head-fi member stole another member's headphone and sold them twice!
Dec 16, 2006 at 3:30 PM Post #91 of 126

Originally Posted by nfusion770 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
This is a really unfortunate fiasco and I wish the best to everyone involved, but reading that this catwoman person allegedly tried to rip off an attorney was a LOL moment.

I carry extra insurance on my car in case I hit a mercedes benz loaded with lawyers...not a good situation.
Dec 16, 2006 at 8:12 PM Post #92 of 126
If you are hitting a benz full of lawyers, I think at that point you should go for the kill... O.o not that I am unethical, but this is your soul we are talking about.
Dec 16, 2006 at 9:31 PM Post #93 of 126
Hi guys!

Im currently in the EU at the moment.

Firstly, there is so much fraud going on over here. It wouldn't surprise me if cat woman actually lived in the UK, had a second home in Italy or wherever and used that and someone elses name as faulse ID. ID 'theft' over here, someone can completely become you from as much as a single letter thrown out.

You might get your money/stuff back, but if the fraud was a simple as you all seem to think it is then you all live in an airy fairy world.

Secondly, If it was to fund a drug habit then yeah, I wouldn't be surprised. An 'average' drug habit can consume £10,000 very easily. Ebay/befriending etc. isn't too much for these people. Most people are just 'c0cky' and didn't a flying rodents rectum.

It might be genuine, but my advice is just don't deal with anyone, especially someone you have never met and is 6k mile away. To me, your asking to have you bank account raped just for being stupid. You can't trust people, yet you trust people on the internet.

Keep cool, hope it gets sorted, but that sheds some light on the real problems there are over here.

My apologies for the language, but it helps get the message across.
Dec 17, 2006 at 7:22 AM Post #94 of 126
My sympathies to those that got allegedly scammed. (no proof yet, but of course the deal "smells")

And to Claudia/Claude whatever gender/persona you really are:

Talk is cheap.

Show us proof.

Until then, we are all watching you.

It's threads like this and the community behind it that will never turn this place into eBay.

And thanks so much to Aaron and all the othre mods for looking out and helping as well.

Dec 18, 2006 at 9:42 AM Post #95 of 126

Originally Posted by chrisk /img/forum/go_quote.gif
18.07.2006 19:56 Tamer Abdelshafi wrote:

You didn't give him/her in July any feedback in the feedback forum. If you would have mentioned that what you now publish at this time, we other wouldn't have done a deal with 'catwoman'.
Dec 18, 2006 at 9:59 AM Post #97 of 126
I appologize for infering that Catwoman is a liar. I didn't really meant to say that, I only wanted to point out that without any evidence other than the supposed scams say that she is a liar. Without further evidence, I will judge her based on what has already happened.

It has already been a day. Where is Catwoman? Hiding from the bat? Just to point out other suspicious things.
Dec 18, 2006 at 10:10 AM Post #98 of 126
At the beginning of the trade deal 'catwoman' wrote to me this PM:

ich hab jetzt mal kurz nachgedacht und möchte dir folgenden vorschlag machen:
Du könntest mir die SA 3000 schicken.Ich hör sie mir 1-2 tage an und schick dir entweder die DT770 oder die SA3000 zurück.Wenn ich die Sony nicht nehme,dann zahle ich den versand für beide Wege.
Du kennst mich gar nicht und kannst mir logischerweise nicht wirklich vertrauen.Aber wenn du bei ebay meinen username ( clau_chi ) eingibst, wirst du sehen dass ich schon teure sachen verkauft habe und immer vertrauenswürdig bin.ich habe zum Beispiel die Proline 750 für 185.- verkauft usw...
also sag mir bescheid was du denkst.

Translation, catwoman wrote:
I make the following suggestion:
You can be so good to send the SA3000 to me. I will listen to them 1-2 days. After that i decide whether to send them back to you or to send the DT770 to you. If I don't take the SA3000 I will pay all shipping cost.
You don't know me and logically you cannot really trust me. But if you watch my ebay feedback ( clau_chi ), you will see that I've sold expensive things and that I'm trustable. For example I've sold the Proline 750 for 185 Euro.
So, tell me what you think.

I didn't do a deal like this. I've suggested that at the same time we will send our headphones to the other one. 'catwoman' has accepted.

After I've sent the SA3000 to 'catwoman' I've got this PM from 'catwoman' a few days later:
"die beyerdynamic sind heute wieder zu mir geschickt worden, weil ich idiot eine falsche Postleitzahl aufgeschrieben habe...aber die Sony sind noch immer nicht da."

Translation, catwoman wrote:
the beyerdynamics came back to me. The reason is that I (idiot) have written down the wrong ZIP code ... but the Sony hasn't arrived yet.

Well, at this moment, for me it was clear, that 'catwoman' has planned to trick me.

