Head-Fi Folding@Home: Join the team!
Jul 12, 2004 at 6:35 AM Post #46 of 384
heh, give me a month, granted you'll be far ahead of me, but between my three roomates we have 9 pc's :wink:

granted... I don't really want to pay that power bill

but looking good ayt999

though with WU don is ahead of you
you win in total score
Jul 12, 2004 at 7:03 AM Post #47 of 384

Originally Posted by MuZI
I`m sorry we cannot provide any competition but i would like to thank you for being the backbone of this team.

competition isn't provided as part of the Head-Fi folding@home program? awww... we need to work on that part.

not a problem though. always glad to help more people learn about distributed computing projects and help new teams when they are just starting.

btw, here's my complete stats for folding@home (accounts for 2CPU and Head-Fi):
Jul 12, 2004 at 7:19 AM Post #48 of 384
Once I get my new PSU hopefully my computer will be more stable since the PSU will stop shutting down due to thermal overload. Then I'll be able to run F@H with full CPU usage (had to drop it down a bit today, only around 60 to 70%) and full-time folding. I'd like to keep my spot as the fastest single-CPU folder on the team if possible
Jul 12, 2004 at 7:30 AM Post #49 of 384
keep in mind that the stanford stats do not make a distinction between an instance and a processor so like for me when it says I am currently using four CPUs it is because I have hyperthreading enabled on my dual xeon thus requiring four instances to keep my computer happy with a full load of folding goodness.

I saw that you said something about a few people on the team using multiple computers on your site and it didn't really add up.
Jul 12, 2004 at 7:43 AM Post #50 of 384
I figured that out after I posted that. Being an AMD user I forgot about Intel's hyperthreading, and it does explain why so many users have so many CPUs counted. So maybe I can maintain the lead of the fastest folder with a single, non-HT CPU. Competition is good, and we all benefit from the contribution of every member
Jul 12, 2004 at 7:50 AM Post #51 of 384
13,738 registered members of Head-Fi - 17 members on the Head-Fi team that returned at least a result = 13,721 registered Head-Fi members to go.

we have some work to do.
Jul 12, 2004 at 12:23 PM Post #55 of 384
if you don't know about this yet, here is the folding community website which is an independent support site for the Pande group project:

there is a great forum there with about all the information you want to know about the project and what is currently going on with the clients and work units.

also, if anyone wants to help out with the beta testing involved with testing new clients, cores, and proteins in development there is a Beta Testing team available for you to participate in. there is a chance of running into stability issues and you are expected to work on any unit given out as a beta testing unit so keep that in mind. once joined, please keep all discussion of the beta testing to the beta testing forum (available once you become a member of the team) at the above site... this means no PM conversations, posting about it at Head-Fi or any other forum such as the non-beta forums at folding-community.org or any other method since this is a beta test and all information should be shared with all other testers.

here is the thread to sign up for the beta testing team. (you will still be affiliated with Head-Fi's FAH team, the beta team is not a team if viewed that way.) of course, if you don't feel that you can actually put in the time to test the client in as many configurations as possible and give feedback, continue on using the public releases.
Jul 12, 2004 at 12:34 PM Post #57 of 384

Originally Posted by bhd812
ok i totally dont understand this idea....someone please tell me in my lengo whats up with this please?

what do you want to know?

the reason why the Pande group is performing a distributed computing project for protein folding and related topics is that they are trying to simulate it on a very large timescale compared to previous simulations and this requires a very large amount of computing power. now, they can go out and make one of the world's largest supercomputers to do the task, but as the SETI@home project has shown (SETI@home being the largest distributed computing project to date in terms of membership and computational output), there is a large population of personal computer users willing to donate a few of their CPU cycles to projects (and if they find a personal connection to it, they tend to support it more.) so this is a far more economical method to do these projects.

if you want to learn more about the project itself, here is the main project website.

if the question is why people are joining the Head-Fi team... that's because all the cool people are doing it.
but really, if you are using a computer (how else are you browsing this site) and have most of your CPU cycles wasting away doing nothing then it wouldn't hurt at all to install a distributed computing application and donate those otherwise unused CPU cycles to a good cause. if it doesn't work out and you get system instability or the computer slows down a lot (both of which shouldn't happen since these are designed to be as transparent as possible to the user and shouldn't interfer with their computer usage.) then all you have to do is uninstall it.

I hope that answers any questions you had.
Jul 12, 2004 at 12:35 PM Post #58 of 384

Originally Posted by bhd812
that didnt help much...lol

that's because that post was not directed at your question at all (the one I just posted does though.
) and was more of a general informational post for the team.
Jul 12, 2004 at 1:01 PM Post #60 of 384
the bubbles are atoms of a protein and the whole structure would be the protein itself and you are simulating the way it changes conformation and stuff like that.

724 is the project # and the link will tell you what it is doing, or trying to do at least. here is the list of all the projects and their descriptions.

I have never used the graphical interface so I don't know if this is correct, but the 0/125 w/u progress should be how much of the calculations parsed out for you to do as part of your work unit is completed. I say that I don't know if it is correct since here (a summary of the information regarding all the work units... the "frames" column is what I am looking at since it indicates into how many smaller units the work unit is broken down into while processing) it states that it is a 100 frame protein.

if you have any more questions, I'll be happy to answer them. hopefully there will be a nice FAQ for stuff like this since I assume it will come up often. I wouldn't mind making one if people give me ideas on what should be included.

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