Gustard X26 Pro Dual ES9038PRO DAC

Sep 15, 2021 at 12:47 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 1,351


100+ Head-Fier
Feb 26, 2017
Since this great DAC had no dedicated thread yet, I felt the urge to create one :)

Link: Gustard (CN)
Sep 15, 2021 at 12:48 PM Post #2 of 1,351
Initial impression after 6 weeks of ownership:
I was torn between the Topping D90SE, SMSL VMV D1se and the Gustard X26 Pro, that are all based on the ES9038PRO chip(s).
But finally opted for the X26Pro since I have a fable for unnecessary over-engineering within reasonable price difference and must say I don't regret my decision.
In terms of transparency and detail they probably are all most likely identical, but I also appreciate build and usability factors and one of the biggest for me is:
a dedicated front power-on/off button, not just pseudo-standby mode like many offer.
Yes, the downside of this is, the Gustard has no auto-standby mode for inactivity or so, its either off or on.

Easy navigation on the device itself (up/down = input switch, left/right volume control) or by included remote.
All settings are correctly saved/stored when powered-off and unplugged.
And yes, the unit runs warm/hot after some hours, but that is expected by its design (class A output stage), so I turn it off when not used for longer time.

I pair the X26 Pro with the GS-X mini and very happy with that combo: detail, authority and wide soundstage

All-in-all very well done Gustard!
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Sep 17, 2021 at 9:29 AM Post #4 of 1,351
Like my Gustard X26Pro as well..I have it for a few months now, it replaced my D90 (sold it) and I still have a RME ADI2 FS..

The Gustard is as detailed (could be bit more?) as the other two but much more natural sounding and gives more depth to the soundstage..Imaging is less pin point, but not as vague as on my previous Audio-GD NOS11, which made the soundstage incoherent to me..also the bass sucked rock IMO

On the D90, most obvious with piano music, like on the Blue Note Keith Jarrett Trio sessions, a rather unpleasant glare in the lower treble at times. The bass on the D90 had more meat to the bones but the Gustard has more detailed bass which I much prefer..You might differ especially if you like electronic bass/music..

The RME sounds very neutral, bit dry, has great seperation of instruments when listening to an orchestra but a bit too artificial for me, soundstage flat as a pancake

I hope this dac will last for ages, it has all I want for my (speaker)system
Sep 17, 2021 at 9:58 AM Post #5 of 1,351
Comparison with the Ares II is a must here seeing that you have them both. :)
Before the Gustard I used the Ares II almost exclusively with the GS-X mini and had many DACs come and go (Musician Pegasus, RME ADI-2 DAC, Audiophonics EVO-SABRE, Cayin iDAC-6 MK2, Geshelli Labs JNOG, M2Tech Young MKIII). But now with the X26 Pro I prefer this combination to the Ares II. Since soundstage, clarity, detail and authority in the bass are slightly better. With the X26 Pro you can get this 'slam' quality (if the headphone is also capable of) that the Ares II can not provide in this quality due its more softer/rounder approach. Its still a very good DAC overall, but now is only 2nd tier on the GS-X mini.
From a pure DAC point of view not even the TT2 is better than the Gustard in my opinion and preference.
Like my Gustard X26Pro as well..I have it for a few months now, it replaced my D90 (sold it) and I still have a RME ADI2 FS..

The Gustard is as detailed (could be bit more?) as the other two but much more natural sounding and gives more depth to the soundstage..Imaging is less pin point, but not as vague as on my previous Audio-GD NOS11, which made the soundstage incoherent to me..also the bass sucked rock IMO

On the D90, most obvious with piano music, like on the Blue Note Keith Jarrett Trio sessions, a rather unpleasant glare in the lower treble at times. The bass on the D90 had more meat to the bones but the Gustard has more detailed bass which I much prefer..You might differ especially if you like electronic bass/music..

