GUSTARD DAC-R26 Balanced Decoder R2R+1Bit Dual Native Decoding Music Bridge
Apr 7, 2023 at 3:03 AM Post #5,416 of 9,218
It is connected to the R26 with a Sine Waves output, and the Gustard C2 cable.
You prefere sine vs square after tests. It's my first choice to. I'm waitin for a Messi&Paoloni cable before finalise this choice.
Apr 7, 2023 at 3:10 AM Post #5,417 of 9,218
@Dandoudou Appreciate you're quite a fan of Diretta (I need to look into it properly) - I see this was just released by Afterdark... looks right up your street, incl an option with an ext clock input..
  • The optical isolation is a standard option. (It was a paid option).
    • The motherboard seems to be built on the one of Lucia. (Lucia is a streamer that was developed by the company that developed Diretta). It has more settings to tune Diretta than the driver for Rpi.
    • - It has a 10 mHz input, which is not common on Rpi streamers that are Diretta capable with GentooPlayer, AudioLinux.
    • The device offers a simplicity for Windows users who are reluctant to enter a learning curve of Linux Distributions (GentooPlayer, AudioLinux). Nevertheless, on a Windows PC as a Diretta Host, even with Fidelizer Pro, the sound quality is not as good in comparison to a Linux based Diretta Host.
    • With its 10 mHz input option, the new Diretta capable Rosanna costs €1,100 + custom fees + a good external 5V LPS (anything between €200 for an Allo Shanti and €600 for a Farad).

      All in all, Rosanna costs between one and a half and twice the price of the Holo Red. The Red combines a Rpi based streamer and a good DDC. To make the Holo Red Diretta capable, it’s necessary to buy a license of GentooPlayer (€69 for a lifetime), and a license for Diretta.
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Apr 7, 2023 at 3:24 AM Post #5,418 of 9,218
You prefere sine vs square after tests. It's my first choice to. I'm waitin for a Messi&Paoloni cable before finalise this choice.
Actually, with my OCK-1, I have only one 50 ohms output. It's a Sine output, and I use it with the R26.
I ordered a customized version of the clock from Beatechenik with 1x 50 ohms output, and 2x 75 ohms. I did it, because I was considering buying the R-8HE, and I wanted one 75 output for this DAC, one for EtheREGEN, and 50 ohms for the DI-20HE. Finally, I bought the R26 instead of the R-8HE.
I'm going either modify one of the 75 ohms outputs into 50 ohms or replace the OCK-1 by an OCK-2.

As I have two 75 outputs, one is Sine, and the other is Square.
EtherREGEN performs better with Sine. I connect it to the clock with the Oyaide DB-510 cable.
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Apr 7, 2023 at 3:33 AM Post #5,419 of 9,218
If only they were in stock, I purchase from Audiophonics as I'm residing in the EU, if you look you will see that there is a note below the shopping cart selector 'incoming stock 25th May - 1 June'. Last year it stated incoming stock from around April so lead times are getting longer.
You are right. Sorry, I did not pay attention.

I would be using the Kali with a Rpi3B+ with the Allo Isolator board separately powered below the Kali reclocker as intended by the designer, which should help the sound out and not cause issues. As with all things in music reproduction power supply is everything....well almost everything playing with the type of LPS or battery usually reaps good results.
It's beneficial to power the boards separately. That's what I've been doing.

Could you elaborate on how the DI-20HE gives slightly better sound?
The difference is not huge, I would say that it is about 5%. But there's more magic to the sound. It's more holographic.
Apr 7, 2023 at 3:52 AM Post #5,420 of 9,218
Actually, with my OCK-1, I have only one 50 ohms output. It's a Sine output, and I use it with the R26.
@Dandoudou : Thanks for the precision.
Re clocks generally - agree with...
@Jake2 :
I agree with all the comments, but I do not have the objective elements to judge the contribution of the clocks by comparing R26 and A26. I assumed that the impact was not the same, especially more efficient on the R2R, but the fact that Jake2 listens in DSD limits this assumption. On the subjective side of things, the R26 gets a lot more press and yet, objectively, I think the A26 is more mature.
On the sine vs square, it is preferable, in theory, to do the transformation as close to the clock as possible but it all depends on the architecture, the dac, the line losses, etc.
Spontaneously, many prefer sine (for LHY) to square. But again, this is for the R26 and we have no technical information on how the clock signal is processed. We can only observe that by making the change on the fly... no white or suspicious noise. I think the galvanic isolation is good... but nothing objective.
Once again, you have to trust your ears and make choices according to your tastes, leaving the door open to (good) surprises.

For Diretta, I am more questioning. I think that the investment will produce a quality sound but different and that with dac which allow a direct management of the stream via lan, one can do without the USB. Adding a processing intermediary will improve the signal but will again add noise (power supply, cable, etc).
I removed the superfluous: direct lan link (crossed) between the HQPlayer/Roon server and my A26. No more switch. I just put an iSilencer Lan behind.
Apr 7, 2023 at 4:14 AM Post #5,422 of 9,218
@Dandoudou : Thanks for the precision.

@Jake2 :
I agree with all the comments, but I do not have the objective elements to judge the contribution of the clocks by comparing R26 and A26. I assumed that the impact was not the same, especially more efficient on the R2R, but the fact that Jake2 listens in DSD limits this assumption. On the subjective side of things, the R26 gets a lot more press and yet, objectively, I think the A26 is more mature.
On the sine vs square, it is preferable, in theory, to do the transformation as close to the clock as possible but it all depends on the architecture, the dac, the line losses, etc.
Spontaneously, many prefer sine (for LHY) to square. But again, this is for the R26 and we have no technical information on how the clock signal is processed. We can only observe that by making the change on the fly... no white or suspicious noise. I think the galvanic isolation is good... but nothing objective.
Once again, you have to trust your ears and make choices according to your tastes, leaving the door open to (good) surprises.

