Has an artists behaviour ever turned you off their music?
Aug 24, 2007 at 11:34 PM Post #91 of 172
When Shaq left the Lakers, I vowed to never again buy one of his cd's, and I have kept my vow.
Aug 25, 2007 at 12:31 AM Post #92 of 172
Very often it does: I'm definitely not the "music is music" kind.

Example: I now avoid Itzhak Perlman, having learned about his attitude towards the klezmer folk bands he once collaborated and toured with; and anyhow, his usual demeanor is arrogant enough to turn me off.

Had I knew the modus operandi of many conductors, I might never be able to enjoy orchestral music. But then, ignorance here is, in a very real sense, bliss.
Aug 25, 2007 at 12:45 AM Post #93 of 172

Originally Posted by YamiTenshi /img/forum/go_quote.gif
In general I don't have a problem with Christian musicians or even vague Christian themes in music. What I hate is when an artist preaches his religion/beliefs in a song. Anything along the lines of "Our savior is coming!" or "Repent all you sinners!" or "Believe in my God or go to hell!"... grrrr.....

it seems like most people here don't care about lyrics UNLESS they're talking about jesus or satan. too far man, tooo farrrr.
Aug 25, 2007 at 2:30 AM Post #95 of 172

Originally Posted by DavidMahler /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hitler was a composer, a painter too......but he was no Beethoven or Rembrandt.

I meant composer in the metaphorical sense, as in orchestrated the most infamous tragedy mankind has ever known. I'd say the Holocaust is the genocide equivalent of Beethoven's 5th.
Aug 25, 2007 at 2:32 AM Post #96 of 172

Originally Posted by Altoids /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hitler was a composer on the level of Beethoven, he just didn't play music. I try to level my judgment according to the artists' talent. Genius can do anything to the common man; rape, murder, pedophilia -- it's their right. As talent falls, so should leniency.

this is one of the most absurd things i've ever read. to be clear, you were serious, right?
Aug 25, 2007 at 3:16 AM Post #97 of 172

Originally Posted by TheAnomaly /img/forum/go_quote.gif
this is one of the most absurd things i've ever read. to be clear, you were serious, right?

Totally serious. Of course they should be held legally responsible for their actions, but in the case of individual judgment I think true genius should be automatically exempt. Honestly, why bother condemning one facet of a mind that you couldn't hope to comprehend in its totality, so long as the injury wasn't personal and its contribution to the world was significant?


but I dislike music with Satanic themes even more. Just don't get the whole fascination with that stuff. It seems so poser-ish, no matter how good the band is. It's almost as bad as emo stuff.

Some theistic-themed music is excellent because the musicians genuinely felt the grace of God, whether it was placebo or not. Look at Mozart, Brahms, and, more recently, The Innocence Mission; music written to God, and not for the sake of conversion or reinforcing faith. The problem with Satan is that no one really believes in him. Therefore, no one can write an earnest song for him.
Aug 25, 2007 at 4:12 AM Post #98 of 172

Originally Posted by Altoids /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Totally serious. Of course they should be held legally responsible for their actions, but in the case of individual judgment I think true genius should be automatically exempt. Honestly, why bother condemning one facet of a mind that you couldn't hope to comprehend in its totality, so long as the injury wasn't personal and its contribution to the world was significant?

Because "significant" is one hell of a slippery slope. Do you think we should apply this same standard to, let's say, Michael Vick? He's one hell of a quarterback and was changing the way the game was played by showing how dangerous a QB with legs can be. On the other hand as a direct result of his skill and profits he tortures dogs. Do we just go "oh well, he's brilliant! let it be!"

To go even further, for all we know, he was a brilliant dogfighter. Same standard?

Another slippery slope, the word "contribution." As an example, Unit 731. The medical community is still trying to figure out the ethical quagmire that is using the results of medical torture to further the profession. There is no doubt about the contribution of the unit, but knowledge at what price?
Aug 25, 2007 at 4:59 AM Post #99 of 172

Originally Posted by Altoids /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I meant composer in the metaphorical sense, as in orchestrated the most infamous tragedy mankind has ever known. I'd say the Holocaust is the genocide equivalent of Beethoven's 5th.

