Grado RS2 Redesign?
Sep 3, 2007 at 6:12 PM Post #256 of 353

Originally Posted by F107plus5 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
But I'm still not sure that the lack of the buttons isn't just Johns' sense of style coming to play here, and not simply a cost cutting measure. The new woodies do in fact share the same style cues as the GS1K which is Johns first real new phone design.

Heh, I love people ignoring a major QC issue and saying it was intentional. Crap, its more likely one of the 'Friday Afternoon' models.

You have to accept these types of errors to crop up in man-made stuff occasionally.
Sep 3, 2007 at 6:37 PM Post #257 of 353

Originally Posted by Chri5peed /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Heh, I love people ignoring a major QC issue and saying it was intentional. Crap, its more likely one of the 'Friday Afternoon' models.

You have to accept these types of errors to crop up in man-made stuff occasionally.

I highly doubt the lettering is done by hand.
Sep 3, 2007 at 6:46 PM Post #258 of 353
As long as the QC issues are addressed, I think the new design will grow on people. Personally, I think the lack of a button is an improvement with respect to looks, and in my HF-1 at least, there was a noticable difference in sound, and one that I preferred. Grados seem to be very sensitive to reflected sound. That said, it's all for nothing if there is a continuing trend of poor workmanship. As someone who has made my own Grado wood cups, I can attest that the woodworking aspect just comes down to an attention to detail... An attention that seems to be lacking as of late.
Sep 3, 2007 at 6:51 PM Post #259 of 353

Originally Posted by Chu /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I highly doubt the lettering is done by hand.

Wrong thread. D'oh
Sep 3, 2007 at 8:39 PM Post #260 of 353

Originally Posted by en480c4 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
As long as the QC issues are addressed, I think the new design will grow on people. Personally, I think the lack of a button is an improvement with respect to looks, and in my HF-1 at least, there was a noticable difference in sound, and one that I preferred. Grados seem to be very sensitive to reflected sound. That said, it's all for nothing if there is a continuing trend of poor workmanship. As someone who has made my own Grado wood cups, I can attest that the woodworking aspect just comes down to an attention to detail... An attention that seems to be lacking as of late.

You know the more I am thinking about it (as a person who is seriously itching to buy a new RS-1 at this time, this has thrown a monkey wrench into my purchasing decision) I agree with everything you stated. The new buttonless look is growing on me and I really had no problem with that (it looks okay). It is the trend of deteriorating lack of attention and lessening dedication to their Grado craftsmanship and workmanship that concerns me and which I don't like (as in the photos of the poorly spaced new font text and off center engravings and the spotted pitted black ink in the rough unpolished wood cup of one of the RS-1 photos that I've seen posted) and that worries me. I am concerned for this $695 headphone what will I get in the box when I receive it... if I bought it today... scary!
Sep 3, 2007 at 10:07 PM Post #261 of 353

Originally Posted by unbiased /img/forum/go_quote.gif
It is the trend of deteriorating lack of attention and lessening dedication to their Grado craftsmanship and workmanship that concerns me and which I don't like

We are not talking about the same batch of people here who have masterfully fabricated and assembled the components of my beautiful set of MS2i. They may still have a process or two out of control at the moment, and a learning curve that still needs to be climbed, but don't blame the fabricators or assemblers cause they have proven to me that they can do a great job with proper tooling and seasoned processes. If the looks are more important than the sound, then wait a while till the tooling and manufacturing experience catches up.
Sep 3, 2007 at 10:29 PM Post #262 of 353

Originally Posted by F107plus5 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
They may still have a process or two out of control at the moment, and a learning curve that still needs to be climbed, but don't blame the fabricators or assemblers cause they have proven to me that they can do a great job with proper tooling and seasoned processes. If the looks are more important than the sound, then wait a while till the tooling and manufacturing experience catches up.

Any other company and these would be factory 2nds selling @ 50-60% of retail, not commanding a premium price. The customer shouldn't have to foot the bill while they figure out how to adjust to a new process. The headphones made with sub-standard cups never should been assembled... The cups shouldn't have left the wood shop looking like that, they never should have accepted by Grado, and drivers never should have been glued into them. Those problems should have been caught at any number of points in the process, and I can't imagine how poor the resale value is going to be for someone who didn't send them back on the spot.
Sep 3, 2007 at 10:38 PM Post #263 of 353
^ Thats I steer clear of Grado's, you're never 100% certain you'll get what you've bought. One RS-1 might be much better built than another.

Hot-gluing $500 items is bad too, has John Grado never heard of screws or interference fits/clips?
Sep 3, 2007 at 11:23 PM Post #264 of 353

Originally Posted by F107plus5 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
They may still have a process or two out of control at the moment

The idea that you would use that statement as a defense pretty much seals you as the world's best Grado apologist.


Originally Posted by F107plus5 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
If the looks are more important than the sound, then wait a while till the tooling and manufacturing experience catches up.

I'd sincerely doubt you'd be singing the same tune if your precious MS2i's looked half as bad as some of the examples we've seen in this thread. And what sucks even more is that if folks do decide to send the headphones back most likely it's going to be Headroom, Todd and the like that suffer as a result. If Grado sent them out this way I'm forced to assume that they won't be replacing them in dealer's stock.
Sep 4, 2007 at 12:02 AM Post #266 of 353

Originally Posted by Chu /img/forum/go_quote.gif
If you truly are displeased, you might want to send a letter to, which is the contact point that they give on their website.

Just in case the message isn't sinking in back at Grado HQ yet.

Make sure to provide them with a link to this thread, as well as this poll.
Sep 4, 2007 at 3:50 AM Post #268 of 353
Wouldnt you think some of the dealers would notice that the RS1s and 2s look a little different when they get their shipments in, and pass the info on to the customer before he or she shells out alot of money and almost has a stroke after opening the box!!!!! I know its probebly grados fault, but damn the dealers should be paying a little more attention to what their selling.
Sep 4, 2007 at 10:41 AM Post #270 of 353
I've recieved the RS-1 from MrSlacker.
at first, it was a shock!!!.
the lettering is uuugly and it's looking cheeeaaaappp.
these new ones aren't as finished/slick as the older ones.

the wood used for those new ones, i prefer it more than the older version.
somehow this unfinished look has got something.
it reminds me the ugly philips lhh 2000 cd-player. ugly but very good sounding.

let's hope the new RS-1 has the same qualities as the philips.

suggestion for these new RS-1's; no lettering, keep it natural all the way.

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