The RME sounds very neutral, bit dry, has great seperation of instruments when listening to an orchestra but a bit too artificial for me, soundstage flat as a pancake

I hope this dac will last for ages, it has all I want for my (speaker)system
Which amp did you use the D90 and X26Pro with? Since lack of 'meat to the bones' I can not attest in combination with my GS-X mini :smirk:
Sep 17, 2021 at 10:17 AM Post #6 of 1,351
Marantz PM11S2 _> Harbeth SHL5+40th

Guess I did not express myself that well, what I meant was, D90 has a slightly thicker/fatter, but less detailed/natural bass on my system.. since the Gustard's bass is in no way thin or lacking ..very noticable with acoustic bass in Jazz trios for instance
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Nov 2, 2021 at 8:44 AM Post #8 of 1,351
How are you guys interfacing the Gustard dac to your pc? Are you using the USB connection? Or are you using on of the other various connections in order to bypass the MQA issues that happens only through the USB? Anyone using the Gustard U12 ddc for example to connect to their DAC via the other formats like i2s?

Did one of the setups sound better than the others?
Nov 5, 2021 at 1:21 PM Post #10 of 1,351
GoldenSound did a very nice review of it.

Just ordered one from Shenzhenaudio. Looking forward to getting it!

You will not regret it :sunglasses:! I still like my X26 Pro very much (I dont turn on the Ares II much anymore). I also can agree on most of the statements GoldenSound makes in his video.
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Nov 5, 2021 at 4:56 PM Post #11 of 1,351
You will not regret it :sunglasses:! I still like my X26 Pro very much (I dont turn on the Ares II much anymore). I also can agree on most of the statements GoldenSound makes in his video.

I'm coming from a BF2 and I'll be pairing it with an Auris Nirvana which I hope will make for a good pairing. I was thinking about getting a Spring 3, but just couldn't pull the trigger on it. I think this will be "good enough"...for now... :laughing:
Nov 7, 2021 at 3:41 AM Post #12 of 1,351
Anyone here got an Gustard a22? The previous dual akm version of the x26 pro?
Nov 21, 2021 at 5:26 PM Post #13 of 1,351
It's black friday and I wonder if I spend some money on a DAC. I read a lot about different DAC's and if it's worth to spend the money. Some say it's not worth it and probaly not audible. At the moment I drive my Arya's (stealth) with a small xDuoo for 200€ and my question is if I spend 1500€ for an Gustard or 900€ for an Topping D90se, is this a audible improvement?
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Nov 24, 2021 at 6:09 PM Post #14 of 1,351
It's black friday and I wonder if I spend some money on a DAC. I read a lot about different DAC's and if it's worth to spend the money. Some say it's not worth it and probaly not audible. At the moment I drive my Arya's (stealth) with a small xDuoo for 200€ and my question is if I spend 1500€ for an Gustard or 900€ for an Topping D90se, is this a audible improvement?

You should buy a new amp. Arya require a ton of power and scale extremely well with better amps. Your money would make the biggest difference there. The DAC is the last thing you should replace. In terms of whether something is audible or not, even when I click between the filters on the X26, I hear a radical difference in sound. However, this is also with the Susvara, so, your entire chain will matter.
Nov 25, 2021 at 8:37 AM Post #15 of 1,351
You should buy a new amp. Arya require a ton of power and scale extremely well with better amps. Your money would make the biggest difference there. The DAC is the last thing you should replace. In terms of whether something is audible or not, even when I click between the filters on the X26, I hear a radical difference in sound. However, this is also with the Susvara, so, your entire chain will matter.
Thanks! I just bought a D90se and A50s and compared to the Hiby R6 pro it's not night and day, but it sounds more revealing, less sharp, cleaner bass and with better separation. Even the Mest sound much more musical (a bit thicker and warmer). The Arya's (stealth) and a balanced cable have enough headroom connected with the Hiby but some music sounded bright and shouty. With Topping DAC/AMP it is warmer without sounding muffled. I like it.


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