I thought this little documentation is helpful for others in the future when they have to decide whether to make a trade deal or not.

And I do this to appeal to all members to give a - fast and realistic - feedback after a deal is over. Or during the deal when it starts to smell. In this case it was after I've got the "beyerdynamics came back to me" PM.
Dec 18, 2006 at 10:16 AM Post #99 of 126

Originally Posted by Konig /img/forum/go_quote.gif
i dont see the point fighting over a cat + woman

Please, stop posting rubbish like this. It's unnecessary and disrespectful (Not to mention simply not funny or amusing in any way, shape, or form) to those who were involved in this fiasco.
Dec 18, 2006 at 3:36 PM Post #100 of 126

Originally Posted by skyline889 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Please, stop posting rubbish like this. It's unnecessary and disrespectful (Not to mention simply not funny or amusing in any way, shape, or form) to those who were involved in this fiasco.

i think some posts were deleted before mine.
Dec 18, 2006 at 4:02 PM Post #101 of 126

Originally Posted by superman's ears /img/forum/go_quote.gif
At the beginning of the trade deal 'catwoman' wrote to me this PM:

ich hab jetzt mal kurz nachgedacht und möchte dir folgenden vorschlag machen:
Du könntest mir die SA 3000 schicken.Ich hör sie mir 1-2 tage an und schick dir entweder die DT770 oder die SA3000 zurück.Wenn ich die Sony nicht nehme,dann zahle ich den versand für beide Wege.
Du kennst mich gar nicht und kannst mir logischerweise nicht wirklich vertrauen.Aber wenn du bei ebay meinen username ( clau_chi ) eingibst, wirst du sehen dass ich schon teure sachen verkauft habe und immer vertrauenswürdig bin.ich habe zum Beispiel die Proline 750 für 185.- verkauft usw...
also sag mir bescheid was du denkst.

Translation, catwoman wrote:
I make the following suggestion:
You can be so good to send the SA3000 to me. I will listen to them 1-2 days. After that i decide whether to send them back to you or to send the DT770 to you. If I don't take the SA3000 I will pay all shipping cost.
You don't know me and logically you cannot really trust me. But if you watch my ebay feedback ( clau_chi ), you will see that I've sold expensive things and that I'm trustable. For example I've sold the Proline 750 for 185 Euro.
So, tell me what you think.

I didn't do a deal like this. I've suggested that at the same time we will send our headphones to the other one. 'catwoman' has accepted.

After I've sent the SA3000 to 'catwoman' I've got this PM from 'catwoman' a few days later:
"die beyerdynamic sind heute wieder zu mir geschickt worden, weil ich idiot eine falsche Postleitzahl aufgeschrieben habe...aber die Sony sind noch immer nicht da."

Translation, catwoman wrote:
the beyerdynamics came back to me. The reason is that I (idiot) have written down the wrong ZIP code ... but the Sony hasn't arrived yet.

Well, at this moment, for me it was clear, that 'catwoman' has planned to trick me.

I thought this little documentation is helpful for others in the future when they have to decide whether to make a trade deal or not.

And I do this to appeal to all members to give a - fast and realistic - feedback after a deal is over. Or during the deal when it starts to smell. In this case it was after I've got the "beyerdynamics came back to me" PM.

similar but in my case, she said she had a car accident which broke her arms and legs and she has to stay in hospital for 2weeks. she did say that she would be happy to send me a pair of dt770s or money as soon as she gets out of hospital but.. well, i kind of sensed that i was doomed at that moment..
Dec 18, 2006 at 4:06 PM Post #102 of 126

Originally Posted by cantsleep /img/forum/go_quote.gif
similar but in my case, she said she had a car accident which broke her arms and legs and she has to stay in hospital for 2weeks. she did say that she would be happy to send me a pair of dt770s or money as soon as she gets out of hospital but.. well, i kind of sensed that i was doomed at that moment..

unbelievable. I used less extreme excuses at university when i handed in essays late
Dec 18, 2006 at 4:10 PM Post #103 of 126
My only concern is the forum. Now it's still too early to say if this catwoman is making up multiple memberships to scam more people.....but this does raise an issue of security. With the CCs superman's ears has included, it seems catwoman was trying to show other e-bay aliases for feedback (who knows if these e-bay memberships are hers/his. That should be a sign to every head-fi member to not do any dealings with a person that is giving you multiple names. At least since I'm in the States, I wouldn't even consider a headphone exchange with someone in another country: but I realize countries in the EU are getting closer to one another. But being in seperate countries within the EU also raises a few complications I would imagine.

Just a suggestion if this is not implimented yet: perhaps we should only allow one membership per IP address. This prevents a person from creating multiple aliases, at least from one computer. Of course industrious cat burglers will just use different computers (even off different nodes), but it will discourage a lot of would be theives.

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