Headamp Blue Hawaii Special Edition
Oct 13, 2015 at 4:19 PM Post #7,546 of 9,902
  I just received the gray parts for batch #4. the gray parts are much lighter than previous batches. They are like dark silver. I will email everyone who asked for gray with photos. If it's not acceptable, i will have to have more panels done, and that could cause delays. If necessary i will have to save these parts and add another color called "light gray" or "dark silver" to batch #5.

Older gray on left, gray i received is on right

Would there be another choice besides The grey if we don't like this color, Perhaps blue or something?
Oct 14, 2015 at 12:21 PM Post #7,548 of 9,902
For Justin
Do you know when you are going to do a final run i.e. no more BHSE manufactured?
I am wondering if I need to jump in or can wait a year or so?
Oct 14, 2015 at 12:58 PM Post #7,550 of 9,902
Better get it while the getten is good.

Oct 14, 2015 at 4:12 PM Post #7,551 of 9,902
  maybe, maybe not. the colors were ordered based on orders that i had, so there may be very few panels remaining in other colors
What i have already decided to do is get new gray parts. The light gray will be an additional choice.

Glad you decided to keep the "light gray" as an additional choice, instead of not accepting it! Real nice color IMO.
Oct 14, 2015 at 5:25 PM Post #7,553 of 9,902
Are you going to build the Carbon? 
Oct 14, 2015 at 5:38 PM Post #7,555 of 9,902
  the next batch will be the last

You should post the number of availability on the final batch.  This way folks will act accordingly.  This fine amp is gorgeous to look at and will treat your ears like nothing else (beside the T2).  I can't recommend this great amp enough.  The build quality is in the class by itself.  I hope Justin will take on the KGSSHV Carbon next and release the SuSy Dynahi.
Oct 14, 2015 at 5:53 PM Post #7,556 of 9,902
You do not know how gorgeous the HeadAmp BHSE is until you see it in person.  The one at the show I attended was black with silver accents -- looked fantastic.  And of course, the SR-009 sounded glorious from it, even with stock tubes, driven by Justin's Ayre QB9.  Even though I already have a KGSS-HV, I was really tempted to click the order the button when I got home.  I was able to resist that time -- but the BHSE sure is calling my name.
Oct 15, 2015 at 5:52 AM Post #7,557 of 9,902
  You do not know how gorgeous the HeadAmp BHSE is until you see it in person.  The one at the show I attended was black with silver accents -- looked fantastic.  And of course, the SR-009 sounded glorious from it, even with stock tubes, driven by Justin's Ayre QB9.  Even though I already have a KGSS-HV, I was really tempted to click the order the button when I got home.  I was able to resist that time -- but the BHSE sure is calling my name.

I agree with you. I fell in love with David61's BHSE. And the next run of BHSE will be the last according to Justin this week. I have spent too much already on hifi / headfi and I need to bring things back to reality. I already have 2 x KGSShvs that I like a LOT with my 009s or 007As. 
I think it comes down to my aversion to having a tubed power amp. I had problems with my 300B Monoblocks and got fed up sending them back to base (UPS charges).
The BHSE seems very solid, I have only read one case where something went wrong, and the recent case with Arnaud and his IEC socket. Still, power valve do short sometimes, and that would be problematic....
If you want a BHSE you need to be prepared (as with any high end tube amplifier) for the costs of decent valves. The re-issues won't cut it, so you are looking at 600+ US per year at least.
And my life style doesn't suit a valve power amp, as I 'pop out' twice during the day with the dogs, so switch off and on is not practical.
The jump (or difference) between my KGSShv and the BHSE is not huge, in fact quite subtle. It just doesn't make sense for me. 
Oct 15, 2015 at 2:03 PM Post #7,558 of 9,902
  the next batch will be the last

It was about 3-4 years ago, when i was a college student, that i read about the BHSE. I had just entered Head-Fi then and also had the "misfortune" of hearing a low-end stax set up early in my head-fi days, needless to say, i was hooked.

What followed was an incessant amount of stalking on the BHSE's reviews, Innerfidelity electrostat amp comparisons and many more (I even watched the tube biasing video despite not owning one). I vowed that when i started working, this would be my first big ticket purchase. When news of the BHSE production stopping came a 1 year plus ago, i kicked things into overdrive and just started working harder.

Fast forward to now, i have more than enough in cash to pick it up, even though the price have gone up very significantly for me (Heard of the freefall of the Ringgit against the USD?). However, life has a way of tempering schoolboy urges and i think it would be very stupid of me to drop most of my net worth on an amp.

I dont think i can make the final run, but i will own this amp one day, even if they are better amps commercial amps out there. Ill own one for the sake of owning a piece of headamp history.

To one of the most beautiful and undervalued amps right now. (Yes, its undervalued, if this was made by Alo, Cavalli or Audeze, this would be a USD10k amp.), its been a good run. I look forward to what Headamp/Justin will have in store in the future.

To Kevin and Justin at Headamp, thank you for making the Headamp BHSE a reality, it truly is a work of art, god knows after years of stalking, i am quite familiar with it. I am sure this is the amp that many head-fiers will remember years from now. And thank you Kevin Gilmore and Birgir Gudjonsson for making this amp happen.

Justin, if i may make a request, is it possible for the BHSE and Headamp to make it to Canjam Singapore? I would love to hear this amp at least once in my life, like many others of us here in South East Asia.


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