Head-Fi Meet: Hamilton, Ontario, Canada - July 8th
Jun 13, 2006 at 2:23 AM Post #16 of 297
Can we organize a bus station for all GTA'ERS / North Yorkers to meet at so we can all get on the bus together, and off together so we're not lost.

BTW, philodox, I'm going to send you a pm in a minute.
Jun 13, 2006 at 2:26 AM Post #17 of 297
Next person that sends me a PM instead of an email as the instructions clearly state will be herefor banned from the proceedings.
Jun 13, 2006 at 2:43 AM Post #18 of 297

Originally Posted by philodox
I'm going to wait until we have a few more names in our hat before I ask the big boys to play.

I'll come if the big boys play.

Jun 13, 2006 at 3:25 AM Post #19 of 297
I'm not a huge believer in cables, so I didn't bother to include mine. But don't worry, I think I'm smart enough to bring cables to be able to plug in my source to my amp, yeesh.
Jun 13, 2006 at 3:39 AM Post #20 of 297
I'm interested in coming...email to come!
I am only about 3-hours away...problem is getting time off work. But, we'll see
I want to hear some tube amps with my Grado 225's
Jun 13, 2006 at 10:58 AM Post #21 of 297
Jay, I dont' know the layout or space of your place, but I was wondering...would it be possible to have a dedicated listening room? (no talking allowed) Distractions were an issue at the last meet, and this would greatly improve people's listening. Tables with chairs facing the walls would be good too, less distracting with coming and goings. It's kind of a lot to hope for, but could be very

Stop PMing Jason...
Jun 13, 2006 at 1:28 PM Post #22 of 297

Originally Posted by Audiophiliac
Jay, I dont' know the layout or space of your place, but I was wondering...would it be possible to have a dedicated listening room? (no talking allowed) Distractions were an issue at the last meet, and this would greatly improve people's listening. Tables with chairs facing the walls would be good too, less distracting with coming and goings. It's kind of a lot to hope for, but could be very.

We have one... maybe two. If you check out the impressions from previous meets you will see reference to 'the sauna'. We usually keep my office closed and there is a quiet rule in effect. Thankfully there is an air conditioner in there now, so we can have that running whenever possible to cut down on the heat. [I know that some will want to shut it down when listening.]

The second is my bedroom. If everyone agrees to let the cats roam, we can make this a dedicated listening room as well.
Jun 13, 2006 at 1:50 PM Post #24 of 297
Of course, everyone is welcome.
Jun 13, 2006 at 2:12 PM Post #25 of 297
Thank you, I will confirm in a couple of days.
Do you think a RadioShack SPL meter will be useful for the meeting?

What do you use to power your Polks? I have 2xRti70/1xCSi40/2xFXi30/2xCSi30 and a SVS 20-39 PC+ powered by Yamaha rx-v2400.
Jun 13, 2006 at 3:15 PM Post #27 of 297

Originally Posted by kryss
Thank you, I will confirm in a couple of days.
Do you think a RadioShack SPL meter will be useful for the meeting?

What do you use to power your Polks? I have 2xRti70/1xCSi40/2xFXi30/2xCSi30 and a SVS 20-39 PC+ powered by Yamaha rx-v2400.

It can't hurt to bring it, the SPL could be used interestingly to compare sound levels each of us prefer, and if the younger really do listen louder
Jun 13, 2006 at 3:35 PM Post #28 of 297

Originally Posted by kryss
Do you think a RadioShack SPL meter will be useful for the meeting?

Fun audio gadgets are always a good thing. We might be music lovers first, but most of us are also techy geeks. Don't be surprised if you catch someone doing some last minute soldering.

Originally Posted by JaGWiRE
Philo, any idea of how many outlets you'll need, so I can begin rounding up my surge protectors / outlet splitters?

The more the better. If any of you use power conditioners I would suggest bringing them as well since my appartment building doesn't have the greatest power.
Jun 13, 2006 at 3:43 PM Post #29 of 297

Originally Posted by philodox
Fun audio gadgets are always a good thing. We might be music lovers first, but most of us are also techy geeks. Don't be surprised if you catch someone doing some last minute soldering.
The more the better. If any of you use power conditioners I would suggest bringing them as well since my appartment building doesn't have the greatest power.

Actually, I'm scared that if we plug surge protectors into surge protectors, we might overload a few of them, and secondly we might get really ditry power if we were to connect something like 3 surge protectors to eachother. Anyway, I have some things that split the wall (also surge protected, but rated for less joules), are those fine?

PS, I'll bring the soldering iron if somebody else brings the solder.

I think I'll bring a multimeter too
Jun 13, 2006 at 3:46 PM Post #30 of 297
We'll just make a one power strip per outlet rule...

I have around 13 pairs of outlets in my place. We should be fine.

PS. Don't bother with the multimeter and soldering iron. I've got both covered. My soldering iron is a POS though, so if anyone expects that they will need to do any advanced work... it might be wise to bring their own.

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