bought to try and improve the SQ of my audio equipment haven't made a any difference, but the PH tubes used with my BHSE and the SR Red 13A fuse have, and because that 13A fuse is in the plug of the power cord for my Bybee power purifier which my BHSE, K-01, and MacMini are plugged into, I hear an improvement with all my audio gear, which includes my Pico Slim because i have it connected to my K-01.
For those that don't believe what I'm writing then just stick with what you have and wonder, but Julian ( astrostar59 ) has heard my audio gear but not with the SR Red fuse, so when or if he visits my place again, I believe he will hear the improvement I hear.
Feb 5, 2015 at 3:26 PM Post #6,822 of 9,976
  I hope you mean for a quad of XF4/XF5 double D getters...

As you've been right in all previous occasions, I've broken a promise to myself and pulled the trigger on a quad of XF4 DDs.
But really, this is the last time Ok? Just stoppit.
PS, this vintage tube stuff is a nightmare for the novice. The XF4 DD from Holland is not the same as the XF4 O from Blackburn.
Feb 5, 2015 at 5:16 PM Post #6,823 of 9,976
As you've been right in all previous occasions, I've broken a promise to myself and pulled the trigger on a quad of XF4 DDs.
But really, this is the last time Ok? Just stoppit.
PS, this vintage tube stuff is a nightmare for the novice. The XF4 DD from Holland is not the same as the XF4 O from Blackburn.

I can't imagine you'll be disappointed. No comments on what to expect, other than they should bring your BHSE to another level you didn't see coming.
Any idea when they should arrive? Just curious when you'll be posting your review.
Feb 5, 2015 at 5:36 PM Post #6,824 of 9,976
You'll notice I'm specifically targeting the fallacious use of quantum mechanics to promote audio equipment. It's a popular meme starting in the 60's with New Age gurus explaining their "synchronicity" via "we're all connected via Quantum Mechanics". Just as false. I'm not arguing with the right or desire to spend 500X on a fuse, other than "I ain't buying" :)

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