On a scale of significance the Holocaust outweighs any piece of art ever created, just as any conquerer who tried to wipe out a civilization. But I wouldn't equate something like that with artistic genius. Nothing Beethoven ever did impacted the world as strongly as Hitler's, Stalin's, Alexander's or Khan's conquests but that isn't to say that any of those people are genius. Beethoven is a genius, Dickens is a genius, Michelangelo is a genius.

Conquerers and most dictators are civilization's sad example of people with intelligence that find away to manipulate societies with fear and convert that fear into hatred. You can't compare the Holocaust or the Inquisition or anything like that to Beethoven's 5th. Beethoven's 5th changed music history. The Holocaust changed human history. Beethoven's 5th was created by genius of the highest calliber. The Holocaust was caused by a clever Man leading a society of very scared and fooled people.

The only way you can even relate the two things is by saying......Beethoven's 5th is an example of the highest acheivement of mankind.....The holocaust is an example of the lowest acheivement of mankind.

That's how I feel
Aug 25, 2007 at 5:10 AM Post #100 of 172
Yeah. Christian Metal. They shouldn't be singing of silly stuff like jesus. Not when they can sing of "force feeding broken glass", that's more of a theme

Now seriously, christianity has no place in Metal. Example: I used to like Antestor until I realized what tf they where singing about (and people say bad things about unperceptible lyrics, there are very good things about it). They even wear corpse paint, can you spell falseness?

Worst than that just Alice Cooper's new born christianity. Alice Cooper will go to hell.
Aug 25, 2007 at 5:16 AM Post #101 of 172

Originally Posted by Thelonious Monk /img/forum/go_quote.gif
not really. i was a bit skeptical about Burzum at first. he burned down 3 churches and killed a man. i shrugged it off and gave the album 2 proper listens; not amazing, but good.

You are extremelly open minded. Most sincere congratulations.
Aug 25, 2007 at 5:33 AM Post #103 of 172

Originally Posted by Altoids /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Totally serious. Of course they should be held legally responsible for their actions, but in the case of individual judgment I think true genius should be automatically exempt. Honestly, why bother condemning one facet of a mind that you couldn't hope to comprehend in its totality, so long as the injury wasn't personal and its contribution to the world was significant?

because what they did was wrong, and no society is built on that type of framework. disregarding your Nietzsche or wherever you got that idea, the "strong" don't just go around preying on the "weak". granted it happens economically and what not, because the strong do become strong by exploiting others somehow (generally speaking), but saying that criminal actions should be disregarded is ridiculous. the fact that they are a genius in one sense should have essentially nothing to do with their actions in another.

i mean really, you would be willing to say that what Hitler did was fine because he was genius enough to accomplish it? you're that willing to overlook the moral, social, familial, and every other type of harm that's caused by a crime, solely to maintain this "right" of the genius? that may be, as far as i'm concerned, the most amoral and disgusting thing i have ever heard if that's what you believe.

and why should the capacity of their mind stop me from condemning part of it? we will never fully understand any mind, let alone a supposed genius', so why bother punishing anyone?

edit: and i should add that comparing the Holocaust to a symphony is downright distasteful.
Aug 25, 2007 at 10:19 AM Post #104 of 172
I don't let an artist's behavior affect my enjoyment (or lack thereof) of their music. If the music's good, then that's all that matters. Of course, it doesn't mean that I condone or support the behavior of the artist, either.
Aug 25, 2007 at 10:25 AM Post #105 of 172

Originally Posted by Bootleg /img/forum/go_quote.gif
When Shaq left the Lakers, I vowed to never again buy one of his cd's, and I have kept my vow.


For me it's pretty much just Bono.

Oh yeah and Cat Power. I expected a really awkward half thought out set when I saw her at Bonnaroo. Instead I get some kind of late night show ripoff band backing her up on a fairly confident set, and it sucked. Chan Marshall, why did you take the pills?

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