Happy Birthday JMT!
Apr 5, 2003 at 8:33 PM Post #61 of 62
Glad you had a Happy Birthday!
Apr 5, 2003 at 9:02 PM Post #62 of 62
I've had almost no time to post here of late, Jon. But I did want to wish you an utterly hedonistic and pleasurable birthday. Japanese food can be amazing -- generally, I request a moment of silence when tasting raw yellowtail, salmon or mackerel (in that order). And the certificate for Tower is spot-on (though I tend to encounter in the classical department the bitterest clerks alive -- the kind who resent you but still feel compelled to sing themes from the out-of-print Szymanowski you happen to be buying).

I do hope your ur-day was replete with all manner of gratifications emotional, aesthetic, oral and aural. And if you've built anything special for yourself recently, I hope you're enjoying it to the hilt this weekend (wait -- that didn't sound quite right). A quarter-inch input doesn't seem a proper fit, though, does it?

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