HE-500 or T1? Advice needed
Feb 3, 2013 at 12:08 PM Post #16 of 22
Sorry, I don't mean to pick on you, but I'm gonna have to side with jerg on this one; that description is definitely not what I would use to describe the HE-500 at all... In any case, I'm sure a thorough/detailed comparison of the T1 vs D7100 would've still been useful for the OP if he hadn't already made up his mind.

Now you see how stupid I sounded when I make a uninformed statement without experience? That's exactly why I avoided talking about HE-500 in the first place, because I know something like this would happen. I just said that description on purpose to prove my point.
To OP: The 7100 has more "detail" than the 600 for sure, but that may just be from the extra treble peak. The T1's details sound more natural and balanced to me. The 7100 is also more sibilant than the 600. 
I still won't talk about HE-500 for obvious reasons,  but one thing I know you'll have to sacrifice for sure if you go with them over the T1 or D7100 is comfort, due to the weight. T1 is the most comfortable headphone I've had to date. No head pain whatsoever after 4-5 hours straight.
Feb 3, 2013 at 4:47 PM Post #17 of 22
Now you see how stupid I sounded when I make a uninformed statement without experience? That's exactly why I avoided talking about HE-500 in the first place, because I know something like this would happen. I just said that description on purpose to prove my point.

No worries 
. I think some people just don't like it when the other phone isn't acknowledged. I always mention it by saying I haven't tried it or something, just to make sure I cover all my bases. I don't think it's that big a deal either way though.
To OP: The 7100 has more "detail" than the 600 for sure, but that may just be from the extra treble peak. The T1's details sound more natural and balanced to me. The 7100 is also more sibilant than the 600. 

Yep, I concur. If details are your thing OP, this is how I would have to rate the phones I have experience with:

HD 800 >> HE-5LE / T1 > LCD-2 > HE-500 > D600 / D7100(?) > D5000 > HD 600

(The T1 and HE-5LE are only a toss up because I need to A/B them sometime to check how I would actually rank them relative to each other.)

Similar-ish ranking for imaging as well, except that all the denons would probably be closer to the T1 in that case, As for soundstage:

HD 800 >> T1 > D5000 > D600 / D7100(?) > HE-5LE > HE-500 > LCD-2 > HD 600

I feel I should mention again that I am going off of memory for basically all the ones that aren't listed in my profile, but I hope that helps anyway.
Feb 6, 2013 at 1:06 PM Post #19 of 22
I spent about a month with HE-500 and only about an hour with T1 so this isn't the best comparison but even in that short time, I much preferred HE-500. T1 was way to bright for my taste and though, as most pointed out already, it's a more precise headphone with better imaging, in terms of euphoria I definitely think HiFiMAN did a better job.

T1 is more expensive too and you get what you pay for in terms of build quality and comfort. HE-500 is built like a Volvo from 1985; it's heavy, unappealing, indestructible and uncomfortable when it's on you. But I'd still choose them over T1.
Feb 6, 2013 at 1:56 PM Post #20 of 22
I have owned both the T1 and the HE500 for a while now. Here are some not-so-well organized thoughts:
  1. Given your eclectic musical tastes you would be happy with either, as both sound very good with pretty much any music you throw at them.
  2. They do have different strengths though: the T1 are better at reproducing complex, layered music, e.g an orchestra, while the HE500 are much better at reproducing voices.
  1. The T1 are much more comfortable than the HE500.
  2. very often I find myself listening to (and loving) the way the HE500 sounds. This just does not happen with the T1, which disappear in the background almost immediately. They are definitely not head-fi meet material. 
  3. In terms of amplification, based on my limited experience with three amps (Woo WA3 and WA6SE, Meier Corda Opera), I would say that the T1 are easier (AKA less expensive) to drive well.  So the HP price difference may be less of a factor once you assemble your final system.
In conclusion, I would recommend you go with the T1 if you listen to a lot of music for many hours per day. If instead you are a more focused listener, looking for musical thrills during those late night sessions when the house is quiet and the kids are sleeping, you will be happier with the HE500. Or get them both, like I did!
Feb 6, 2013 at 2:11 PM Post #21 of 22
I have owned both the T1 and the HE500 for a while now. Here are some not-so-well organized thoughts:
  1. Given your eclectic musical tastes you would be happy with either, as both sound very good with pretty much any music you throw at them.
  2. They do have different strengths though: the T1 are better at reproducing complex, layered music, e.g an orchestra, while the HE500 are much better at reproducing voices.
  1. The T1 are much more comfortable than the HE500.
  2. very often I find myself listening to (and loving) the way the HE500 sounds. This just does not happen with the T1, which disappear in the background almost immediately. They are definitely not head-fi meet material. 
  3. In terms of amplification, based on my limited experience with three amps (Woo WA3 and WA6SE, Meier Corda Opera), I would say that the T1 are easier (AKA less expensive) to drive well.  So the HP price difference may be less of a factor once you assemble your final system.
In conclusion, I would recommend you go with the T1 if you listen to a lot of music for many hours per day. If instead you are a more focused listener, looking for musical thrills during those late night sessions when the house is quiet and the kids are sleeping, you will be happier with the HE500. Or get them both, like I did!

agree 100% with your thoughts......
Feb 6, 2013 at 3:48 PM Post #22 of 22
I have owned both the T1 and the HE500 for a while now. Here are some not-so-well organized thoughts:
  1. Given your eclectic musical tastes you would be happy with either, as both sound very good with pretty much any music you throw at them.
  2. They do have different strengths though: the T1 are better at reproducing complex, layered music, e.g an orchestra, while the HE500 are much better at reproducing voices.
  1. The T1 are much more comfortable than the HE500.
  2. very often I find myself listening to (and loving) the way the HE500 sounds. This just does not happen with the T1, which disappear in the background almost immediately. They are definitely not head-fi meet material. 
  3. In terms of amplification, based on my limited experience with three amps (Woo WA3 and WA6SE, Meier Corda Opera), I would say that the T1 are easier (AKA less expensive) to drive well.  So the HP price difference may be less of a factor once you assemble your final system.
In conclusion, I would recommend you go with the T1 if you listen to a lot of music for many hours per day. If instead you are a more focused listener, looking for musical thrills during those late night sessions when the house is quiet and the kids are sleeping, you will be happier with the HE500. Or get them both, like I did!

I say say the opposite here.  The T1 needs a really good amp to make it sound really good.  The HE-500s really don't.  IMO


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