The pair of RS1s in quesiton (Classic B serial #1059) I bought from a gentleman in Edmonton in January '06. I seem to recall this serial number indicaitng they were built around '01. I bought a RA1 as part of the same transaction, and it continues to function flawlessly.
I bought a pair of SR325s new in mid 2002, and still have them (now MAGNUM'd, hence selling the RS1s).
Comparing the SR325s and RS1s, which I did plenty of, I can't say I ever noticed anything particularly strange about cable on the the RS1s... I'm wearing the SR325s right now and would say things do feel a bit stiffer above the Y joint than below. Perhaps it's something about the cable they were using in manufacturing around this time frame?
I seem to recall reading when I was in the process of buying the SR325s that the SR325s and above used different cable from the SR225s and below...
Certainly during the time I owned the RS1s, they were in constant use and never stored anywhere I wouldn't store myself! They did travel with me fairly often but always as carry on... if they were ever exposed to low temperatures, it would have been very briefly, and inside a thickly padded laptop bag.
I'd hate to think of anyone having problems with gear I've sold them so soon after a transaction... if you aren't happy, kite7, please do get in touch with me! Perhaps you'd be curious to compare the cable on your RS1s to that on my SR325s? Heck, even if you'd like me to buy them back, I'd prefer that to knowing someone is out there dissatisfied with the condition of something they've bought from me.