Has the economy impacted your head fi habit?
Nov 13, 2008 at 2:47 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 40


100+ Head-Fier
Feb 20, 2008
I'm watching my 401(k) tank, my client base dry up, and am even falling behind on mortgage payments (just because I'm too lazy to update auto bill-paying thing on bank's website to reflect higher payments that went into effect like, uh, a year ago), but I still can't pass up a deal... saw Ed 9's FS here at a great price, and snatched 'em up ASAP without blinking. Have we discovered the only true recession-proof industry? Is upgradeitis too powerful even to forestall possible foreclosure on one's home? I'm thinking I should be putting the remaining $74 in my 401(k) into Sennheiser stock, what do you think?
Nov 13, 2008 at 2:51 AM Post #2 of 40
74 in your 401 wow. Thats rough.
Well IMO the economy is only going to impact those who are not able to have that third home and ferrari. They will continue to be fine because they are likely old-money with diverse overseas portfolios and can live lifetimes over off of interest. Those are going to be a fair amount of connoisseurs, whether it be headphones, cars, wines, watches, etc. etc. Those businesses will likely be unaffected also, I can not forsee rolex being hit too hard by the recession because the middle/lower class don't give them that much business anyways.

My thoughts...
Nov 13, 2008 at 2:52 AM Post #4 of 40
Invest in Campbell soup, it always goes up in November. Sell first of December. Remember you heard it here first
Nov 13, 2008 at 2:58 AM Post #5 of 40

Originally Posted by digger945 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Invest in Campbell soup, it always goes up in November. Sell first of December. Remember you heard it here first

Good call. What about progresso?

Nov 13, 2008 at 3:01 AM Post #6 of 40
I almost always buy second hand... so it's not really changing anything for me either.
Nov 13, 2008 at 4:23 AM Post #9 of 40
I think this is a recession proof industry. At the height (hopefully) of the downturn I just HAD to have a Singlepower amp. Emailed Mikhail and pulled the trigger...

Definitely worth it. I'm a firm believer in having good healthy hobbies. Compared to what I could be doing, Audiophilitis is a healthy addiction.
Nov 13, 2008 at 4:23 AM Post #10 of 40
I have sold off almost everything head-fi related. I have been trying to buy a house for quite a while, but my food costs are up 20+%, my electricity/gas is up 20%, and I have cut out everything that can be cut. All I have left are my Grado 225s.
Nov 13, 2008 at 4:28 AM Post #12 of 40
Luckily, I made all the purchases that I wanted to make recenlty before the economy tanked here in the US. I'm buried in headphones and have a SET amp that I hope to convert to a dedicated headphone amp in the near future. I got my Zen Head portable amp this summer and love it. I have a Total Bithead (had a DAC for my laptop) and got me a AKG 701 recently. Life is good. Mind you, I'm not buying anything and luckily have enough toys that I don't have to buy anything (except the occasional cd or download).

If Bush/Obama gives me a stimulus package, I'd not buy stuff, but pay off bills. The last stimulus package got me a really nice oak table, a plasma tv and a mountain bike for my 9 year old. I'm delighted with my purchases, but we really don't need anything else.
Nov 13, 2008 at 4:34 AM Post #13 of 40
Well, I probably would have taken the plunge and bought some DT880's when Amazon had their recent sale, but I held off. Although I have the money to buy them, I don't feel comfortable buying things I want but really don't need. I'm still buying things like CDs and DVDs (though in lesser quantities) but I can't justify getting another pair of headphones when I'm perfectly happy with what I have. "Just because" is not a reason to want something.
Nov 13, 2008 at 4:39 AM Post #14 of 40
No doubt in my case. Being self-employed, I have no idea what 2009 will bring. I was really considering reselling some gear to get a pair of the new IE8s from Sennheiser, but decided enough was enough. It's not like I have a crappy situation sound-wise. And here I am, typing away on the new HP Mini 1000 that arrived yesterday.

However, I am maxed out for now. No mas! No mas!
Nov 13, 2008 at 5:02 AM Post #15 of 40
I'll be Ok so long as Head-Fi sellers continue to accept S&H green stamps, Bazooka bubble gum wrappers, and Cap'n Crunch box tops as payment for their stuff.

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