For Diretta, I am more questioning. I think that the investment will produce a quality sound but different and that with dac which allow a direct management of the stream via lan, one can do without the USB. Adding a processing intermediary will improve the signal but will again add noise (power supply, cable, etc).
I removed the superfluous: direct lan link (crossed) between the HQPlayer/Roon server and my A26. No more switch. I just put an iSilencer Lan behind.
In principle, Square Waves should be better with a very good clock, but Sine are more forgiving, so they sound better with the affordable LHY clocks.

The sound improvement with Diretta is due to an extremely low noise level of the Target, as all the tasks are performed by the Host.
If you apply optical isolation for the Target, the level of noise that reaches the DAC is very low. The FMCs remove not only the noise of the LAN, but also the noise of your Roon/HQPlayer server.
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Apr 7, 2023 at 4:26 AM Post #5,424 of 9,218
I’m from Singapore which uses 230V like Europe. Meaning I need to get 2.5A fuse from online website like partsconnexion?

And what if I use 3.15A?
Nothing will happen, though the protection of the DAC is theoretically lower.
I'm in Europe, and I'm using a 3.15A.
Apr 7, 2023 at 5:30 AM Post #5,425 of 9,218
In principle, Square Waves should be better with a very good clock, but Sine are more forgiving, so they sound better with the affordable LHY clocks.

The sound improvement with Diretta is due to an extremely low noise level of the Target, as all the tasks are performed by the Host.
If you apply optical isolation for the Target, the level of noise that reaches the DAC is very low. The FMCs remove not only the noise of the LAN, but also the noise of your Roon/HQPlayer server.
I see your host is separate from your Roon core server (Mac Mini), I presume that isn’t essential given the separate target, just an optimisation?
Apr 7, 2023 at 5:47 AM Post #5,426 of 9,218
I see your host is separate from your Roon core server (Mac Mini), I presume that isn’t essential given the separate target, just an optimisation?
I use the Mac Mini by convenience, and because it has the horsepower to upsample with HQPlayer. But there's no Diretta driver for macOS, there are drivers only for Linux and Windows.
So, I stream from the Mac to the Host with RAAT/NAA/UPNP, the Host processes the sound, and it streams the rendered sound to the Target with the Diretta protocol. There's no drop in sound quality by proceeding this way. There's also no drop in sound quality, if the player is on an iOS or an Android device. The drop in sound quality occurs only when the player is on a Windows PC.

The best results with Windows as a server (or a Diretta Host) are achieved with Windows 10 Server, and Windows 11 Server, yet, they remain inferior.
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Apr 7, 2023 at 6:20 AM Post #5,427 of 9,218
I removed the superfluous: direct lan link (crossed) between the HQPlayer/Roon server and my A26. No more switch. I just put an iSilencer Lan behind.
Do you mean you’ve bridged an Ethernet connection on your server direct to the A26?

I tried bridging my Mac mini‘s built in ethernet port to a USB-Ethernet adaptor but couldn’t get it to work.

How do you find the LAN iSilencer?
Apr 7, 2023 at 8:01 AM Post #5,428 of 9,218
@mgsu @Capri87

Gustard recommends using the 3.15 A.

When I asked you why you installed a 2.5 instead of a 3.15A, it was because the 2.15A meets the standard that the R26 works smoothly.

They also said that the 2.5 is sufficient for normal listeners and the 3.15 has an audiophile orientation.

My recommendation is that if you want to buy a better fuse without further ado, go straight for the 3.15a.
You can stay with the 2.5a and the improvements will be subtle, not necessarily better.

I'm not going to say that the 3.15 will deliver more bass, midrange, etc. because it's fuse specific what their characteristics are that they bring to the table, be it honest or true sound colouration or other things.

The best way is to judge your R26 what you are missing from the personal side and then look for which fuse could bring that from your expectation.
Keep in mind, however, that much of the change will be subtle.
No giant leaps like with cables or amplifiers etc....

My personal fuse is the Refine fuse which is not expensive and brings exactly what I think the R26 was missing.
Apr 7, 2023 at 8:06 AM Post #5,429 of 9,218
A question for those of you who are experienced with fuses.

I use the R26 with an Acme fuse.
Is it worth buying for it a SR Purple? Would it make a big difference?
Apr 7, 2023 at 8:36 AM Post #5,430 of 9,218
Btw. I am not here to troll lhy in any way. All sincere questions. If the sw 10 or Oct 2 is fully legit, I would consider buying one.
I sold my pontus 2 for the R26 as well, and I’m on a similar upgrade path for my fiber network. The LHY clocks are great and have many here have great things to say about them. Those published figures that were removed were from the LHY ock1 having a few confirmed conflicting measurements. Some units matched factory spec, some didn’t, some exceeded. The sw10 should not have any of those issues.
LHY only seems to kinda piss people off because they keep releasing products that under cut themselves and thus us the consumer lol.
You buy their flagship clock ock2 and sw8 switch then a month later they release the sw10 with and even better clock and fiber port for less money!!
Personally I’m waiting till the summer to upgrade my fiber. The sw10 has everything I want except waaaay to many Ethernet ports. Im a gear person and rack my brain around why or what hifi guy needs 8 Ethernet ports!!!
There is a new EtherRegen coming that might check our same boxes.

Also there is the Sonore Optical module deluxe that could pair nicely as an upgraded 2 “clean” side FMC.

Im huge on the LAN input over DDCs.
Welcome to our rabbit hole.

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