hd600, hd650 vote on headroom, what the hell..?
Jan 19, 2006 at 6:41 PM Post #17 of 33
Am I missing something?

Why is the Headroom 5-point rating system revered here as the holy pinnacle of headphone evaluation? How is it ANY different from ANY other subjective interpretation.

Almost every single day there is a point here regarding their likes or dislikes of Sennheiser headphones, yet only Headroom manages to kick up an fanfare. I have no doubt all the people over there are quite knowledgable, but I can't see why their opinion should sway more than that of any other qualified listener's.

The funny thing is that I am sure that people who own the HD600 and HD650 and who were perfectly satisfied until this point will, after reading Headroom, suddenly become unsatisfied with their sound.
Jan 19, 2006 at 6:57 PM Post #18 of 33
it's not about believing the vote or not, do you really think i'm worried about that half point drop?!? LOL
but still if you reconsider something, just reconsider everything else (dt880)...
in addition i don't care about headroom so much, first because i'm in europe, second beacuse their prices are a little bit high, and you can quite always find a bettere price somewhere else....but still it remains a quite famous site, and such behavior was a little strange for me.
that's all
Jan 19, 2006 at 8:27 PM Post #19 of 33

Originally Posted by n_maher
Oh geez, here we go again... someone please lock this before we go down the same road as the above thread.


It's too late, it's built momentum - we must relive history on head-fi once more!

imho tho, it seems that head-fi is definitely on a pro-grado, anti-senn tip these days, which is a tilt in balance from the long period of pro-HD650, anti-Grado that pervaded the joint for a while. I guess Darth Fuzz has "restored the balance" for our own good!
Jan 19, 2006 at 9:38 PM Post #20 of 33

Originally Posted by m_memmory
But surely what someone else says/thinks about a headphone doesn't alter how it sounds to you at all. I mean I consider the DT880 to be the best headphone that I own and think it sounds wonderful... from reading around here it seems that consensus is leading to the K701 being better overall - but this doesn't alter that, to me, the DT880 is wonderful. I've never heard the K701 so whether it's better or not I can't say and I don't know so to me the DT880 is still the best.

Ditto... the DT880 completely satisfies my ears, although I admit to being VERY curious about the K701

I agree also, who cares what other people say/think about a headphone? One must learn to trust their own ears in this hobby at some point.


Originally Posted by Revliskciuq
The funny thing is that I am sure that people who own the HD600 and HD650 and who were perfectly satisfied until this point will, after reading Headroom, suddenly become unsatisfied with their sound.

Yup. I think too many folks just don't trust their own ears, or they value the opinions of others a bit too much perhaps.
Jan 19, 2006 at 10:15 PM Post #21 of 33
It's nice to know that someone else agrees with our personal point of view (makes us feel a bit better as we think we're "more right" or something) but it's not necessary for us to be able to enjoy ourselves with this hobby.

This evening I've been mainly listening to my MS1 through the Aria listening to a load of rock music and it has to be the best sound that I've ever heard from rock music (that wasn't live in a massive stadium)

Now I'm pretty certain that there are other setups/headphones that'll make rock sound better (or I could get better MP3s of the music as they are only 320kbps) but to me this sounds brilliant and that's all I want - something that'll make me smile. For now the MS1 is all that I need ... when I have more money then I might think about going further in the Grado line and see what else is available (or maybe just higher up the Alessandro line)
Jan 19, 2006 at 10:37 PM Post #22 of 33

Originally Posted by Blasyrkh
but still if you reconsider something, just reconsider everything else (dt880)...

why the assumption that they didn't consider everything else? that's rather biased. It's far more logical to assume that they left the 880s at 5 on purpose, considering what you get for the price. It's one of the best values in headphones right now, what reason would they have to nerf the rating? That's like saying the 580 isn't good for what you pay.
Jan 19, 2006 at 11:47 PM Post #23 of 33

Originally Posted by t_s
why the assumption that they didn't consider everything else? that's rather biased. It's far more logical to assume that they left the 880s at 5 on purpose, considering what you get for the price. It's one of the best values in headphones right now, what reason would they have to nerf the rating? That's like saying the 580 isn't good for what you pay.

you're right, but the "lower" price of the hd600 on HR is 220€..it's less then the dt880s.
however it doesn't matter, really, let's close this thread, sorry to have opened it
Jan 19, 2006 at 11:57 PM Post #24 of 33

Originally Posted by Blasyrkh
you're right, but the "lower" price of the hd600 on HR is 220€..it's less then the dt880s.

IMO and FWIW, the DT880 is a better headphone than the HD600 (with stock cable)... and not just a little better, either. I say this as a person who owned both HD580 and HD600 for well over a year, and have done extensive comparisons between HD580 and DT880.

IMO the HD580 is a great value at ~$150, and DT880 equally as great a value at ~$250. To me they're both worth approximately double what they cost.
Jan 20, 2006 at 12:07 AM Post #26 of 33

Originally Posted by redrich2000
This development makes it indisputable now that Beyer is better than Senn.
It's that simple DT-880 > HD-650

LOL... I'm definitely NOT saying that myself, just so that's clear (since your post came right after mine). Haven't heard the HD650 and have no opinion on its sonics.
Jan 20, 2006 at 12:38 AM Post #27 of 33
haha, he's just trying to pick a fight. Everything on this forum is apples and oranges and when you try to compare those...

and for the record, from our perpective, the HD650s are 310, HD600s are 260, and the DT880s are 210 USD.

edit2 - and yes, I also prefer the 880s over the HD600s. yes, i've heard them both. hehe. {dons flame shield}
Jan 20, 2006 at 1:09 AM Post #29 of 33

Originally Posted by donlin
Headroom doesn't like Grados, so how can any of their ratings mean much?

Seems pretty simple -> if they don't like Grado's -> poor value ratings. Makes perfect sense to me.

You are welcome to disagree with their ratings, but I actually agree with them.

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