Grado RS1 impressions
Oct 1, 2007 at 1:35 PM Post #31 of 37

It beat the ad2000? please tell us more. I am interested to know what you will miss with the ad2000 if the rs1 becomes the one and only

I'd really like to know that as well. I really liked the MS pro, but it's totally unlikely that I can get one. If the RS1 beats the AD2000 in most aspects, I may end up with an RS2, which is quite a bit cheaper.
Oct 1, 2007 at 1:54 PM Post #32 of 37
But why it is so surprising that RS1 beats AD2k


Originally Posted by aaron-xp /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I'd really like to know that as well. I really liked the MS pro, but it's totally unlikely that I can get one. If the RS1 beats the AD2000 in most aspects, I may end up with an RS2, which is quite a bit cheaper.

Oct 1, 2007 at 2:34 PM Post #34 of 37

Originally Posted by Blackmore /img/forum/go_quote.gif
But why it is so surprising that RS1 beats AD2k

Because AD2k is one of those headphones that being praised to heavens but i am not really impressed by it for the price.
Oct 1, 2007 at 3:20 PM Post #35 of 37
Third, while the Gilmore Lite probably wouldn't be an ideal sonic pairing for it for most people, I find myself preferring it - it increases the PRAT and energy to an addictive level!

You are right, for most people the Gilmore Lite is probably not the best match for the Grados. That match up tends to be awfully bright.

I don't listen to a great deal of classical, but what i do the RS1 works perfectly well for me. I'll grant you that they don't produce a false 'speaker like' soundsatge, but i happen to enjoy the headstage all the same.

I do listen to a lot of "classical" music, and in general, the Grado are inferior to other brands of headphones for listening to this genre of music. Since you don't listen to much in the way of "classical", they may be all you need. On the other hand they can be outstanding with jazz.

- augustwest
Oct 2, 2007 at 12:36 AM Post #36 of 37

Originally Posted by donunus /img/forum/go_quote.gif
It beat the ad2000? please tell us more. I am interested to know what you will miss with the ad2000 if the rs1 becomes the one and only


Originally Posted by aaron-xp /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I'd really like to know that as well. I really liked the MS pro, but it's totally unlikely that I can get one. If the RS1 beats the AD2000 in most aspects, I may end up with an RS2, which is quite a bit cheaper.


Originally Posted by Blackmore /img/forum/go_quote.gif
But why it is so surprising that RS1 beats AD2k

I make one simple statement and it proceeds to get misinterpreted....

I didn't say the RS1 beats the AD2000, I only said it was too early to call it a favorite above the AD2000. And I really don't like how so many people on this forum try to say that one headphone is better than another either - there are trade-offs with every headphone, no single one is perfect. There are some aspects in which the RS1 does better than HD650, K701, or AD2000, but I definitely would not say it's better than any of them - those other three do some things the RS1 can't.

In any case the RS1 is definitely an excellent headphone, highly suitable for certain types of music as I and others have said. It maintains crystal clarity just like the K701, and in fact while listening to it, it makes me think about the K701.
But unlike the K701 it doesn't open up the soundstage, and it has more attitude and energy while retaining relatively even balance across the spectrum.

As far as versus the AD2000, there's no way I could live only with the RS1 with the music I listen to, that's for sure. Some people could, but not me, I listen to electronica way too much, and the AD2000's bass output is at the perfect level for me - deep, powerful, fast, and not boomy. The RS1's bass just isn't at the same level.
Oct 2, 2007 at 1:19 AM Post #37 of 37
Odd that it makes you think of the K701...I dislike that headphone and think it's one of the most overrated on this forum. Everyone has different ears, though

I do agree that you can't say one can is undeniably better than another, though. Sure, I dislike the K701 and loooove the RS-1, but I'm not going to say the RS-1 is the definite champ for every just happens to be the best I've heard, to my ears and in my system.

That brings me to another point: bass. I'm somewhat of a basshead, and bass is one of my highest criteria when judging a headphone. As I said earlier, I tried the RS-1 at a meet and came away somewhat let-down. In my own system at home, the bass on the RS-1 is HUUUGE (with bowls!), very nearly as much quantity as the D2000. It's crazy how much cans can vary from system to system. I know nearly everyone on this forum probably disagrees with me, but Grados do scale almost as well or even more than the Senns. Sure, they sound great underamped compared to the Senns, but they can make large gains with the right system.

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