HE-300 v Modded T50RP?
Feb 6, 2012 at 7:56 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 21


Jan 16, 2012
I've almost read the entirety of the T50RP thread (300 pages, 4 hours and three cups of tea in) and it's very Intriguing to see how such an inexpensive pair of headphones can grow into such a large part of the affordable audiophile scene.
I've been deciding between a vast choice of headphones for a couple weeks now and I'll finally have the money tomorrow and my decision still could not be more unfinished, I'm currently stuck between a pair of HE-300s or getting some T50RPs and getting some modding items and having a go (wooden cups are intriguing too but a little out of my skill and contact range).
On the one hand the HE-300s offer a decent (atleast I hope) sound out of the box, atleast what I'd expect from $250 headphones having never experienced anything over bass cans.
On the other hand the T50RPs are getting so much praise (and are considered to be "85% of the LCD-2") that it's hard to say no, but unknowing to my modding prowess and how these will sound having nothing to compare it against is actually quite frightening, not to mention after 300 pages of the T50RP thread I've still no idea of what mod to do and what specific materials I need to do so.
I appreciate any opinions, hopefully you can make this hard decision (trivial for some with money) a little easier, thanks.
Feb 6, 2012 at 8:18 AM Post #3 of 21
It's almost too hard to believe, surely if they're this good everyone and their mothers would be buying them, no other headphone would be recommended in the $100-400 headphone range?
But the thought of T50RPs, sonically modded with thick velour pads turns my legs to jelly.
There are numerous people who say that they think with the right mods, their T50s surpass LCD2s.

Feb 6, 2012 at 11:13 AM Post #4 of 21
I would easily take a modded T50RP over a HE300 any day. The T50RP is very good when modded and is close to my HE500 but doesn't quite match it in ability.
Feb 6, 2012 at 11:39 AM Post #5 of 21
It's almost too hard to believe, surely if they're this good everyone and their mothers would be buying them, no other headphone would be recommended in the $100-400 headphone range?
But the thought of T50RPs, sonically modded with thick velour pads turns my legs to jelly.

Well, you might have noticed that it's very difficult to find any place with the T50RPs in stock (at a reasonable price). They are very popular! However, I think a lot of people are a bit skeptical, or unsure that the specific mods they do will actually sound as good as some other mods.
Feb 6, 2012 at 1:22 PM Post #6 of 21
Well, you might have noticed that it's very difficult to find any place with the T50RPs in stock (at a reasonable price). They are very popular!

Seriously. Currently own HE-300s and have been keen on getting into the whole T50RP thing in the near future, but it's true they are pretty hard to find right now. Head-fiers actually managed to clean out the entire internet's stock! What's equally hilarious is that if you search for modeling clay on Amazon, one of the suggested items that pops up is SRH840 pads. 
Feb 6, 2012 at 3:37 PM Post #8 of 21
It's almost too hard to believe, surely if they're this good everyone and their mothers would be buying them, no other headphone would be recommended in the $100-400 headphone range?

There was some backlash against all the T50RP thread crashing. It is a DIY project and many aren't interested in going down that road.

Am I the only one surprised about all the skepticism?
Feb 6, 2012 at 4:52 PM Post #9 of 21
People may be skeptical but I don't care esp if they have never tried it. I know what is good sound and what I get out of my modded T50RP definitely qualifies as good sound.
Feb 6, 2012 at 7:09 PM Post #10 of 21
Most people just don't wanna spend that much time moddin' stuff, or are just flat out intimidated by it. And then there are other valid reasons to not like them... They aren't really portable, and they need an amp.
Feb 6, 2012 at 8:00 PM Post #11 of 21
i was skeptical at first with the fostex as well to be honest. i was interested in them of course but not really excited on trying them or anything, but i saw pair on ebay and bid on it with no intention of winning really since i already knew how popular they were but won it for 53 bucks which is killer price i have to say. i already had left over materials since i use to work on speaker cabs and so forth so the modding part was basically free and after got done i was actually really surprised and happy on what they could do. the drivers inside defiantly has hell of potential for what they offer. that's of course you don't mind opening and closing and testing. i did mine by ear and used my 240DF as reference with good results.
Feb 6, 2012 at 8:01 PM Post #12 of 21
Seriously. Currently own HE-300s and have been keen on getting into the whole T50RP thing in the near future, but it's true they are pretty hard to find right now. Head-fiers actually managed to clean out the entire internet's stock! What's equally hilarious is that if you search for modeling clay on Amazon.

but why amazon? everyone knows you can get play-doh locally. in different colors too!
Feb 6, 2012 at 11:23 PM Post #15 of 21
I auditioned a pair of Thunderpants a while back. Dunno if it was the amp or source, or maybe a bad pair, but all I could hear were mids. No extension on either top or bottom.

Yeah, that's not right. Not sure what was wrong with it! My modded T50RPs are pretty audible down to about 35Hz before the really drop off quickly. The top end on mine is very detailed while remaining extremely smooth and easy to listen to.

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