Head phones and hearing aids
Mar 1, 2014 at 3:11 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 2


New Head-Fier
Mar 1, 2014
I have Dot by Resound hearing aids.  They can only be adjusted by the audiologist.  I have asked audiologists for advice on phone call technology and hearing aids, but they know nothing.  I have to use the speaker on any phone (land or cell) to hear any voices.   Ear buds do not stay in my ears (annoyingly dropping out every few minutes), and are undesirable anyway because they require removing my hearing aids.  In addition, without my hearing aids and with the buds in, many voices / sounds still are not clear enough to understand.  (Some of you will understand that volume is not the only issue).  
I just spoke with a Bose customer service rep who had no idea about headphones and hearing aids, so was only able to tell me that most people like the bose products.   This was not an answer.  
Is the audio equipment provider community clueless about how their products work with hearing aids?  Who can help with this question?  
Nov 25, 2022 at 8:54 AM Post #2 of 2
I am a 30 year career audio (music) recording engineer aged 62

I have mild hearing loss

The hearing loss annoys me and effects my ability to hear consonants & music full range.

I know enough about audio to use an equaliser to boost high frequencies I am missing.

On my Hifi I do this using Roon's parametric eq

For headphones / on the go I have had many iems and headphones - some costing as much as $1,700 +

However I have settled on Airpod Pro 2's now and will explain the good reason why.

I have some empire ear Nemesis IEM's they deliver all the high frequency I am looking for but they don't have a mic so I have to yank them out to take phone calls.

With other headphones - I can configure Roon's eq to compensate for my hearing loss. But I use headphones on the go - walking around the house and outside in the city.

My hearing loss is now at a stage where i am shopping for hearing aids - I have extensively (obsessively?) harnessed my ADD ability to hyperfocus on research. Here is what I can share.

1) Hearing aids are designed for speech Intelligibility (ONLY)
2) The added "music' options offered in hearing aids come in at very distant 2nd place and usually have poor reviews (there are a lot of reasons why but it's mostly physical 'vent' size issues causing tinny sound loss of low frequency signal)

So I for portable audio I need to eq my music.

My favorite hi res streaming app Qobuz iPhone app doesn't have an eq

So reluctantly I used Spotify's graphic eq to regain the high frequency loss

Then stumbled upon this video (forget the part about using them as hearing aids, watch the whole thing)

So now I have my Airpods configured to compensate for my hearing loss using Mimi app audiogram - Apple Health - Accessibility settings. Stick with me as I have a solution for Airpods falling out of ears too

Its amazing (really and I am a cynic) everything via my Airpods is now custom tailored to my audiogram - including Apple TV

And I can use Qobuz now!

Here is my plan

TV with my partner - AirPods (my partner has them too - also adjusted to her audiogram) pair to Apple TV
TV with family - use hearing aids
Hifi music - nothing in ears - listen to corrected audio via Roon's parametric eq
Music & podcasts - portable - iPhone + Qobuz + AirPods + snuggs custom molds to keep them in my ears https://snugs.com/using-airpods-and-obtaining-a-secure-fit/
At home with family / outside - all other times - use hearing aids

Putting good over ear headphones over a hearing aid is a very poor solution. hearing aids reduce bass in music and have all sorts of electronics just to make speech audible.. all of that totally RUINS music audio (sorry but this is true)

So I recommend the system above with Airpods

However if you you are against 'those stupid white things everyone has in their ears" there is only one other option for you.

Get some high end headphones - Don't wear hearing aids while using them but instead use an equaliser to boost frequencies you are missing. Roon can do this. Then you could listen to your headphone AND Hifi also without hearing aids.

Hope this helps
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