Has the Lavry DA10 fallen out of favor?
Oct 16, 2006 at 1:27 PM Post #61 of 67

Originally Posted by applebook
Yes, all of those reviewers are paid off, are simply lying, or are clueless. Anonymous head-fi members' opinions are truth.

You obviously don't understand how Stereophile works. Have you read the magazine? Pay close attention to who is being reviewed and who is being advertized. Now find me a negative review.
Oct 16, 2006 at 3:19 PM Post #62 of 67

Originally Posted by thomaspf
The Lavry measures perfectly flat it has no rolled off highs.

It does not have the weird sound signature of the DAC1 in the high frequencies which seems to be mostly an artefact of the resampling chip.

I brought my Lavry home and set it up properly with my best USB->SPDIF converter and my K1000s. Ok, you're right. I'd been using my ER4s and SR-325i with it so much that I just was confusing the brilliance of the K1000 with the brilliance of my other DAC.

Yeah the DA10 is very good... and certainly not rolled off.
Oct 24, 2006 at 1:25 AM Post #63 of 67
Cross-post from a Stello vs. Lavry jitter thread...

I just got one of the PS Audio Critical Link fuses for the Lavry and...wow! It has the same Lavry sound signature, but now all the notes have a bit more weight behind them (kind of like the Lavry might have been a bit sleepy before, but now it is really paying attention). This is at least double the improvement I got from the Black Sands cable (vs. my old PS Audio Plus cable, in case you think I'm a PS Audio fan) that I recently hooked up to my Lavry. If you have a Lavry I definitely suggest trying one of these fuses (the 2.5 amp model, $30 at the PS Audio site under Accessories...Critical Link fuses).
Oct 26, 2006 at 2:18 AM Post #64 of 67

Originally Posted by Scrith
Cross-post from a Stello vs. Lavry jitter thread...

I just got one of the PS Audio Critical Link fuses for the Lavry and...wow! It has the same Lavry sound signature, but now all the notes have a bit more weight behind them (kind of like the Lavry might have been a bit sleepy before, but now it is really paying attention). This is at least double the improvement I got from the Black Sands cable (vs. my old PS Audio Plus cable, in case you think I'm a PS Audio fan) that I recently hooked up to my Lavry. If you have a Lavry I definitely suggest trying one of these fuses (the 2.5 amp model, $30 at the PS Audio site under Accessories...Critical Link fuses).

i ordered one, let's see how it goes
Oct 26, 2006 at 4:42 PM Post #67 of 67
The fuse is not made by PS Audio, by the way (it's from a German company named AHP).

I've done quite a bit of research on fuses over the past couple of days (I've been worried that it makes my Lavry sound better because it is letting too much power through, or something like that) and found some interesting things. There seems to be much more acceptance of the idea of fuses improving the sound of audio equipment than power cords and power filters. The most illuminating discussions are probably at DIYAudio.com. It really seems like a fuse has the potential to improve a system that is a bit lacking in punch (which I believe is the case with the Lavry). As I've said elsewhere, this new sound I'm hearing is exactly what the Lavry needed, I think...giving it the best of both worlds (a slightly more powerful, yet still neutral, presentation combined with second-to-none jitter protection).

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